I hope Cersei can stop this bitch otherwise she is going to flood westeros with third world trash and change the face...

I hope Cersei can stop this bitch otherwise she is going to flood westeros with third world trash and change the face of westeros forever.

It's just a plotpoint to get Dothraki Wights in the last season

I can't help but agree. I've been trying to suspend my disbelief in the matter for the sake of my enjoyment of the program. I honestly just fucking hate every aspect of Dany.

Cercei = Trump
Yas Queen = Hillary

What do you think is going to happen?

Anyone got a link to episode 4?

Who gives a shit, you don't live there

This is the ultimate starbucks nufemale fantasy of being the mothering savior of all the unwashed brown masses.


>kill native men in westeros during the many different wars
>replace them with military aged dothraki men
dany is a real liberal thinking leader

Sick of these people

its a redpill on female leaders and decision makers. baes d&d turned grrms personal sex fantasy into a redpilled show aboud females and castrated men (a symbol for feminist numales) ruining a continent.

>not realizing GoT is just pro-immigrant pro-feminism propaganda

I want Cersei to die and Jaime to have the throne.

why can't you retards stay in your general?

wtf I hate Cersei now

Mate, it's been 7 years, you should be used to this by now.

isnt this bitch like 5 foot even? how do they make her look tall in shots like this?


It's over whiteboi

She has sex with Jon Snow, who cares.

>the dothraki rape, it was beautiful

Westerosi women need BDC (big dothraki cock)

She is liberating them.

whens he going tell jon he ain't a stark?

hes waiting for jon&dany sex scene first. cant risk that by telling jon. the guy is a little creep

Jon is a Stark