His country doesn't have Pastelerías

>his country doesn't have Pastelerías
the fuck is wrong witchu

Those are some shitty pasteries

I don't know what that is but we probably have one.

no they're not !

I’m gonna be honest with you. The only appetising thing in that pic is the chocolate cake.

We have them but they're expensive and honestly just give me a 50c donut and a 75c coffee and I'm happy

you mean a donut shop?
cause we got donut shops

Does anyone else go through this

> Look at pictures of sweet food, like pastries, ice cream, cakes, cookies
> They look very aesthetic, so beautiful
> Eat one
> ugh disgusting, it's just sugar butter bread

I don't understand how people can have baking as a hobby. It's inedible

okay, maybe not inedible. But I don't feel like eating it after maybe 10 bites. Even then, it only tastes 10% as good as it looks

Because the places you go to such nigger ass. I baked for 5 years through middle school/highschool and it's as serious as traditional cooking. Hardcore sugar/pastry shit? That's too different from my discipline, like heavy metal from 60s rock.

Baking is fucking dope and enriched my cooking skills tenfold. But it's really hard desu.

Looks like a mediocre Pâtisserie

>not wanting the white canelones or the pasteles with kiwi on top
i guess you never tried them, poor soul
i dont like too much of anything, cant eat a lot of chocolate or pastries at once because it gets really disgusting if you eat that much.

I totally hear you brother. Sweet stuff never lives up to the hype. It usually tastes like shit.

Why do Southern Europeans have the worst pasteries?

You'll find those anywhere here, even in non-confectioneries.

do people in america just soak everything in sugar and call it a day? pastry is not supposed to taste just like sugar, or have that much of it
leave your country and try in real life, then you can speak

Are we in the "Southern Europe" you are speaking of ? If so, I'm buying a plane ticket to buttrape you.

>Comment on being an actual baker in a bakery thread
>everybody just pisses all over eachother and latches onto the guy who is the most genuinely insulting

You guys are fucking reddit

sorry, but its how Sup Forums usually works :(
i enjoyed reading your comment tho, i know a girl that was in hostelry school and can make some amazing bakery stuff.

>namefag complains that people ignore him

I’ve been to Madrid and Malaga. The only food I liked in Malaga was paella and Taco Bell. The only food I liked in Madrid was Brazilian fejuada.
Your pasteries were very uninspiring.
France is the exception.

>Taco Bell in madrid
ok now you're just trolling. stop making up shit


We have plenty of bakeries, but as well as selling little cakes, they also sell savoury things which are just as tasty

Panaderías. Same shit tons of calories I imagine. No thanks.

>Be a fucking name fag
>Boast about something for the sole purpose of attention
>Cry reddit when people aren't giving you honorary upvotes

Imagine being this pathetic.

Sydney is being taken over by shitty Asian franchise bakeries with really low quality stuff.

You're a shitty troll if you don't namefag child

You aspires crap your pants if somebody types anything in the name field. I'm just trying to have a conversation that is t 100% shotposting, maybe 50% shotposting but not 100%. I'm fucking bored of it.

>He's unironically throwing a tantrum
>This is how an adult behaves

I don't believe my eyes.

Semla is fucking disgusting you cumskin trash

>12:19 AM, everything around me is closed
>can't buy sweet, delicious pastries
delet this

You take that back right now you mutt


We do. They're called "confiteria" or "pasticceria" (or however is spelled in italian)

We call it "gebak."

Looks nice, is there anything inside?

A bossche bol is filled with whipped cream.

This. Desserts can look so heavenly but taste mediocre.
However, sometimes i see a main course, and it looks prett bland, like a pasta but then you taste it and it's beyond amazing

Reminder that the bakery in the animated film Kiki's Delivery Service was based on Miyazaki's comfy memories of Australian bakeries when he was a backpacker in the 1970s

>austrialian anything

Taco Bell in malaga, idiot.

Sorry, high frucruse corn syrup is banned here


>taco bell

I wanted to try it.

its the first time i hear of Taco bell being in spain, but apparently theres also KFC in Madrid so i guess it could be.

We literally have everything in this country (even if it's illegal).