Is there a more blue-pilled movie?

Is there a more blue-pilled movie?

>psycho beta male spergs out because he can't handle life's frustrations
>this pussy is supposed to embody masculine aggression
>rampages across city in a fit of autism that's portrayed as uncaged masculinity
>beta cop is about to retire and put an end to getting bullied at the office by his meat-head co-workers
>he embodies masculine timidity and the supposed virtue that comes with it
>allied with the oppressed Latina because he's married to a shrew as betas are apt to do
>saves the day and decides to continue being a bitch for the state because of the temporary high that will be gone after a few Mondays
>bunch of shit about how women, homosexuals, blacks, etc. are oppressed (see: cops ignoring domestic abuse, cops not believing woman, cops not believing Mexicans, "NOT ECONOMICALLY VIABLE", Sup Forums incarnate portrayed as invalid (which is true), the difference between Japanese and Korean that you've never bothered to notice, etc.)
>film ends with beta cop putting the sperg in his place claiming that everyone is unhappy and that you should learn to live with it
>final message is that the negative attributes of men are the source of our problems, if men were meeker/more conscientious then we'd solve most problems, and we should lie to your children to preserve their innocence perpetuating the cycle of bullshit all of this is because little girls are cute, i.e. shut up and stay in line, we're all dissatisfied

The real lie is that the plastic surgeon has the best life. As long as you're a man who can handle a little heat and not scare your wife away, your life will be as good as anyone's.

Other urls found in this thread:

this movie is the seminal Sup Forumscucks film; for losers by losers.

I think you're confusing autism with aspergers

He just wanted a McGriddle

I think you're confusing diagnosis with memetic expression. Might want to get yourself checked out

It's for /r9k/ betas

The protagonisy is an autist, but I thought the cop was just pathetic.

One of those movies in which every single character is unsympathetic.

why did the little nigger kid know how to use the bazooka?

Well, this movie does portray that cucks and faggots (like you, OP) are prone to violence because they lead shit lives and chads puts the dregs of society who will never succeed in their place

Seems pretty redpill to me

>Is there a more blue-pilled movie?
Agreed and it always bothers me

I always thought this movie should be how he was pushed around by leftists and decided to stop it

I think you're a piece of shit

The cop isn't pathetic, his wife clearly has altzeimer's or some degenerative condition, and he's looking to do as much good as possible.

This movie was unironically a couple steps away from being an absolute classic, but the hammed-up 90's garbage like the rocket launcher and making Michael Douglas's character clearly unsympathetic by the end dumpster it.

>making Michael Douglas's character clearly unsympathetic by the end
The only part of the film which I found to directly paint him poorly was the weird scene in which he tells his wife that he's going to come see her, in the pawn shop.

Even that didn't really shake my faith in his character, though; only when the cop, on the pier, claims (with no justification) that Douglas was going to kill his wife and daughter did I stop to think and realize, "oh, *that's* what they were going for?" Ultimately, I don't believe that he would have done that, so I didn't lose any sympathy for him there.

The rocket launcher is what it is; Los Angeles has been an unimaginably chaotic place for fifty years. I will concede that that bit felt loose, but it didn't feel like it was entirely outside of the realm of possibility, knowing first-hand what Los Angeles is like.

masculine aggression
masculine timidity

There are two Chads in the film and they're portrayed as assholes. Betas put themselves in they're place because their timidity allows everone to abuse them.
The moral of the story is that if a beta steps out of oine another beta is should be there to protect and serve.

He seen it on tv

beta rage

The cop is an absolute pussy who is bullied by everyone he knows because he's a short, bald, fat, weak, loser, i.e. low quality man. It's sad to see him get stepped on and it's even sadder to see him defend the system that abuses him. He is the epitome of the pathetic western man

Feminist concepts you have to understand to see what the film is doing. Aggression and timidity are the modes of operation by which men climb and fall in the social-sexual hierarchy. The film portrays aggression in a negative light while elevating passivity.

But how can both aggression and timidity be masculine? They're diametrically opposed to each other. Are there no feminine traits that can be related to either one?

It's partly that his insistence to see his kid feels violent, rather than manic, but they also play up the havoc he causes as he proceeds through the city, and Michael Douglas starts chewing the scenery. The moment with the Neo-Nazi, for instance. His claim that he isn't like the Neo-Nazi should be indicative that he's different, that there isn't this frightened, xenophoic hate bubbling up inside him, but the way it's shot and framed makes it feel like we're not supposed to see that. Like they're both the same people, and even if he doesn't think so, we the audience know it- which is a wrong way to look at things.

Alot of the problems here stem from Schumacher's direction.

His dad was in Nam

He's joking or trolling.
*This* is all that the film is:
>In an interview less than a week before the Falling Down's release, screenwriter Ebbe Roe Smith gave his interpretation of what the movie was about. "To me, even though the movie deals with complicated urban issues, it really is just about one basic thing: The main character represents the old power structure of the U.S. that has now become archaic, and hopelessly lost. And that way, I guess you could say D-FENS is like Los Angeles. For both of them, it's adjust-or-die time..."[6]

Any further readings or alternative readings into the material are meaningless.

>A lot of the problems here stem from Schumacher's direction
Yeah, alright. I can agree to that. That makes me wonder, though, what an 'ideal' version of the film would be.

I get that it's trolling, but I can honestly see some jackass saying shit like "masculine aggression" and following it up with "masculine timidity," and they'd never blink an eye at the contradiction.

>criticizes the nazi sympathizer
>Sup Forumscuck film
it's more /r9k/ then anything you newfag

>chads are assholes
Well, yes, Chads in real life are assholes too. They just pretend to not notice you because they aren't going to take time out of their day to do so.

>betas must stop other betas from stepping out of line
Once again, exactly. Society isn't really something that you can just work your way up through, that's bluepilled communism. It's mostly down to genetics. The beta system, if we call it that, is a perfect way to maintain a bedrock on which the truly elite succeed. Hence the redpill.

he browsed Sup Forums


It's not further reading, I'm following the screenwriters ideas to their end. The "archaic power structure" is male dominance by way of aggression and violence. This is captured in Michael Douglas's character. The timid cop is presented as the way of the future for men.
The movie's bullshit anyways and that's why I made this thread. He's wrong when he calls those power structures archaic as they're essential to men thriving. The Big Lebowski illustrates this in a more mature and nuanced way. Falling Down is a useless with no good message.

well said

Masculine aggression is the way Chad behaves and masculine timidity is the way The Virgin behaves. They're both male ways of behaving but they're antipode to each other.

>It's not further reading, I'm following the screenwriter's ideas to their end
>It's not further reading, I'm just reading further into the screenwriter's ideas

If you had more than half a brain you'd see that he's right

Also, you describe our system as though it was implemented conspiratorially. It's just a vestige of our days on the Savnnah and it's contiued to work within our civilized society. No one put it there, you're forgetting that human beings are animals.

>Is there a more blue-pilled movie?
Stop reading here. Go fuck yourself.

theres your answer

The Nazi isn't Sup Forums incarnate. He literally believes in the fucking Holocaust and covets an empty canister of Zyklon B, which was used as a delousing agent to prevent typhus.

The strong implication is that the wife KILLED THEIR FUCKING DAUGHTER, YOU FUCKING RETARD



Sup Forums invalid absolute decimated. He can't cope with the reality of his pathetic state so he will ignore and repress dissenting thoguhts. Deep in his little mind these thoughts will compact through his years of rejection and ineptitude until it boils over into a rage-fueled frenzy of revenge.

Using feminist concepts as a lens with which to examine anything is fundamentally flawed, you retarded dyke.

I don't even want to imagine the possibility you're a neutered cuck faggot but I know that's what you actually are.

#yesallchads, bud, it's nature itself. If you have empathy and feelings other than lust and hunger, you are not a Chad. That is their purpose, to mindlessly serve the whims of presupposed evolutionary growth and provide strong children for the species. The beta recognizes this, but cannot do anything to fight it, as he has no way of fighting nature.

And you do not think this system was invented via conspiracy? It was in the primary nature of man to consume and destroy, and as such the earliest peoples were naturally born chads. Had it not been for the kings of Sumer and whites, genetic abherrations (which ultimately ended up superior to the baseline humans, lol, that's evolution for you) and their efforts to breed the weak to create the aforementioned bedrock, the human race would have never progressed. It's more difficult to see today with such large numbers of people.

To deconstruct and analyze a house you have to use the same tools with which it was built. You know, not everyone is like you, some people can entertain thoughts without believing in them, moron.

well guys I dont' know about all this chad and virgin and aggression and timid stuff but I do think that it is wrong not to respect a woman's wish to be left alone

That is a terrible analogy, and you're deflecting.

His point is not that you believe in these things, it's that you've entrenched yourself so deeply in a feminist mindset (probably ironically, as Gen Z taught you to) and now you can't view anything without immediately resorting to it. You have become mentally neutered in addition to your probable physical neutering. It's a shame to call you human.

Women were solely created for breeding. Their wishes are irrelevant, unless by some weird anomaly they possess a degree of strength.

I'm not claiming to be Chad, but I was friends with Chad in high school. Playing sports and vidya were the best parts of it. Getting laid is great, but there's more to life.
Also, most prehistoric men weren't Chads. We're naturally polygamous, with an avegare of 3.5 women being tied to one man. 66-75% of men were betas.
As for your ancient king conspiracy, I'm going to need a source that isn't an infographic or blog.

>Women were solely created for breeding. Their wishes are irrelevant, unless by some weird anomaly they possess a degree of strength.

Yes, women lack physical strength. But they have fathers, brothers, husbands and sons to help them with that. That's called family and it's the bedrock of something called society.

Where exactly was that implied?

>terrible anology
How so? An engine or computer might be more apt.
No, I adressed the accusation of being a feminist head on.

Also, I'm neoliberal so all of this shit you're saying is wrong.

His daughter died and the wife started living in a fantasy world because she couldn't cope with it. There's absolutely nothing to show she's dead, you mong.

He's retrded. Thinks that we should follow evolutions dictum rather than live for ourselves.

She is clearly mentally unstable, needs to be the center of attention, center of her husband's world, and he explicitly states that his daughter died of SIDS which was odd because she was considerably older than was normal for SIDS to occur. It's literally fucking Munchausens and he knows it, or at least is probably in denial of it.

to be left alone? the child is his as well, and she's clearly no less unstable than he is in how she reacted to him and the measures she took to take his daughter from him

this, what the fuck does understanding feminist concepts, rhetoric, nonsensical talking point after bullshit talking points have to do with this... if you have to write out a little thesis about a movie viewed from a somewhat or even entirely feminist lens just to understand that lens maybe you're the fucking moron here, has nothing to do with entertaining certain thoughts, what this has to do with is putting them into a post cohesively and constructively to share with Sup Forums as a matter of discussion as if any of the ideas seen through said feminist lens are actually valid, it gives crystal clear impression you're not entertaining them but propagating them

like is this guy just selfishly subjecting us to the mind poison he's chosen to drink and now spew for his own retarded sake?

Thank you for confirming you're exactly along the lines of the kind of fucking retard I thought you were. And you're definitely a feminist as well despite your denial. Just like hyper-socially liberal fucking degenerate faggots claim to be moderates. Fuck off cunt.

...What movie did you watch?

Society is irrelevant and useless. It's only use is for advancing the human race to a point at which order only restrains and does not progress (which, if the past few years mean anything, is fast approaching). As we see now people are expected to give up their achievements and help those who are weaker, thus preventing any sense of actual worth. This is why women are given rights despite only leeching off of others' accomplishments.

Now there are women who are strong, intelligent, superior to some men. But these are exceptions, and are considered the rule by current society.

Well I've read the OP, some of the thread and if you are the OP I can only offer a golf clap. That was a deep analysis but it is a deep film, all characters are repulsive and well played only they should have used Martin Sheen instead of Douglas.

You seem like you have a lot of repressed anger. Probably frustration from your low spot in the hierarchy.
Also, his wife was protecting her child from an unhinged maniac. I suggest you go mgtow so you stop bothering women

It's a fucking stupid film but quite entertaining. Douglas carries it and you've got to hand it to him for daring to take this kind of role. This film would never be made today in any shape or form.

Playing sports, vidya, and fucking are just outlets for pleasure that the beta needs to escape his useless life in the context of human evolution. Chads treat fucking and the hunger for societal power and recognition AS their life, you understand, they are the natural humans.

I'm not sure what you mean here. Almost all men of prehistoric or ancient times fucked almost all the time. And the point about ancient kings is this - by imposing law, by introducing foreign concepts of order and crime, you naturally create betas, weaklings who do their part to advance society but will ultimately be discarded.

Allrighty. You can try to hump any woman you want regardless of her wishes, but other men will come after you for doing that. Good luck.

His skinnyfat-ness absolutely sells it

To my response on I don't agree fully with what you say, and I think you are a bit of a massive faggot, but yes, that man is clearly bluepilled into thinking he is part of the redpill.

The point is the feminist ideology cannot be deconstructed and reconstructed like a house, that doesn't even mean anything. You're deflecting because you think he's narrow minded.

Kek well, can tell I'm falling on some deaf ears today.

Well, fuck me, I remembered her mental state and desperately unstable need to have her husbands attention, and their baby dying from SIDS, but I believe I was wrong about the strongly implied Munchausens, specifically the bit about him saying his daughter was older... I really oddly, vividly (and apparently incorrectly) remember Duvall having a line saying as much about her being older.

You're definition of Chad is skewed toward Patrick Bateman types. Chad is just the top guy in any social sphere. There are white trash chads and chads on wall street. He's just the first choice Of women in a given room.
Also, humans are naturally polygamous. Go read an article on it's prevalance and it will become clear to you that betas occur naturally. Go look at silverbacks and elphant seals for current natural examples.

Wait what the fuck am I missing something?

I don't ever remember his daughter being dead/dying

They're even having a fucking birthday party for her in the end and D-FENS reason for pulling the water pistol on the cop at the end is so he can get life insurance money for his daughter

Are we talking about the same movie or did I miss something?

I'm talking about the film, i.e. it was made by someone who believed in feminist rhetoric that male aggression is a bad thing.

That's true. She was 2 which is abnormal for sids. I think you're right, but it's a stupid thing to argue about as he's just as pathetic and she's still a shrew regardless if she killed the kid or not.

Actually never fucking mind, what movie did YOU watch? My memory IS as good as I thought it was.

I didn't start from early enough when looking up the clip. He specifically says his daughter was 2 YEARS OLD, a BIG GIRL and died of SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME to D-Fens' wife, and that it was VERY STRANGE (I remembered it as directed to Michael Douglas which is why the scene was missing) right before the final confrontation.

>Babies between 1 and 4 months old are most at risk for SIDS and 90 percent of cases occur in babies under the age of 6 months
>By definition, SIDS doesn't happen after a child's first birthday
>he specifically mentions that they told him it was SIDS
this combined with his batshit insane desperate for attention wife vindicates my theory in my opinion as totally valid, even after I went to the trouble of admitting my error

Here is the clip:

Believe me, I'm not arguing he wasn't fucking pathetic. He was absolutely pathetic, and not pitiable or sympathetic or agreeable given this interpretation or his general demeanor. D-Fens even with his autistic rage is much more of a "hero" than the cop.

man you need to go see a counselor or something, you're writing a fuckin 2 page essay about probably less than a minute of dialog

it's a cheesy movie about 2 nerds who got fucked over in life and decided to handle it in different ways, you're reading way too far into it

Go to reddit if you want superficial discussion, plebeian

Yes, I'd fully expect that. And in a proper, natural world, killing those men would be fine, but in a world of laws like this one, I'd be viewed as a meaningless term like 'criminal'. You do see my point, yes?

If that's all you said on the matter, that would've been fine.

But what the fuck is ? You're not fooling anyone. Next you'll say you were a different poster.

okay, just deflect with reddit if you want, just look and read over all you posted and ask yourself if this is the kind of shit an emotionally stable person types up

no m8 it's a post explaining the basis of the theory with attached evidence now that I know I was actually correct, which consists of like 1500 fucking characters at most, I'm a fast typer, and I'm doing this because I'm running on no sleep as of 26 hours ago and posting to stay awake in the mean time

maybe I seem a little manic or over-invested on the surface but you just come off like a retard posting bullshit like that

are you in grade 10 dude ahha are those the essays you're expected to write? you in remedial bud? sorry, grade 10 remedial

I'll be truthful and say I've never seen American Psycho, so not sure what Bateman has to say there.

But yes, you're correct. A chad maintains his position at the top of a social sphere because he wishes for it, because he is inclined to be. Nobody is accidentally a chad.

Yes, betas occur naturally, that's how we've had a long running beta culture in this world, didn't come from nowhere. Hell it's easily seen in animals, too. But human betas prior to civilization were rightfully given no time of day and died off due to natural evolution. Kings saw a chance to profit off their labour and invention and intelligence without giving them due rewards. There is not much difference between slaves of ancient times and betas of today, you know, that's because the latter are descendants of the former.

I made up the "feminist concepts" part. I had to justify my use of "aggressive/timid masculinity." I guess I went the wrong way about it

To me, this movie is a metaphor not about so-called-"beta's" but of how white men have been marginalized by civilization. Think about it, D-fens and the Cop were both at one time pillars of masculinity and represented law, order and defense.

Now both are old ideals and living in early 1990's Los Angeles, a cesspool filled with toxic masculinity Chad's, feminazi's, niggers and other third world genetic trash. Civilization is collapsing and what we see is one man going into turbo autistic meltdown because he can't face change, causing chaos and inevitably being put down by his counterpart who doesn't allow his ID to run wild and asserts his masculinity by showing that he prevails in the face of unrelenting fuckery. He gets the job done and tells his bitch wife to STFU and leave the skin on his fucking chicken because that's the way he likes it.

So the cop isn't a pussy beta, he's a classic liberal who embraces change but with conservative ideals in regards to maintaining order!!!FACT!!!

>The Big Lebowski illustrates this in a more mature and nuanced way

You are definitely the edgiest faggot I've seen on this site in a while.

>clinging to an obscure notion
alright bud
Sup Forums is a liberal cesspit.

>Nobody is accidentally a chad
That's not true. My circumstances might have been or something but my friend in high school was 6' 4", mvp of the basketaball and fucked most of the best looking girls in the school, all while oblvious to his status. I showed him some "red pill" pua shit a couple years ago and he thought it was bullshit until we tested it out.
I agree with the last part of betas being desdended from slaves, but you say that pre-civ betas were in their rightful place as though slaves and modern betas are illegitamate. They're all in their correct place if you ask me.

> bluepilled
> a movie about a whiteguy who after "snapping", dicks half the city
> non-white subhumans jello because the shitskin equivalent of this would be snackbaring into a crowd like a TRUE omegamale

LAW rockets were designed to be easy to use

esoteric bait

I love it

The cop's daughter, not D-fens.

I thought more people knew about this; God-tier symbolism from the Coen bros. It's too bad it gets mistaken for a stoner comedy when it's my favorite movie of theirs.
Maude represents feminism. Constant references of cutting off penises when whe's around. In the end all she wants is a baby dispite her misunderstanings of the world.
Lebowski is the economic and social system which the Dude literally closes the door on. He's in a wheelchair and not faking because the system is inherently flawed and there isn't a Jewish conspiracy.
The Dude, Donny, and Walter are omega, beta and alpha respectively. Each in their own pathetic state. Donny gets abused like hell and Walter is a frustrated mess. The Dude has evolved into the internet intellectual. His probelm is that nothing can strongly motivate him as he knows the system won't change and he has no interest in the bullshit that Lebowki is offering. Notice how he's not fat, he's not actually lazy, there just isn't anything worth doing.
The Jesus unfairly busted for pederastry, see: catholic church
Jackie treehorn: porn industry
Phillip seymour hoffman is your typical
Bunny is women going unchecked (liberation) because the system is in a wheelchair. Mother (non-biological) of feminism.
Knox is feminisms ideal man
The nihilists are actually hedonists and they want things to be fair.
Da Fino is futiley attempting to reinstute stricter behavior on women. The Dude tells him to fuck off
Arthur Sellars are our "fathers"
Larry Sellars is us
The only man in the film is Saddam but his aggression will not stand, thus the nwo imposes its will on his manhood.
In the end playing with your dick and balls and bowling is man's place in the new world. Which is acceptable.

Whoops, left a few typos and unfinished ideas in. I suggest rewatching the movie with this in mind.
The most important thing is the "Gutterballs" sequence. Before women's liberation men had something to pursue, something worth doing anything for (not the Bob Dylan song that's played twice). Now that women put out easily and there's an infinite supply of porn we have to reason to do anything.
The film closes with The Stranger saying that this sort of shit has gone on for millenia, though he would have prefered for Donny to not have been killed. You betas should pick yourselves and learn to be more shameless (the essence of confidence). You can't get beaten up anymore so there's no reason not to stand up against the big guys.

>psycho beta male
So what hes one because hes a wage cuck?
>masculine aggression
As opposed to what feminine aggression

I stopped reading after the this because you'r clearly self inserting yourself into the movie when you are not. You identify in his frustration not justify it and if you do so the whole movie is to prove how stupid the justification of his actions are and that he was the bad guy.

Don't try to dig for a deeper meaning in a movie thats famous for pointing a gun at a guy who works in a fast food chain because they stopped serving breakfast.

The white guy is portrayed as pathetic for doing so. You're the one who's jelly, beta

The guy's austistic so much so that he's oblivious to hurting his child.
Satire is the use of exageration to ridicule certain people/things, hence uzi in burger king, idiot.
The guy is pathetic and angry because he's angry at the world, nothing like me. You read slow as fuck because all you do is watch tv and llay on tbe internet. You're tbe one likely to snap when a machine replaces you because it can read more than 300 hundred words in a minute

>The guy's austistic so much so that he's oblivious to hurting his child.
So what you are a psychologist
>Satire is the use of exageration to ridicule certain people/things, hence uzi in burger king, idiot.
I was never disagreeing with the use of the comedic effect of satire.
>The guy is pathetic and angry because he's angry at the world, nothing like me.
You go onto Sup Forums and call people autistic betas and cucks. I think you are pathetic and angry at the world.
>You read slow as fuck because all you do is watch tv and llay on the internet.
Does that really matter? do you really care about a dick measuring competition on who can read the fastest

>The real lie is that the plastic surgeon has the best life. As long as you're a man who can handle a little heat and not scare your wife away, your life will be as good as anyone's.

I never really bought this guy as an alt-right hero. I mean he actually left his basement. We all know that would never happen with a true alt-righter.

Judge Reinhold's character in Beverly Hills Cop (2?) actually explains how, I assume that's the reference the niglet was making.

What kind of people are you?

>So what you are a psychologist
You're defending this guy because he's your fellow retard.

Anything satirical has a deeper message, retard.

I'm just describing what I say, no anger whatsoever. Everything is exactly as it should be.

No, it's not a contest but your 3rd grade reading level prevented you from getting through the op in less than 10 seconds and now i have to btfo you manually.

What kind of person are you? Clearly someone who only sees what he wants to see in the world. Perhaps a bit of repression due to childhood trauma of bullying and rejection