This is not a parody account and he's not a leftist taking the piss. Americans really are this fucked in the head

This is not a parody account and he's not a leftist taking the piss. Americans really are this fucked in the head.



I do not believe you.

To be fair, he's right. We just need AI for the drones because human error could result in collateral damage. It's gonna take 5-10 years.

Are you retarded? How is the drone going to work indoors?

and what are they going to do? will shoot a missile in the school's entrance?

i wonder myself some days how americans are living so good with this level of autism

Are drones gonna be the next guns?

>no source

How the fuck do you imagine that would work? I'm a programmer of A.I among other things, and I would NEVER trust it with guns.

Human error is just as dangerous in A.I. minus the actual judgment part, so it can be even more dangerous.

Collateral damage is always going to be a factor. You can't get away from that.

this isn't gun problem you retards.
Can't you see there is always pattern to those shootings?
bullied, allienated kid is frustrated that everytime he goes to school he gets shat on by chads, stacies and other normies
if you'd be kicked in the balls your entire childhood you'd one day snap too but all of you in your normal schools will never understand it with your stupid "moral" high ground.
Fix schools themvelvs first
i never understood US idea that the bullied child is supposed to serve same punishment as bully.
>Jamal and his ape gang were picking on you?
>good thing you told us, we can help you by giving you the same punishment those nogs get
fix schools and i can gurantee you there won'y be any school shootings


The adult male wasn't even a student at that school when he did the shooting. The victims weren't his classmates, they were seemingly chosen at random rather than targeted. I think despite being bullied or whatever mr. maga hat just wanted infamy. His YouTube comment seemed to say as much.

Well obviously. These shootings are used politically to push an agenda but no solutions to the real problem, social isolation and abuse, are presented.

>shoot a Hellfire missile from a Predator at a school to stop a shooting
>ends up killing 30 more kids and the shooter
>"Killer is neutralized! Mission accomplished!"

Nobody with a proper education raised in a healthy enviroment would want to "gain infamy". Then again, we live in very fucked up times.

this is what they'll say when will take your kids away

Didn't something like this happen once? Where they accidently killed all the hostages but said it was ok because at least they got the guy?

You can't force people to be raised in a healthy environment though. Once that damage has been done you can't just undo it. There is treatment but if you're fucked up mentally what are the chances you're going to respond to it? I've been through it all before. I wish nobody else had to but it's really ignorant to think you can force everyone to be nice.

In all honestly it would be much better if would be school shooters brutally and violently beat the people that bullied them instead of shooting randoms. But they aren't the most rational types.

Some people once said airplanes could never work reliably and safely

Waco? I wouldn't call it an accident.

wheel and belt motherfucker

In America? I don't think so, they have to pretend to care.

Russia has no such qualms, they just gas the hostages too. Sucks to be them.

Do they really believe their crappy remington is going to save them from the US military?

don't change the subject, we're not talking about his milita crap

if teachers and students all had a gun then school shootings wouldnt happen

more like if teacher would actually do something about bullying there wouldn't be any school shootings

I dont think you understand how difficult it is to convince the average american to stop hating and start caring about another person, much less a teenager

You seem unusually concerned with bullying in schools. Is there something you'd like to share with us, besides your lunch money?

it could be a foreign military as well, watch red dawn (the first one)

He’ll get to go outside at recess.

It's no easier here. Only difference is we can't go pick up a gun and shoot everyone. Honestly, that is the only difference.

Yeah, but more often than not they didn't make that leap in 5 years.

There's also a big difference in creating an artificially flying killbot and a bus with wings. We're talking morals, ethics and if it's even remotely close to anything we should do.

If this is made, I can tell you right now it won't be to protect schools.

i can bet my savings that the first AI created won't be military one but sex bot one

have you any idea of how modern insurgencies work? You don't fight them in proper battles, you blend in with civilians and use hit and run style tactics. massive amounts of armed citizens essentially makes America unconquerable


That's what nukes are for.