Women and Equal Rights

Women should be outraged at how we are represented in America today.


How many in Sup Forums are aware that we're still having to fight for equal rights with men?

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thanks to them we've had 50 years of "democracy" in the USA.

What is that supposed to mean?

I'll admit we need to eliminate the wage gap.

Women are just sex tools for men. No rights needed. Or do you think your dildo should have equal rights to you?


Your argument makes it sound like you're the sex toys that don't need the vote

Noodles with rice, what a fucking degenerate

Like the right to fight on the frontline?

Was she eating? I just see some great dim sum titties

Your picture is a good example at how women are misrepresented.

The wage gap doesn't exist due to sexism you faggots.

What do you based your claim on?

The fact that it's been debunked and due to 23 different external factors. The figure feminists tout is both dishonest and ignorant of basic statistics.

On the job statistics. When women dominate young child care at 99% and men dominate trades and jobs that are actually beneficial for society someone is going to be compensated properly.

overtime you dumb cunt.


Women are earning 60% of college degrees. How is that equal? If you are anything but outraged by this statistic you are a hypocrate and need to go back to my rape dungeon stat.

Women have to dominate those lower paying jobs because men control the better paying trades for themselves.

I demand equal employment in coal mining and pipe fitting for women.

Acting like women aren't over privileged today.

You women honestly need a good hand to the face so you can get the fuck back in the kitchen and let men handle civilization

I think it's a pretty accurate description of the world's most entitled creature who embraces victimhood and carries zero personal responsibility for any of her actions.

Do equal work=get equal pay

Dont take days off for "women problems" and maybe the company will promote you

Lot of shills in here today

Women need to have all their rights taken if the US wants to survive.

Sign the fucking draft and dont cheat on your deployed husband with Tyrone and maybe we can talk.

youtu.be/OpYXn1e2PHg Guy used to believe in the wage gap and then did huge research himself. It's also been debunked multiple times, just google the wage gap myth

Also, younger women are now out earning younger men

because men are capable of doing those jobs. Women are not men, you are not as strong as men, you are not as smart as men. Considering young child care has been proven ineffective it looks more like a racket now to try and draw you out of the home. Ask yourself, who supports this?

When you figure out its a specific group of people who want your entire race erased it will make sense.

We are not equal, not men and women, not black and white, it is the way it is. Women can turn a house into a home, you are the second half that needs to be strong for a society to function.

However, you are not strong now. You are weaker than you ever have been. Our society is turning into a smoldering shit hole because you fucking dumb cunts believed the Jews.

No they don't, women just don't want to go into them.


maybe. Most women are just annoying. Women don't even like working with women.


Men don't have a monopoly on higher paying jobs. In fact, women should be dominating the workforce, sinc you lot are graduating college at a higher rate than men. Yet you are either too depressed or too unmotivated than your male counterparts to want to push towards better, high paying work. You avoid high risk, high reward industries, and you're less likely to negotiate for higher pay, like your male contemporaries. It isn't a wage gap "myth", it's a misunderstanding cause you fags keep pushing this narrative that society doesn't care about women and so you aren't being properly compensated

51% of the population

We need to put eliminating women's suffrage back on the table, because they abuse it so much. Women have proven that these sort of decisions should be left to men. Women vote for whoever they think is more attractive, and they vote for communists. A woman vote is a vote for communism. A woman vote is a vote against historical knowledge. A woman vote is a vote for ignorance.

Fuck off kayla

Based on that recent study its because they quit at the first sign of difficulty.

>We are not equal, not men and women, not black and white, it is the way it is

To add to this, that does not mean anyone should be treated with in equality from out laws perspective.

You know who has been treated favorably for years? Women.

Used to be that made sense, until the rockefellers funded the feminism movement to double the tax base and erode everyones collective wages.

Look at how muslim women are treated, they can't even drive cars in their country. American females have it good.

Show me your nipples.

Tits or gtfo

I would stick my dick in that girl's mashed potatoes.

Fuck that's fried rice not mashed potatoes. Somebody shoot my in my god damn mother fucking face

There are millions more men doing low paying manual and menial jobs than there are CEOs, lawyers and doctors. Of course your kind only seems to look up when complaining about supposed social inequalities.

>that fake americanized chinese food

Jesus Christ, atleast the white breasts are good.

I'll bite. What rights are granted to men but not women?

Don't be catty, do your job well, and hope for the best.

What do males who make shit wages, because their bosses treat them like garbage, get to blame it on?

equal does not mean identical