Why is Sup Forums so anti-constitution?

Paragraph 12 of our Constitution says that no one should be discriminated regardless of their nationality, race, gender, skin tone, origin, religion, political opinions, level of wealth etc. Inciting fear and hate in the population for these reasons and trying to turn groups in the society against each other is punishable by law.

Now I am sure most if not all European countries and the USA have this paragraph in their Constitution. Why does Sup Forums think it's fine to completely disregard these basic principles? Why do you think you're smarter than the courageous and smart people who founded your country? Have you ever considered your acts may be treasonous?

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Why would anyone care for a piece of paper that harms their people?

If the constitution is shit, it must be changed

We do not have a provision like that in our Constitution. We have the Equal Protection Clause in the 14th Amendment which says the law should be applied equally, but that's it. Nothing about hate speech or general, private discrimination. That would be unconstitutional via our First Amendment.

Get your shit together, Europe.

>not American
>believing their country's constitution is the golden standard

It worked through peace and war, good times and bad times. Equal treatment is a fundamental principle of democracy.

If it's equal treatment why am I being colonised by the third world?

Thanks for your input, 62.

>Equal treatment is a fundamental principle of democracy.

Maybe democracy is a problem as well then.

Good to know. What Trump has said would be unconstitutional here. There would be a legal basis to imprison or fine him for his words.

It's a shame you don't live in a free country then.

>muh constitution

>eurocucks in charge of understanding the constitution
the constitution applies only to the state. the people are free to choose whether or not to exercise their freedoms.

Are we witnessing the first Estonian shitpost?


Citizens aren't being discriminated against?

The Constitution doesn't apply to non-citizens. The term the Left has tried to bury - Illegal Alien - accurated describes the legal status of "the undocumented": the State takes A Lein against all of your money, all of your property, and the salt in your bloodstream (I shit you not, look it up).

If you are an illegal immigrant, the Constitution doesn't apply to you, and your very salt is property of the State. And now you know why the Left have gone insane trying to eliminate the term. They almost succeeded too, if it wasn't for the despicable, utterly disgraceful criminal behaviour of illegal aliens this past decade.

>the constitution

You know there are more than one, right?

Those digits confirm it. What a sad day.

We are very familiar with Fifth Column activity and foreign forces trying to subvert the society by creating grounds to collide groups within the society through provocation. This must be prevented at all costs for the safety and stability of the society. There is no such thing as absolute free speech.

>You know there are more than one, right?
theres only one that matters

>The American constitution applies to everyone in the world

No dipshit it's only for Americans and it's perfectly reasonable to discriminate who gets into your country.

The one that starts with "we the people" written by European settlers that became a farce a good hundred years back? Yeah, take your cargo cult elsewhere.

And from an American perspective, that's a problem. Constitutions are supposed to be charters of the people, by the people, to limit the power of their governments, so as to protect their rights as individuals. Constitutions are not supposed to be authorities that empower governments to trample the rights of their citizens. A good, sound constitution will only delegate the civic powers of government to govern while restricting their powers to act against the people. When a constitution empowers a government to act against its citizenry and tear from their bosom their natural rights and liberties, it is not a constitution worth preserving.

In terms of law, sure that's fair, in terms of business and who you associate with, you should have the right to turn away niggers from a venue or gays from your shop if you want to.

The Constitution only applies to American citizens.

>his constitution doesnt even have a bill of rights

How about children of illegals who are American citizens? If I remember correctly, Trump said he would deport them too?

>he thinks a piece of paper is going to give him power when the soon majority shitskins decide to take his rights away from him

This thread is going to be gold thanks to American retards, holy shit.

Not democracy; that's just majority rule

You mean liberalism

Non US citizens have no constitutional rights

Nowhere in our Constitution does it say that the children of illegals are citizens. That's a misinterpretation perpetrated by the left.

That amendment was written to protect freed black slaves, not intended to be abused by illegal spics.


>The policy stems from the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
>"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

I think now you're just lying to me, Trumpcuck.

those born on american soil are american citizens

>when the soon majority shitskins decide to take his rights away from him
come and take them, then. ive got more bullets than you do shitskins willing to risk their smelly hides to take them from me.

The biggest problem with social egalitarianism is that you trample of the rights of others by protecting everyone.

People don't have the right to criticize or insult, for example.

>and subject to the jurisdiction thereof

Explain to me why you think this phrase is in there.

>ayyy gringo this is Mexico now la raza!
>legally is an American

Clearly this is a problem

>it's a Rambo LARPER too

This is getting better and better.

im not going to bother reading your constitution because im already sure its "just cuck my shit up" tier. but maybe youll have a point when either you gain some basic human rights (never) or when i lose mine (never)

to prevent foreign diplomats from getting auto-citizenship, as the writers of the amendment clearly state

have you ever heard the phrase "diplomatic immunity"? foreign diplomats are not subject to the laws of the US, so they do not get auto-citizenship under the 14th amendment. if you believe that illegal immigrants are subject to the laws of the US (ie illegal immigrants who commit a crime on US soil can be arrested, tried, and punished for that crime), then you are admitting they are subject to US law and are therefore granted 14th amendment rights, including birthright citizenship.

Anyone who is born on US land is by extension a subject to US jurisdiction? Seems pretty clear to me.

Just wait a few months until Hillary becomes president and appoints one of her kike handlers as SCOTUS. I can't wait for the months, no years, of Americuck whining on Sup Forums.

is by extension subject to*

Our constitution is the supreme law of the land and literally defines who we are as a people.
Illegal immigrants are persona non-grata. If anything, more stringent laws are applicable to them compared to the ordinary citizen.

The law says they can't be there and yet they are, so they are not subject to US law.

Seems extremely cut and dry, how and when did you get cucked into accepting this America?

If they wanted to exclude merely foreign diplomats, they would have said that. But they were concerned primarily about Indian tribes who were semi-autonomous and were not subject to complete U.S. jurisdiction, even though they existed within our territory. What are Latin Americans if not Indian tribes not fully subject to American jurisdiction? That's all they are, you know. Indians that are here but do not enjoy complete U.S. jurisdiction. Disagree? Then why can we limit, say, their Second Amendment access? Or voting access? Or welfare access, etc,? If they were subject to complete jurisdiction, they would have complete access to the rights and legal avenues that accompany that jurisdiction.

What really separates a reservation Indian in the 1800s from an illegal alien from Mexico? They're more or less the same thing. The latter has even less claim here, as he can be ejected to another country entirely.

>eurocuck failing to understand how the american legislative and judicial systems function
color me shocked

>Our constitution is the supreme law of the land and literally defines who we are as a people.

Really, is that how you went from free white persons of good character to just cuck my shit up in just a century? Great piece of paper you got there, let's worship it!

It seems to me that our governments are doing all these things to people in their country's. The people are just returning fire and that is the pushback. Political correctness and blm not being considered a domestic terrorist group as a few examples

But it's obviously not that clear. They are subject to our laws, same as foreign diplomats ("diplomatic immunity" is largely a Hollywood myth - if a diplomat murders an American citizen, he's going to be charged with murder) but they are not subject to our complete jurisdiction. They are subject to their country's jurisdiction.

Even free white persons of good character is cucked since it includes the Middle East and North Africa (even the Sudan)

Did you just make that up?

I want to eat Marion out after she's just done a heavy cardio workout and is all sweaty

Google Salem Al-Mazrooei.

Yes, he did, diplomatic immunity is a thing. One of our ministers went to Mexico and fucked a few Mexican boys a few years ago and only avoided pedophilia charges on diplomatic immunity

>There would be a legal basis to imprison or fine him for his words.
How authoritarian.

The Constitution is there to protect citizens. Not really sure what refugees and invading hordes have to do with that.

>tfw Americucks here call Europe names for massive white immigration, something they themselves ask of us so that we can pay their welfare in the future

>implying cucks fight back

A lot of your Euros seem to be very confused as to what's happening in the U.S. Hell, people saying "fuck you, establishment" and electing Trump is alone proof that there are hard lines being drawn and sides being formed.

1 million more Aryan white men in Germany in a single year! Truly, the white race is recovering

I have some sympathy for the refugees. Our people also escaped the Soviet bloodbaths and thanks to this a large part of Estonian intellectuals who would have otherwise been killed, were saved. Now a son of one of those families is our president who has improved our international reputation tenfold.

Let's be honest the amount of refugees you get barely makes a difference in reality. If you had a problem it was already there, before the refugees.

The refugee issue is hard to measure. 1 single refugee-turned-terrorist is one too many.

But you're correct, Muslim refugees are more of a European problem, while ours is mainly an illegal alien problem.

sigh, so many people in this thread that will never know true freedom :) stay mad eurocucks

Thats false, brother. Muslims disregard your constitution the same as mine. A muslim has no "pay unto Caesar' clause that accepts secular rule. There is only the religion, which will try to use you up and throw you away because their god wills it.

They will abuse the liberties that you attempt to bestow upon them.

You know what will happen once he loses (possibly due to fraud)? Nothing.

All you'll see is people writing shit about the election online and then reminding themselves that their special piece of paper and their guns will do the job for them...somehow. It's been like that for decades now and it won't change anytime soon, because if this thread is any indication then that your paper and gun cargo cult will live on until you're filled with more people that can't read your paper than the ones that can.

If Hillary wins you'll have stricter gun control than we do

>Our people also escaped the Soviet bloodbaths and thanks to this a large part of Estonian intellectuals who would have otherwise been killed, were saved.
Also I can relate to that, as my grandparents moved here during the Hungarian revolution for the exact same reason. The difference is that Estonians and Hungarians weren't a liability to cause mass violence.

The US constitution only applies to American Citizens.

Constitutions are shit because they have always been written by leaders, people who had power in their time, therefore, they would write their dominance over the people

Österreich ist sehr basiert in diesem Faden.

Gefällt mir, reunion wann?

Not sure why you feel so strongly and asspained about it, but you're right. The U.S. Constitution is terrible and we'll all strive to be more like Austria from now on.

Because we are all equal fucking nazi

Nachdem ihr eure Verräter und Linksschmarotzer und Scheißehäute beseitigt habt.

Because I as a person who wants to see Canada dissolved have no respect for its constitution which was written single handedly by one man

Dafür brauchen wir Kaltenbrunner-Expertise

Coz you're a fucking leaf colonised by the Queen of England.

The last time I heard the Muslim women in Haapsalu stopped wearing hijabs because they're "starting over here". Where the Christians modernize their scriptures, the Muslims just choose to ignore them. This is true for hardcore Muslims as well, all over the world really.

The problem in Europe is everyone is giving way too much money to people (including refugees) for doing nothing. This has attracted immigrants here for decades. The demographic changed happened without any refugees being involved. The social systems need to be revised. We don't have migrants because we're "based", but because we don't have enough money to survive while throwing it away to randoms who don't contribute to the society.


>still not getting the point
>hurp durp lets worship another piece of paper!

I called it,

Exactly what has Estonia contributed to in Europe?

Did you just reply to pick on my country or to discuss the actual topic at hand? First of all we paid billions of Euros for the Greece shitshow. We contribute to the eurozone. Our net contribution to EU is nearing 0 and will be positive soon. Estonia is a good investment.

Because not all Consitutional Rights apply to non citizens. We have a perfect right to exclude who we want.

Thats completely false. A law for disarming the American people cannot come from the President alone. There would have to be a repeals process that requires two thirds of the states to accept it.

What we'll mostly see is a fight over definition, the same as we have since the beginning. Mind you, it wasn't as much of an issue before the 1840s. A quality rifle back then could easily exceed a year's wages. After the industrial revolution took hold, more people had guns and everything became an issue. Most states had england tier gun laws until after ww1.

The idea that America was built on guns isn't true, though our culture has come to accept them as being cool. My hometown banded together and shot some gangsters that tried to rob its bank in the 30's. And lets be honest: a karate class or a whistle is nothing compared to a gun. Sure, theres some folks that masturbate to fantasies of being a hero with a gun, but by and large, most people that own one do so "just in case."

What the argument will boil down to is "you don't need that." 30 round magazines, semi automatic, ergonomic controls, "scary looking." These are the things that will be debated and ultimately over turned at a federal level.

You do keep up your end of the bargain in NATO, I'll give you that.

>taking the document which is the foundation of your societies legal system seriously is the same as worshiping it
i guess its easy to forget about a document as poorly written as the one your society uses.

So why it's it okay to shit on 'white privileged heterosexual males'?

This kind of paragraph is the sole reason we don't have both freedom of speech (it's against law to shout for gassing kikes, denying 6 millions or praising Hitler and his ideology in general) and problem with Islam who use 'freedom of religion' as excuse to do what regular citizen can't. People are simply not created equal and pushing for this kind of equality is robbing middle class and giving it to shitskins because rich won't let anyone touch their money.

Equality is just a meme.

He doesnt get that demographics are destiny.
When America will become majority non-white, the media will even pander harder to spics/niggers.
its extremely naive to think a piece of paper grants you protection when the majority is against it.

"Shitting on white privileged heterosexual males" is not okay. It's the opposite side of the coin of anti-constitutionalism. What I've been describing here is stooping down to their level. The first reaction of most people seems to be to respond with the same brand of stupidity they were first confronted with.

He is just saying that the eternal rule

"He who has the most men with guns makes the rules"

overwrites your constitution.

It overwrites every law.

Your constitution wont help you if sargeant dindu and deputy guiterez come for you because President Shekelberg made being "racist" illegal and the kike infested supreme court approved it.

Give one reason why enemies; Niggers/muslims should be given equal rights?

who do eurocucks think owns all the money in this country? who do you think make up the police and the military and most of the legal system?

its white men who believe in the constitution. if they were anywhere near the majority to forcibly take anything, theyd have more than enough support to legally amend the constitution. were nowhere near either of those things.

owns all the guns*

It worked through nothing, it's barely older than seventy years.

Estonians are some of the most racist people on Earth, particularly against Russians.

Finally the principle of equal treatment applies to everyone. If these people do not respect our race/religion/political opinions, why should we have to respect theirs?

3/10, made me reply. I definitely did not sage though, not at all.

Because it's a slippery slope and when you inevitably reach the bottom you will also lose your equal rights.

The constitution was made by leftist puritan revolutionaries. Why would anyone uphold it?

>muh scrap of paper
Chillax kraut.

care to explain?
Everywhere where shitskins gain enough demographic strength ,they start to push for the same goals which only further their own agenda ; no discrimination, more immigration, more social programs.
Every hwite person supporting the early stages of this cancer deserver to be annaly annilated

> we are nowhere near

so lets do nothing.

>hey this car which is coming at us with 140 mph is still 150 yards away

lets just stay on the road man, its illegal to run over people

>Estonia is extremely based, xenophobic and racist
This is a Sup Forums meme. Most Estonians don't think anything of people of color, because we never had any real contact with them. I personally know a case where a grandmother from the forests of South Estonia was very happy her daughter went to USA to become a coalburner.

The people who are perpetuating the fascism/racism meme on Sup Forums are literally a vocal minority. Voicing xenophobia in public can be acceptable in some cases, but flat-out Sup Forums style racism will immediately start turning heads and generally gets you branded as a maniac.

The migrants don't come here because there is no free money to be made from us. Now that there is some thanks to Germany, there are also more migrants.

>Hating on white Aryan injuns
Go back to Greece if you're this mad about the Atlanteans reking you, shitskin.

Yeah the difference is that they're biting hand that feeds them while we maintain logical equation that Us > Them. I pay taxes to improve life of working people such as myself in my country, instead it goes to those people you say I can't criticize while they leech, laugh and scream to give them more. Law gives a shit if I don't like it and tries to slap racist meme mark on my back, those aliens who never contributed single penny into system? 'they had it hard dindunuffin'

Your argument 'If you kill them, they win.' doesn't work anywhere in the world, citizens of respective countries should be royalties while everyone else should be secondary, right now it's opposite, if you want support from your own country you feed with your taxes you almost break your back from the tricks and hopping loops you have to undertake and even then you get less than gypsy who just says 'five childrun gib moni racist'.

White people can't lower to their level the same way eating banana doesn't turn you into nig...chimpanzee.