Other urls found in this thread:

What is the problem ?
Muslims do not have enough mosques (there are only 3,000) while they pray in the streets.



They can pray in the streets if they don't block the traffic, nobody want a mosque in his neighborhood.

>Not enough mosques (there are only 3,000)
That's 3000 too many

We're working on it.

Your problem is you have too many Muslims. You need to deport 70-80% (like what you did with the Roma) and put a reproductive limit of one or two children on the remainder so that they can't get beyond replacement levels.

Muslims need to be sterilized.

The state isn't your mommy

kill yourself ahmed

A law was made against the street prayer but the law isn't respected

No you aren't.

There is a place for people that don't respect the law... i think its called prison.

Why it does not bother you when violent Catholics pray in the streets?

No context. No date.

A France Yes thread while we are witnessing our first French Crusader on Frog/pol/
This thread is gay and you're gay... oh wait

Because France is a catholic country?

They destroyed their church, and France is catholic.

it's not your cucked media who will say that tho



France is a secular country.
Muslims have fought for France and rebuild it. Islam is part of France.

I have no doubt that you are an Algerian


2800 Churches gets demolished, new Mosques gets built every week....

Holes are a part of the Emmental

tumblr pepe + bengladesh
Are you even trying?

That's not muslims.
The image is taken after a jew mention told his local synagogue he lost a 20 Euro-cent coin on his way there.

Sounds like you need some Blitz again.

I was born in France, so no iam not Algerian.

And ? Why it bother you?

Let me explain, young artist

(((he))) is pic related

>I was born in France, so no iam not Algerian.

Confirmed shitskin.

Confirmed Shitskin





In Romania there are only 3 very small mosques in Dobrogea. Most of the muslims in our country are Crimean Tatars who came here like 700 years ago. So they're not even arabs. Very pacific people, you never hear about them. They are exactly as a religious minority should be, they mind their own business and don't plan to expand or take over anything. They would have no chance, anyway.

>I was born in France
pic related

also, confirmed shitskin


Nique ta mère avec ta couleur de peau fils de pute de raciste de merde. Vous la ramenez sur internet mais dans la rue vous vous mettez à genoux devant nous.

Wow, confirmed Algerian for the 3rd time

>de merde

Why are you talking about your skin, Mahmut?

>mfw raiders get a good taste of Sup Forums
I won't fight you in the street, I don't want to catch ebola

waou un vrai nègre

Non je ne suis pas noir, pas contre vous vous devez avoir le sida et toute sorte de maladies vu que la majorité des homosexuels sont blancs. En plus de ça les pédophiles sont souvent blanc et catholique. Moi aussi je peux me mettre à votre niveau bande de victimes ! The warriors of the keyboard !

>Non je ne suis pas noir

confirmed racist algerian

oh fuck, he's like a living cliché

Literally kill yourself dude

IRL en 1v1 vous finissez comme ça, quand il n'y a pas SOS racisme pour vous défendre.

imagine driving trough that with a truck ...


When frenchies start shooting up mosques and killing at least 20 people, let me know, until that time you remain ultra cucks.

>trash on the street
>a few dozen men get on their knees and pray
>trash will be there and more will be added shortly

According to the map they are part of france, and they also vote, which is the most important thing ;)

Where is a France assault truck when you need one?

Tu t'es fait racketter ton goûter par un Arabe à la récréation quand tu étais à l'école ? C'est pour ça que t'es un raciste islamophobe ?

Tu es la victime de cette photo ?

>fière d'être une petite caïrat
>boasting about being a thug


Where's a rental truck when you need one? Oh yeah, that's reserved for the religion of peace.

Noooooooooo this picture hurt me.
>Warrior of the internet

damn ! Sup Forums can be so childish sometimes !


Par contre j'ai niqué assez d'entre vous pour savoir que vous menacez de ramener vos cousins(imaginaires) et vos grand frères(imaginaires) quand vous vous faites défroncer.

PS :

There nothing will happen, french racists are cowards they attack only muslim children and women. But their sisters love to suck ours big dick circumcised.

Muslims are cowards they attack only French children and women.

But their sisters can't stand their stupidity and want to improve their future child's DNA

French streets are so dirty

>vous vous mettez à genoux devant nous.
Nah criss de charogne, c'est toi qui se caliss a genoux 5 fois par jours osti d'imbécile

>Nique ta mère
haha, j'pense que t'oublie c'est les sandniggers qui pratiquent l'inceste le plus à travers le monde.

It is know as 49th wilaya of Algeria, even the Algerians when they come to Marseille are suprised the first time.

muslims bend over and get fucked by allah 5 times a day.