What is going to be done about yellowstone, Sup Forums?

What is going to be done about yellowstone, Sup Forums?

Eventually it will erupt and fuck everyone's shit up

Is there anything we can do?

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He can't fuck your shit up if you kill yourself first.

>Is there anything we can do?

Why the fuck do you want to do something anyway?

Let the planet do what it's meant to do. Besides, a cataclysmic event is much needed to offset this PC/SJW/Cucked world of ours.

>he want's to stop the happening
look at this shill

we just wait for magmadolf to give the u.s a nice thank you for ww2

So I guess the sun will be blocked out from ash and soot. Like the Matrix movies.

>9 months ago Yellowstone went up
>I'm hungry, cold and tired. My skin is grey from the fallout, and civilisation is crumbling around me
>on the plus side, no Muslims
>such is life in the ash

Everybody get together and drop a bucket of water on it.

Yellowstone will not erupt.

Yellowstone WILL erupt

Sorry guys, no answer today.

look at the size of that pimple

Ban assault volcanoes.

dude just plug the hole

If the TPTB weren't concerned when they that huge bunker in Colorado you shouldn't be either.

Just fuckin nuke it until its dead

I know it would be a huge geoengineering feat but we have done big, dangerous projects before - don't understand why some power companies or even the government haven't tried to vent places like Yellowstone and run steam turbines for power.

Just declare a no eruption zone.

make it a cheap housing area for immigrants and refugees.

The loss of power over the distance it takes to transport electricity from Yellowstone to any market would eat up the profit of such a venture.

nuke it

We die


Couldn't we build a huge drill to draw out some of the magma at the base of the volcano like puss from an abscess?

after the yellowstone blows up we will start building pyramids ans shiet

You can praise kek to enhance the destruction