The "Wounded Boy In Orange Seat" movie: a US/UK production?

>There are about 15 men standing around the scene and doing nothing. (Next to a "just bombed" site in a warzone? No fear of a double-tap strike?) At least two more men, besides the videographer, are taking pictures or videos.

>Another kid is carried into the ambulance. In the background there is someone with a white helmet wearing a shirt of the U.S./UK financed "White Helmets" propaganda group.

>An animated wounded man is walked towards the ambulance.

>Like the boy, the man seems to have a wound at the upper head. But like the boy he is not bleeding at all. There is some red colored substance on his face but no blood is flowing. That is astonishing.

>When I rode ambulances as a first-responder, people with head wounds always bled like stuck pigs (they often messed up the car which I then had to clean). As WebMD notes:

>Minor cuts on the head often bleed heavily because the face and scalp have many blood vessels close to the surface of the skin. Although this amount of bleeding may be alarming, many times the injury is not severe ...

>The amount of red colored substance on the boy and the man do not correspond to the amount one would expect from even a minor head wound. There are also no bandages applied or anything else that could have been used to stop an actual head wound from bleeding.

Was this staged by the US/UK to throw the blame on Russia and Syria?

I'm genuinely interested in the truth.

Other urls found in this thread:

>questioning the narrative

bad goy

not staged imo, there's obviously conflict there

the question is why should we care about a bloodied arab kid. they'll continue to die

Mahmoud Raslan is called an al-Jazeera Mubasheen photoreporter, but he has no other online work.

Suddenly he can produce pictures of a quality that is usable by Reuters.

Also his pictures with the boy in the orange seat are not posted on the al-Jazeera site, even though the media claims he is employed there.


>>Minor cuts on the head often bleed heavily because the face and scalp have many blood vessels close to the surface of the skin.
oh I know this shit
>slammed a little maybe 2kg aluminium bar on my head in a truck
>complete truck looked like there was a murder scene

but still, the bleeding stops eventually and you're left with dried blood just like this kid

Shouldn't kids who just went through a near-death scary experience be crying loud?

They are both so quiet. The girl is like meditating, just staring in front of her. They're like waiting calmly for the adults to do what they're supposed to do. The adults are crying out hysterically, the kids are pacific.


>Shouldn't kids who just went through a near-death scary experience be crying loud?

i'm not saying the kid shouldn't be scared - sure

i'm saying that doesn't need to result in a further public reaction for millions of arabs to swarm into europe

aylan kurdi died as his dad wanted some new teeth and canada turned him down

The spin on this story was that they were the victims of a Russian/Syrian bomb attack.

That was very convenient for the US.

Also, don't you find it odd that this material was not published on the site, which is Mahmoud Raslan's employer according to UK media? He is the guy who took the pictures and the movie.

They published the CNN video, as if they couldn't get the original from their actual employee.

I'm not saying that it wasn't staged, but still, we can't win this fight anyway

the libshits didn't care when it came out what mr said

>kid gets bombed in a warzone
>wow this must be staged by muh ebil jewish zorros
Like they couldn't just find a real bombing victim? Not everything has to be a fucking deep conspiracy

Isn't it weird that both kids have the head wound in the same area and for both the bleeding has stopped?

And very conveniently, the whole family escaped from the rubble?

Also how come there were so many reporters after a bomb attack at the scene, ready to capture the exact moment when the White Helmets were pulling the kids out of the building?

That's the issue. Usually after a bomb attack they find a very mixed situation: some people can be saved, some are just bits and pieces all over the place. So usually the footage is too graphic to be shown directly on television, so most of the gore scenes don't reach the mainstream audience.

With this movie, everything is made so that it touches the mainstream audience. The victims have conveniently only minor wounds, but they are bloodied enough to impress, the whole family is saved, etc. It's just the right shot to make Russia/Assad look like the bad guys, killing innocent kids.

It's so bad, that the Russian media claims there is no evidence to show who did the airstrikes in that area.

There is no blood flowing because the wound area is caked with powder and dust.

A cut in a football game will make you bleed to shit. A cut resulting from a fall in dirt bmx for example won't. Blood is sticky, so it naturally holds on to dirt.

Maybe leave Assad alone so he can get rid of the "moderates" that are causing this?

Here you go chaps.
Have a good weekend.

>Family survives
It's so convenient isn't it?

>Family dies
It's so convenient isn't it?

I don't understand what you're trying to say here

They couldn't just show a bunch of dead people, innit?

That would be just an ordinary piece of news about new casualties in the Syrian war.

But if you show some people who have survived an attack and show them in a very "tragic" light, covered by wounds, etc, especially kids, that will have a huge emotional impact on the masses.

>Here's a hurt kid, atleast his family is alive.

>here's a hurt kid, his family is dead aswell !!

I really don't think you've got a point here

True, if they were all dead, that would have probably been an even stronger emotional message. The kid would have been orphaned by the bad guys.

But with the whole family saved, they had the opportunity to show three kids covered by blood and dust.

I don't know if I'm right or wrong. I'm just thinking this may be possible.

Anyone have the 'the weak should fear the strong' edit with the drowned kid? I need it for research purposes.

The kid still has dirt on his mouth. I mean even if you were beat up, wouldn't you at the very least wipe your mouth off? The dirt would come off by itself just by talking. Now that you say this it does kind of seem fake.

You do realize that image is from a porno right.

are you autistic?

I'm so tired of seeing this goddamn kid, he'll be just fucking fine. For thousands of years people grew up like this but worse, watching their parents get raped and mutilated by barbarians and bandits while their farms burned to the ground and their villages pillaged and ravaged. They were all over the place.

Now we see them, in modern times, and it's the worst tragedy anyone can imagine. "OMG I CAN'T EVEN!" It's ridiculous.

Nothing is what is seems. I present, the "photo-journalist"


check it's an OP pic there


>“Raslan gave the child to a rescue worker, who rushed him to the ambulance” … where he promptly left him unattended.

Right. Why were the wounded kids not taken care of by the woman who brought them to the ambulance? Aren't there like 15 people flailing around, couldn't they bring them to the ambulance while she starts treating their wounds? At least examining if they need first aid?

Why save them and leave them conveniently for a while in the ambulance, so the medica can take the money shots?

*the media can take the money shots?


will share this anti-propaganda


Thoroughly disgusted at the media.

