Go to roof of Gotham PD

>go to roof of Gotham PD
>turn on bat signal
>wait for batman to arrive
>shoot him in the head
Thoughts on my plan?

Batarmor for Bathead.

Batman has probably already seen your post. You should have kept your plan a secret.

>armored cowl, as shown in BvS and more

You would get fucked, that's assuming he didn't already see someone that isn't Gordon on the roof.

>Thoughts on my plan?
I think you're a faggot.

Here's a better plan

>move literally anywhere else in the world
>never be bothered by Batman again

Hell just move to Australia or Central Europe. Superheroes never show up there.

Batman has quicker reflexes and can tell you're not James Gordon. He doesn't even need armor. Just one single batarang knocking the gun out of your hand and then he'd tie you up and drop you off at the police station.

He shows up from the shadows, sees it's not Gordon and proceeds to beat your ass.

>this post

Hire a Gordon lookalike

>Go to Batcave
>Notice surveillance mainframe is displaying output for bat-signal initiation
>Computer surface scan transmits fingerprints and/or gloves that do not resemble Gordon's in the slightest
>A glimpse at the thirty-nine camouflaged, light-bending surveillance cameras you have set up in the vicinity show that the guy on the roof is some dumb punk with a gun
>Not wanting to leave the comfort of the Batcave, you send the Batwing model Z-4 to dispatch a stun missile
>Shoot Gordon a text letting him know some random thug is on the roof, knocked out and probably with minor damage to his central nervous system
>He should be back on his feet in a couple months, given some intense therapy, both physical and otherwise

Unforutunatly for you, Bats has multi-billion $$$ plot armor.

If he can consistently sneak up on Jim then who else is really going to have a chance?

>commit crime
>wait for batsignal to go on
>have henchman cut the power to the batsignal
>batman will think that everything's ok and he will go home

my plan is better

>have henchmen commit a crime
>get beat up by batman
>put gps tracker on the batmobile
>find batcave
>kill Alfred

>shoot him in the head
This plan has been tried and failed many times before...why don't you ask this guy how it turned out for him?

Alfred would spank your ass while making dinner and ironing the bat tux.

Batman really has a stand called GRANT MORRISON that rewrites history in his favor.

Not even universe resets could hope to defeat him.



thats overkill

i just wanna steal pies

They're bombs


>posting your plan to kill batman on the internet

You already failed.

Batman goes to the roof of GPD all the time. One has to think he's prepped for such a probable conclusion.

You think you're the first person to try shooting Batman?

It's like saying "why don't people just use kryptonite to kill Superman?"
EVERYONE tries it, they just never succeed.

>become a Starbucks barista
>write Batman on a small coffee
>batman shoes up for his coffee
>shoot him in the face

Pretty much this. I'm waiting for bats to put the same shock or gas defences he has on the car, his mask, and the belt on the bat-signal, so only certain people can even turn it on.

>write Batman on a small coffee
>suddenly voice from behind
>"You called?"
>Batman emerges from the kitchen
>fumble to get your gun
>Batman already broke your wrist
>he looks at you with those white eyes
>"Now make me a venti ice coffee."
>"C-cream or sugar?"
>"I take it black."

>screw up his order on purpose

Sounds like a solid plan.