Learn french please

learn french please

how will it benefit me?

I'm trying but you guys talk so fast
I'll never be fluent

ill be able to tell you bedtime stories if you come to france

Nice. What bedtime stories will you read in French?

you'll be able to ask for mercy

Where is a sexy cute French teacher?

fables de la fontaine? we love those here

Why would I learn the language of an inferior tribe?

know your place bong, eternally in our shadow.

je parle francais

Alright. I'll probably learn French when I am in Canada.



Je suis admis au test d’entrée dans mon université préférée

très bien joué poto


I can understand it without learning it

I already did it on middle school and it's not worth it

J’étudie le français
Je suis un étudiant
Je suis Nao
Vous êtes

Mon désir le plus ardent, c'est maîtriser la langue de Molière. Je vais y arriver, mes potes.

J'aime les femmes francaises

I've been watching ARTE on a french proxy the last couple of weeks and I must admit it's top tier television pour etre avec vous les faggots, definitely blows our shit programs out the water

pour etre honnete avec vous les grenouilles*

Ça m'a touché de lire ça, mec. Bonne chance.

There are like a thousand top quality arte documentaries uploaded on YouTube.

cet allemand déter qui parle mieux francais que les allemands eux memes

The language of peasants.
I already learn the best language in the world.


not the same as having fresh new programs on a daily basis + artfag movies + everything else

Je te remercie, c'est très gentil.

Chaque homme a deux patries : La sienne et la France.

They dumb thing is they have to delete stuff from the archive on a regular basis, due to expiring copyrights and the whole private-public broadcaster issues.