How strong is Trigon in the greater scope of the DC universe? In the cartoon...

How strong is Trigon in the greater scope of the DC universe? In the cartoon, he wasn't impressive at all seeing how a few teenagers could hold him off.

Well, it really depends. I personally think that he's on a lvl between the spectre and mytzpltk don't know if I spelled that right the key factor being that we see he has somewhat reality altering power, but it's never thoroughly expounded on because he is usually dealt with, for the time being. They always make him seem like a huge thing and maybe he is. But I'd say that the JL would have an easier time defeating trigon then the other 2 if all of them were completely agro'd and violent. Now I'm not sure about trigon in anything beyond the old titans comics and injustice. But if I've overstepped my knowledge, anons, please feel free to correct me!

Trigon rolls over the justice league pretty easily, mainly because they lack the power of friendship with Raven.

Trigon has a big penis.

I'd say lower than Spectre and Mr.Pixiesticks

Spectre is pretty damn up there when push comes to shove, above basically everyone.

Pretty strong I would assume, but Raven is his achilles heel.

On paper Trigon is a God who rules over an entire universe. In reality he's a bad space opera villian.

>a lvl between the spectre and mytzpltk
Both of those guys are rather ill defined. mxyzptlk lost his powers at one point and regularly gets beat by supes. Spectre depends on whether he's bound or not.

In Injustice mxyzptlk fought Trigun and it was somewhat even.

Skyfather level.

he only ever exists in the context of a very specific storyline, so his power level is irrelevant. he is stupidly powerful in his one relevant plotline and basically doesnt exist otherwise

Yeah, I think only The Phantom Stranger and maybe the Original Anti-Monitor are/were above The Spectre.

Trigon is limited by lack of feats but when he shows up, shit gets bad.

>Spectre is pretty damn up there when the story calls for him to job to an Ultimate Evil Power
Spectre is a mid-tier mobster killer 99% of the time. He could team up with Frank Castle.

What's the strongest villain BBEG the Spectre has defeated thoroughly?

Spectre is basically a Galactus. Mr. Mxyz is basically the Molecule Man. And Trigon is basically Dormammu. And we all know Molecule Man > Galactus > Dormammu. Disregard Injustice because that shit is retarded.

True dat, but I feel as though it's
> a wild Trigon appears
>last member in party
>stall till revive party
>ultimate last plan works by a thread
>he was tuff but he was no match for the

Another true dat, I came up with the comparisons when I was reading injustice. Mr. ImpLstick (some spoilers ahead for a portion of injustice past)... (but I mean, it's been a while... soooo.... cmon...) was disguising as the spectre and when he had to fight trigon they pretty much had to lock em in another dimension because their power lvls were so high that fighting was, I think, destroying the universe . And yes I know injustice isn't the most canonically correct thing since it is another earth, but hey, that's where I got the clash idea. So in my head ...
Spectre>/=Mr. Mxy>/=Trigon.

And idk why I'm bringing this up, but I read a spectre comic the other day and laughed my ass off.
>spectre goes on crazy killing spree in Gotham
>batmanana says no no
>No fucks given by the spectre
>batman kicks spectre (actually lands a kick)
>spectre says he let it land because he thought bats would feel good bout it.
>batman says stay outa Gotham
>rest of comic goes by
>bats is gone and spectre still goes on wantonly killin

Idk why I put that all down, I just thought it was worth the share.


Again truth said user, I related all of them because all we know is that they are very powerful and have reality altering abilities under their belt. Now, in ranks of how much we know about the character shows us power, see
We know much more about the spectre because he's a main character... was... and mytzpltk is more commonly recurring then trigon. Again, it's just my opinion, but I'd say it was 70 percent based on injustice reading

So as opposed to Galactus, who's fucked up all kinds of cosmic baddies, the Spectre just shows up and goes "Fear Muh Gawd" and cows powerful people down, then fucks off to kill some gangsters..

Is the Spectre magic Batman?

Ah I remember that story fondly. Loved the art, some people didn't though.

Yes neron was a tuffin, but how strong is eclipso, because that would be my answer. And not as a villian but, do remember when spectre went awol, he killed some powerpuffed peeps. Like shazam.

Shazam the hero or Shazam the decrepit old wizard who lives on a rock?

>Like shazam.
>killing an old man way past his prime

Now I'm not sure, because it's conflicting canonically, but I believe at times, the spectre says he deals with off world matter often... but I know at times it's said earth and it's inhabitants are his sole jurisdiction. So idk user .

So he's just another rube who'd get his shit fucked up by Constantine, if he could be bothered to care about some generally harmless git in a cloak and slippers.

The wizard.. but I'm pretty sure he beat the shit out of Billy b4 didn't he?

I may be stupid and or drunk, but wouldn't you say he was still powerfull.. I mean, I dont think batman could've beaten shazam. I strayed from comparing him to neron and the likes because yes I know he is past his spoil date, but I gave him an honorable mention because he is still powerful compared to his usual homeless slaughters. And petty metas and shit.

Old wizards are forces to be reckoned with.

Yes and no, I wouldn't say fucked up, maybe conned into survival and definetely made to look stupid. But If spectre is anything, its that he's patient if you're not bothering him immensely. Nothing is stopping him from destroying you horribly right before you'd die or even after if he thinks you deserve it. He's like a pre hell soul ride

>I dont think batman could've beaten shazam
And Shazam is like the Guardians, who exist in their universe to be theoretically powerful Watchers but in effect exist to job to villains on a daily basis.

You're drunk and stupid but you're also right, Shazam can slap box with Darkseid and win.

I think a better question is: how strong is Raven in her demon form? They take liberties to show her actual power level in this form.

nicest thing anyone's said to me today

Umm, im a little confused on what you said towards the end... but I mean, yeah they are "theoretically " powerful... but I mean.. I think, and think being the operative word, that bats wouldn't be able to beat shazam in most scenarios. Yeah shazam is a shitty little old man who acts like everyone else's attitude is worse than his, but he's lived for so long being so powerful that he has the right, to some degree, to be that dickish and jaded.

Oh man, ravens power levels are really confusing. Especially with her being changed so often. I'd compare her demon form to a similar maybe lesser, due to inexperience, Dr fate.

You're thinking of Mordru, I'm pretty sure.

This basically

He's never been able to do much outside his normal storyline

When you Say dc, are you including the vertigo runs that made themselves set into continuity. Because if we are including those, trigon is essentially a lord of a type of hell. As strong in his dimension as other gods are in theirs. And respectfully weakened the further from their planes they get. I'd say angel level streangth, possibly azrael level.
I say this because it's probably the closest I can come to thinking of relations.

Basanos anyone?

But... they're all outa cards, Cept their Sabrina the teenage rape baby.. I liked em anyways tho.

Vertigo deserves to be canon, but not necessarily touched or tainted by the mainstream DC. Because there's a lot of amazing lore in there that deserves to be seen

speaking of edgy final boss characters

How strong was he really?
and why was he never really expanded.
will he play a bigger part in rebirth?

>and why was he never really expanded.

Because Harras's attempt at doing more Wildstorm failed/cancelled and most of the flunkies he brought in from Marvel lost their jobs too.

>will he play a bigger part in rebirth?


As of now Idk how canon most of vertigo is. I know some of Animal man is still in continuity. But the last time I saw a direct reference was reading superman black ring death makes and appearance.

Other than that, you are 100% correct user. The lore is so well built and hardly made conflicting that it just WORKS

Helspont was defeated by Red Hood. Actually, Arsenal.

Take that in.