Be trump supporter (get attacked)

Lol, Drumpfmins are so hated that they cant even assemble without being attacked.
>Leftist agitators employed fascist tactics at a Donald Trump fundraiser in Minneapolis on Friday night
>Video shows protesters banging on the doors of the Minneapolis Convention Center where Trump was speaking to attendees.
>When the event concluded, Trump supporters were forced to run a “gauntlet,” with many, including elderly women, being punched and pelted with garbage.
>Agitators could be seen following attendees down a sidewalk screaming expletives and throwing objects.
>Anti-Trump protesters burned an American flag outside the venue as Trump supporters attempted to exit:
(Videos of Trumpkins getting btfo included in article)

Other urls found in this thread:

I purposely want Trump to lose so I can get a job as an Executioner under our Muslim Overlords.

You can do that now.

Thank you for correcting the record.

>go to DNC in 8 years
>gay speaker is up at the podium
>jump on podium and tackle speaker
>ask the crowd for a knife
>get pelted with knife
>find a decently sharp one
>saw gay speaker's head off
>crowd goes nuts because I'm showing how tolerant I am
>chant "Allahu Akbar" and "Heil Hitler" while doing the Roman salute
>crowd copies me
>swastika laced flags begin rolling down along the walls
>The American Nazi Party has gained traction
>Allah bless Hitler

Holy shit the first video was crazy. The emo guy was punching the old lady in the head.

>White family protecting themselves as a pack of cultural marxists and antifa try to attack and harass them

We knew this was coming.

Stop shilling for your article.

Somebody send this to Don Lemon

>spend half your time calling lefties pussies and queers
>spend the other half getting beat up by pussies and queers

Brave new world :^)

these performance threads where some alt right person plays make believe, where they troll the alt right with exactly the stuff that gets their blood boiling is interesting to me

it's like the reichstag. a fascist shits on something with great symbolic significance to fascists with the explicit intent to swell fascist anger

>be leftist pro peace
>attack people who have an other opinion



Lol people who don't support the status quo of social destruction and quasi-communism should be attacked

Lol lol lol

God I hate the left

It's not difficult to assault old people.

Lol, people who have an different people than me are being attacked.

When did you realize you lost the right to free speech, freedom of thought, non-fixed elections, and are living in an authoritarian state where people are being mindwashed by universties to be aggressive and violent to people who don't have the "correct" point of view?

People with jobs and a lot to lose don't get into physical altercations on the streets. What a bunch of pussies.

About 2014

Canadians are such epic trolls xP xD

Yes, that is pretty well known about liberals. That is why they want YOUR money from governement handouts.

i would like your take on how the current order of things is quasi-communism


You are trying too hard my shill friend.

What do you think affirmative action is, the free market in action?

so affirmative action as it exists today in various states is quasi-communism?

Take money from the rich and finance the poor through programs like amid are marinade public housings

Remove all identity and division in the favor of unity? Destroy all non public institutions like the church.

Don't give me this socialism=\= communism "communism has never been tried". You pinko bitch

Socialism is the early steps hypothetically to a communist system

Now go take a shotgun, put it in your mouth and Kurt cobain your face

so in your understanding, taxation and the meager social welfare programs are quasi-communism?

i like that you mentioned the church, as if christianity is friendly to Liberalism, as if capitalism isn't enormously destructive to the common good, the family, and the church

> AA is literally equality of outcome by taking away from successful groups to give to failing groups

Yes it's quasi-communism

Social welfare programs aren't meager, they're rampant. Check out Seattle's homeless problem. People flock to here because of our "meager" welfare programs.
We already redistribute a significant portion of our middle class and business wealth through taxation. when the government can't find funding for something, it pays for it and then asks for more taxes. the new taxes become permanent and when the program they funded ends, they find new ways to allocate the money. Wash rinse repeat.
Capitalism is not bad. I find that people who don't like capitalism also don't like working hard. Capitalism makes the market a competition. That requires hard work.
Christianity is friendly to some liberal ideals, but it "asks" of its parishioners where liberals want a "demand at gunpoint" approach.
Those are a lot of loaded statements in there. How about you start making any arguments at all.

the reason why this is absurd is because even if affirmative action was extremely robust, which it isn't, its existence pre-supposes a market economy with individuals in competition

a hippy commune is quasi-communism. what you're peddling is ideology

this only makes the left look like a herd of demented crazies (which they are desu)

If leftists employed fascist tactics on Trump supporters, and if they believe Trump and his supporters are fascists, then how would they not be able to fight back? Really stimulates membranes...

die gipsy


>Be a nigger
>Get hung up
Lol, niggers can't even exist without being lynched

Hey CF, big fan