Salam alaykum brother, your pizza has arrived. That will be $19.99, plus tip, plus jizya

>Salam alaykum brother, your pizza has arrived. That will be $19.99, plus tip, plus jizya.

Your response?

Other urls found in this thread:

I would kill him


>Best Indian Food and Indian Pizza

Me: "Do you poo in the loo?"
Him: "..."

Did you remember my side of child bride my brother? Then here is 50 dollars for you my friend

Now if you'll excuse me, it's time to EAT my PIZZA gehehehehehe

Tojo/bro/ has the right idea. We should be making common cause with these people.

You call me brother and then demand jizya?

> proceed to behead him

stab him in the guts

>Give him £20
>Keep the change, you filthy animal

I specifically asked to hold the jizya.

damn, this really makes me want to submit to our Indian overlords, loo is for jew...

Quiz him on a random Quranic verse, and when he can't answer it shout "Allahu Akbar" and behead him, then inform the sharia police he was secretly an infidel and Muhammad (PBUH) willed that he die.

i dont have any of your money nor sand nigger gibberish

all i have is .50 caliber BMG

if you want one bad enough, you will get one


Meme all you will about India but combining their cuisine and pizza sounds great.

thank you pajeet

I highly doubt that the person in that picture is Islamic.

the only thing better than cold pizza is cold pizza + milk

>Salam alaykum brother, your family size pizza has arrived

>H-hey g-guys, the pizza is here!

>delivery guy start smiling because clearly nobody else is in my appartment

Why do I feel so bad about the delivery guys judging me?


>"plus jizya"

*teleports behind you*
*grabs dick*

Got your Jizya right here, kid.

aaaa that's not how it works awfesewdASFEASDTNBVeo

Rused by the Anglo again

That's a Sikh and Sikhs are brotier

Is that a double bacon, ham, and pork sausage pizza? Yes? I didn't order any pizza.





Ill bitchslap his ass back to England.

shukran 7abibi

OP -'That will be $19.99'

You said

>Give him £20

You gave him $26.15
Do keep up user. If you keep embarrassing us in front of the Americans, I shall be asking for your spoon and yellow teeth licences to be revoked.

it tastes really good tho


It just seems wrong to eat it both at the same time though. Although I do admit that nothing beats drinking milk when eating pizza.

That's a Sikh bro. I expected better from you bong. Afterall they run all your shops, taxis and restaurants. This tells me you don't really step outside your apartment.

Pizza with milk? Why not just add maple syrup on it?

maple syrup only works with breakfast sausage for me; otherwise it has to be paired with some sweet food or other form of confectionery (and pancakes/waffles/french toast too)

Jesus trucking Christ, why do leafs put maple on everything? Sausages are to be eaten spicy you filth.

>Indian pizza

Multiculturalism has gone too far

I think Brits live with their parents until they are about 35, so he likely doesn't have an apartment.

ok, hmm fresh out of cash. do you take payment in .45 ACP?

i whip out a 20 and the jiz maker, like always... what do you guys do?


spicy food is great though
the last time I had maple syrup was like a year ago


Not going to jizz on you sorry.

Also I go to a quaint Italian bakery every week and order a spicy sausage sandwich and it's the best sandwich I've had

>Get your $20 and fuck away from my property


>I think Brits live with their parents until they are about 35, so he likely doesn't have an apartment.

Nearly correct.

At 36, we receive our spoon licence, and then if we prove to be responsible citizens, at 39, we get our 'Can move from parents certificate'.

Of course, all of this pales into insignificance, when at 45, we can, if lucky enough to pass the exams, receive our Concealed carry butter knife licence.

Thanks for your interest.
regards, British Spoon Safety Dept.

you know that India has like 150million muslims, right?

Oh I'll give you some Jizzya, big boi

Kekles, I like this Brit.

You know that India has 1.1 billion non-Muslims, right?

you know india has a billion people that rabidly hate muslims?

>He doesn't put maple syrup on his habanero, breakfast sausages
>He doesn't eat peanut butter, bacon, and waffle sandwiches with banana slices
Fucking pleb.

>This pizza tastes like shit

Sure thing friendly delivery man! Is it kebab like I ordered? Please leave it in the kitchen I gotta mow the lawn real fast, hahah! Don't worry... Come in, my wife is inside!

You know Germany has about 4.3 muslims in it, right?

>hand him $28 (a fair $5 tip and $3 required jizya)
>say "thank you for ending the degeneracy. This country looked like it was really going down the shitter for a while there. Have a good day, Moslem friend."

Actually it goes really good with maple.
Bacon too

t. Texan

Why order pizza user, learn to make them, easy as fuck, tasty as hell, cheaper than delivery (better I would say but that really depends where they are from) no muzzies at the door. Win win win win.

I would thank the fine gentleman and give him a tip

Here let me just take that pizza from y- OH NO I SPILLED THE SAUSAGE PIZZA ALL OVER YOU


I jizya mom last night

>Hey kids, instead of going to McD's I'm going to make home made burgers! They're tastier and healthier too!

Indian pizza delivery sounds like a fucking God send



>not your brother
>go jizz on yourself

Also I won't order from them again, I also don't give money to kebap outlets.

Alaykum salami. I've already given your wife-cousin my jizya.

Waaaait... Why am I a fucking leaf? I'm a gotdamn born-and-raised FloridaMan. I mean, fuck, it's not even winter, we don't become a province until at least November.

This nis why I should keep a shotgun by the door isn't it ?

Why he wants my jizya?
That's too lewd for me I just want the pizza onii-chan.