It's a male turns into a female episode

>It's a male turns into a female episode

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Best episodes.

My favorite episode. Bonus points if a guy friend tries to fuck, more points of protag considers it.

>muscular dude
>doesn't turn into a muscle girl

Disgusting everytime

I like to look at it like they trade brute for bust and curve,

Is there really a show where that happens in?
I'll like to watch it

i feel like there was, also feel like it was probably on nickelodean for some reason

When you people realize that muscular women are not sexy.

name of episode?

That episode was shit.

jesus christ what the fuck

that's just objectively wrong.

non-fetishized strong women are very attractive.

Pic related is the second time something like this happened in the show.


Let's not remember that.

The left one is the last thing you see before you die.

that would just suck t b h

which one you prefer Sup Forums? curvy or athletic?

curvy any day
fite me

Did Totally Spies make an episode on this fetish?

wasn't it one of the villains?

>Actually liked being a woman after the transformation.

>it's a Sup Forums writes r63 fiction episode

Which is the more likely path a man would if he became a full fledged woman? Keeping true to your hetero ways and go on a carpet eating frenzy? Or experience sex on the other end and shamelessly whoring herself out for some cock?

Strap-on's exist for a reason

>Keeping true to your hetero ways by becoming gay
Quite the dilemma

The body maybe that of a woman but you would still have the mindset of a man.

>this image in general

Your mind is still there but who knows what all those hormone cocktails and new alien sensations would do to it.

>thinking body and mind are separate things
The testosterone that was pumped into your brain being replaced by estrogen will probably change your mindset pretty quick

Then it's not me clunge either

>what are hormones and neurochemistry

Depends on what the biological factors of being a woman and being straight truly are.
If you're turned into a woman fully you'd technically also have the brain of a woman, albeit wired with your old memories. Ontop of that if being gay or straight is upto your wiring you could be a straight woman on top of that.
So you'd probably have quite the crisis, really your orientation is probably just the tip of the iceberg you'd probably be thinking in ways you never thought before since you're physically a whole different person.

Probably both because why the fuck not? You'd now have a body built for sex so may as well enjoy it all.

Why do they HAVE to be sexy?

The point of the episode is that he got turned into the one of the girls he chases so much.

>episode is always about how he learns that women have it so tough in every way and life is just SO terrible for them because patriarchy muh soggy knee etc...
>never shows them getting bought free drinks or meals
>never shown being showered in attention and compliments and praise for doing nothing
>never shown being gifted free clothes/vacations/jewelry/etc
>never shown getting away with crimes a man could never dream of getting away with
>never shown getting to live with a guy completely rent and bill free in exchange for occasional sex
>never shown enjoying the sex more and not being expected to perform or do anything during the sex
>never shown being able to get any education or job they want with no effort affirmative actions and female quotas
>never shown getting to dodge the draft while all the men around him are sent to suffer and die against their will in war

Do you wear a helmet when you go on this website?

You seem bitter

>"Sam, I just realized something."
>"What is it, Max?"
>"I can do whatever I want and you can't do anything about it."
>Sam slaps Max. "I'm a girl too, numbskull."
>"That's true, I guess we'll have to rely on your innate sense of right and wrong from now on."
>"Sam, you don't understand, I live for slapstick."
>"Now now, Max, you have to be a responsible young woman now."
>"Hurt me, Sam! Hurt meeeee."
>"You have issues, which ironically have nothing to do with the implications of what you just said."

>"Sam! You've got to see this! It's nine and a half inches of pure heaven!"
>"Oh, Jeeze, Max, I really don't want to- Oh. High heels."
>"Finally, a fashionable way to both induce puncture wounds, and get onto the roller coaster at Love Land!"
>"Oh no. We're not going through that fiasco again.."
>"I can't believe you don't see eye to eye with me on this!"
>"You're gonna need a whole lot more than nine inch shoes to get eye to eye with me, little gal pal."

>"At least now you have an excuse for your height and swishy personality."
>"Oh yeah? Well, calling you a bitch would just be correct terminology and you've gown down a cup size."

>"I think Stinky hates us more than ever, Max."
>"He's just jealous because his milkshake doesn't bring all the boys to the yard."
>"What does that even mean?"
>"I'm not sure. Milkshakes always just made me gassy."

>"Sam, being naked doesn't feel right anymore."
>"I blame the patriarchy."
>"The Irish hierarchy?"
>"Have you seen the way they treat their women? They're all sickly and green and smell of booze."
>"That's just a side effect of being Irish."


Great arguments they sure prove how hard it is to be a woman.

They're not arguing for or against that viewpoint, they're just pointing out that you're obsessive and bitter.

>"Max, now that you're a woman, I fear for your self image."
>"Why's that? You think I'm ugly or something?! GOD MADE ME LIKE THIS!"
>"No, its just that you don't like girls."
>"Well, now I just don't other girls. Like, you know, other girls."

>"Well little gal pal, on the bright side, we can just attribute your bad attitude and awful manners to PMS."
>"The hell I will. I don't need an excuse to practice my 53 1/2 amendment right to exert my lording personality on people."
>"Yeah, but I do when the Russian ambassador is down a few fingers."
>"No, it was the whole arm."

>"Well, Sam, I've finally been impeached."
>"So what was the last straw? Your decree that vagrants are legal tender? Suggestively telling the Iranian President that you'd show him your weapon of mass destruction if he showed you his? Your "A Gun for Every Grade-Schooler" initiative?"
>"No. They found out I'm a woman."

>"Hey Sam, what happened to your old gun?"
>"Oh, I got an even bigger one to replace it!"
>"Now that you're a woman, I can't say that you're compensating for something!"
>"Its a win-win! Lets sell the De Soto and buy a Hummer."
>"I love not compensating!"

>"Sam! I've never realized how filthy our office is! How have we lived like this?"
>"Not well."
>"I... must... clean it."
>"I find your insinuation that all women are compulsive tidiers sexist."
>"No, Sam. Women don't live to clean--they clean to live!"
>"Well that sounds perfectly reasonable."

First of all stop trying to act like there's more people getting triggered and on your side than there actually are.
And how is wanting a fair realistic depiction of life as a woman instead of propaganda make me obsessive and bitter.

why do cartoons like to pretend anyone gives a shit about roller derby?

>"Hello, chief? Yes? Mhm? Uh huh? I see!"
>"What did he say?"
>"He thought I was the secretary."

>"Hello? Yes. Uh-huh? Uh-huh? Oh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah? Yeah?! Yeah! Oh! Yes! Goodbye."
>"Was it the commissioner?"
>"New case?"
>"No, he thought he was calling a sex line and I didn't have the heart to tell him he had the wrong number."

>"Sam, where do babies come from?"
>"Ohhh. Now that crazy, infectious 1980s pop song makes SENSE!"
>"What do you mean?"
>"We are the world. We are the children."

>"Sam, I want to be more open with my emotions and I feel like I can express myself freely without fear of emasculation."
>"That makes me ANGRY."

>"So Max, how is the movie treating you?"
>"Leave me alone Saaaam *blows nose* Johnny and Ricardo broke up and I...I...I need more ice cream!"
>"You always have had a soft spot for the stuff on the women's television network, but I never emphasized until now."

>"Sam, I'm strangely attracted to Flint now."
>"You've always been strangely attracted to Flint."
>"Oh, right. Well, now I'm just attracted to Flint."

>"Sam, I think I'm becoming more and more like a ditzy teenage girl."
>"What makes you think that?"
>"I can't stop thinking about boys!"
>"Do you want to practice some by the society as manly deemed activities to get your mind off them?"
>"Actually, nevermind. Now I'm thinking of mauling them with the bluntest possible object I can currently come up with."
>"Context is everything, little gal pal."

Let me guess; You hate seeing waifu threads on Sup Forums so you're going to try to derail it by inciting a sociopolitical argument?


>>"Hello? Yes. Uh-huh? Uh-huh? Oh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah? Yeah?! Yeah! Oh! Yes! Goodbye."
>>"Was it the commissioner?"
>>"New case?"
>>"No, he thought he was calling a sex line and I didn't have the heart to tell him he had the wrong number."

Considering one gender magically turning into another is straight up impossible and illogical at this point, it's kind of pointless to think about the biological ramifications.

You never played hypotheticals questions with your friends?
Who gives a shit.

No, it's a "Male turns into a female that has a completely different personality to his normal one because god forbid we show Johnny continue to hit on women."

>First of all stop trying to act like there's more people
Yes, "they're". I agreed with them. There are more than two people on the Internet with a particular opinion.

>And how is wanting a fair realistic depiction of life as a woman instead of propaganda make me obsessive and bitter.
No one else is whining about pro-female propaganda in cartoons. By comparison, of course you look obsessive and bitter about social realities that no one else gives a shit about.

>stop trying to act like they are more people
If you're gonna try to correct somebodies grammar try to not offer an even worse sound alternative next time.

And how does any conversation ever get started in your world? If nobody can ever mention something unless other people are already talking about it then when can anyone talk about anything? Also anyone can tell none of you would be getting upset over this unless you were offended by it (because you know it's all true)

>If you're gonna try to correct somebodies grammar try to not offer an even worse sound alternative next time.
I wasn't trying to correct it; the more grammatically correct formation simply came automatically whilst I was typing. You lack an acceptable understanding of English. That's not particularly objectionable, if it's not your first language, but don't criticise me for using it more adeptly.

Furthermore, no one was upset or offended by what you said. We were simply making fun of you and how seriously you regard "female propaganda" in cartoons.

If I were to whine about the fascist themes in WH40k on /tg/, for example, people on that board would be right to laugh at me.

And regarding "they're", I was referring to your own reference to my initial usage of "they're" in "they're just pointing out that you're obsessive and bitter", not "stop trying to act like they are more people." You completely misread that.

I disagree.

Ah yes, the old "everyone who disagrees with me clearly takes the subject so seriously it's the most important thing in their life while I in my infinite coolness effortless prove them wrong while not even really caring" argument. Truly invincible.

And 40k clearly isn't trying to teach anybody a lesson. What else could episodes like this one possibly be trying to do other than drill into young impressionable minds that "woman are always victims and treated unfairly".

I immediately regret opening this thumbnail.

You're completely misunderstanding. No one is disagreeing with you. How many times does this have to be repeated? You just came off like a bitter, self-pitying, obsessive prick for being so insistent about the female propaganda matter in a thread about lighthearted, positive cartoons featuring men turning into women.

It's funny cause there is a female Johnny that looks like him expect she a princess it was one of the episode

What happens when girls turn into boys.

Does that ever even happen.

Curvy Test.

Oh fuck yes

Fuck you faggot.

Yes...but you know...they are already they used a holograma to look like guy version of know, pretty boring.


Those are great

It's too bad we didn't get to see the part where Johnny plays with his new girly parts in front of the mirror for an hour or so.

It wouldn't have worked for the specific plot of the episode, which was putting Johnny in the place of the women he chased after.


Futurama actually did the opposite.
All the men turned women fucking loved it while the women turned men hated it.

if it is magic, then you can easily explain it with "Even though their mind is still the same, the sexchange spell makes it as if they had been a girl all along" meaning a girl wouldn't try to gain muscles to look sexier, but instead go on a diet or something, thus they would look thin instead of muscular


Either one is fine by me. I still get screwed in both options.

How would you do an episode about this Sup Forums? And which cartoon would you choose?

Something like Rick and Morty is ripe for this kind of thing. Plus it'd probably subvert all the normal hoops TG episodes tend to jump through

>subvert all the normal hoops TG episodes tend to jump through

Go on.


There was an early Gumball episode where Gumball went full trap and his own adopted brother had the hots for him

>It's a Boys Vs Girls episode
>Guys win
>Nah, just kidding


There are at lot of shows that do that. Chaotic, South Park, Teen Titans Go... unironic Girl Power episodes don't happen as often nowadays as they used to.

that's clearly a man bruh

Being gay is a choice. You'd still be attracted to whatever you were before when you were male. To be otherwise is just to say "You'd become an entirely different person with the mind of this new girl." Which is some extended tg fetish noise.

>Choose Male: Get millions of years of genetic superiority, evolution conditioning my natural dominance over 50% of the species, lasting brotastic friendships, natural respect and appreciation that comes with being manly, control over religious, political and financial institutions and physical strength over woman to boot
>Be Female: Get free drinks and get fucked in shitty bars by Assholes
>tfw I cannot make this difficult choice
Sure feels gud to be born with testicles to not have to make that choice.

You sound like those deluded weirdos that make "The Wotch" who have this patronizing view that being a woman is like some utopian fantasy and creepy near fetishized view that because they're so girl and live in a tee-hee society a 12 year old thought up.
>I know what a woman's life is like it's so easy girls just get ASKED OUT
>-source someone whose spent all of 0 days being a woman

>it's a Boys Vs Girls Episode
>the lesson is that dividing and fighting over that is stupid

Rick and Morty is so red pilled. They'd have Morty be minorly freaked out at being a woman while Rick rightfully explains how despite becoming dumb broads bitches actually have it easy and show Morty around the world as a woman. Meanwhile summer bitches and complains about how they need feminism or some bullshit and in an epic speech Rick shuts her down and enjoys a martini while getting hit on showing her up while she enjoys the good life.

>protagonist get's clone(s)
>they don't get along despite having the same veiws on life
really thought, WTF is behind the logic in this. In video games, clones are actually bros you can count on

I think Gravity Falls did a decent episode on clones

Isn't the wotch LITERALLY a fetish comic? Obviously that it is a fetish.


I like that they actually gave him a womans voice. Who did it anyway? Sounded like Grey Delisle.

Why would you be able to count on yourself, honestly?


>Pretending not to be a fetish comic
>Get Naga as a guest artist
>Get ICS as a main artist

Pussy juice > cum everytime.

>Genderbending/R63 artist
>Always draws the character by pasting their face onto a supermodel instead of sticking to the design or anything resembling the orginal
Why dey do this?

I'm on speaking terms with two artists that worked there and it is pretty well know that it is a fetish comic, never saw anyone denying it. Has it happened?

Because some people just want to make fapfuel.

There is also the fact that most Sup Forums characters are somewhat attractive too in some way

American dad?