100 years of Estonian country

Also Finland is celebrating the 100 year old Estonia. Saturday 24.February 2018 is the 100th birthday of Estonia.


In honor of 100 year old Estonia we publish this small vocabulary of Finnish - Estonian so you can take note of these words you might accidentally use wrongly in Estonian. There is many Finnish words that look like the same in Estonian but actually mean very different thing.

Individual words:
ruumide koristamine = tilojen siivoaminen
(decoration of cadavers in Finnish, cleaning up the room in Estonian)

pori = kura
(a medium sized Finnish city in Finnish, but means dirt in Estonian)

tuore = raaka
(fresh food in Finnish, raw food in Estonian)

raamat =kirja
(The Bible in Finnish, any book in Estonian)

erämaja = omakotitalo
(remote cabin in the woods in Finnish, your own, non rented house in Estonian)

pulmapaev = hääpäivä
("day of troubles" in Finnish, marriage day in Estonian)

koni = tupakantumppi
(old, useless horse in Finnish, discarded cigarette in Estonian)

veski = mylly
(bathroom in Finnish, grain grinding device in Estonian)

kisa = meteli
(sports event in Finnish, terrible noise in Estonian)

halb = huono
(cheap in Finnish, poor quality in Estonian)

hukata = teloittaa
(to lose something in Finnish, execute to the death in Estonian)

taks = mäyräkoira
(payment (to the government) in Finnish, a certain breed of hunting dog in Estonian)

ema = äiti
(your own mother in Estonian, mother pig/sheep in Finnish)

hakkaja = reipas, napakka
(violent person who beats up someone, in Finnish, but means cheery person in Estonian)

kama = talkkuna
(means illegal drugs in Finnish but a type of Russian food in Estonian, the same food however can be found both in Finland and Estonia with different names)

Other urls found in this thread:


lahja = kevyt
(means giving a gift in Finnish but means light weighted in Estonian)

pussata = pieraista
(kissing in Finnish, farting in Estonian)

putka = myyntikoju
(police jail in Finnish, mushroom/berries sales kiosk set up at the street in Estonian)

ravi = hoito
(a running horse in Finnish, "immediate hospital treatment required" in Estonian)

ämm = anoppi
(mother in law in Estonian, a bothersome woman in Finnish)

tuhm = himmeä
(behaving badly in Finnish, having low level of light (in the room) in Estonian)

viinerid = nakit
(wiener, a Danish delicacy in Finnish, but means sausages in Estonian, a German delicacy, these are Germanic loan words in both languages)

riisuda = haravoida
(means taking of the clothes in Finnish but in Estonian it means "to comb" something)

Ma vaatasin kassi, se sai kulli kätte. = Katsoin kissaa, se sai haukan.
(I was watching the cat when it caught a hawk, in Estonian - I watched the plastic bag when it pulled a penis on its hand, in Finnish)

Kas sa oled heas tujus või purjus? = Oletko hyvällä tuulella vai humalassa?
("Are you just in a good mood or are you drunk" in Estonian, but in Finnish it means "Are you very drunk or are you vomiting?")

Majas oli hallitust, elame nüüd talus. = Talossa oli hometta, asumme nyt maatalossa.
(In Estonian it means "Our own house had mold, we moved to a farm house" but in Finnish it means "Our own house was taken over by government and we now live in another house"

who cares i don't even know where estonia is
the only date that matters is 11 of November

>i don't even know where estonia is


I love you, Finland

Is it finnicized russian word of гpaмoтa?

probably, but it ultimately comes from Greek word grammata

Stop trying to kill us with your raw fish and meat

I have no idea what you are talking about

>tuore = raaka
>(fresh food in Finnish, raw food in Estonian)

why are you finns ugly but estonians not?

Finns have more German genes Estonians more Slavic genes.

S. Stony ass shithole

Congratulations on earning something that you should've achieved a millennia earlier.
Better late then never.

Doesb't make sense, tard.

I will not dodge estonia to get my booze from latvia next time.

You're probably retarded then

>is it okay if I kiss you?

will estonia ever be considered nordic?

Congratulations, Estonia
Estonia forever! :3

congrats estonia bros

Nah it has nothing to do with the Nordic region except Finland.

Eesti beesti

t. uggos with epicanthic fold

Congratulations Estonia :D

Estonians are not nordic, it is known. Geographically maybe, but ethnically or culturally not. Culturally we are closer to Germans than scandis.

Cool boy Steonia

how much there is difference between Germans and Scandis?

>kisa = meteli
>(sports event in Finnish, terrible noise in Estonian)


Culturally, quite much.

Congratulations little sister

What a shitty image

why germans and not scandis?

Happy birthday Estonia.

thanks to latvia, we can celebrate EV100

Congratulations, Eesti!

w-what are they planning?

Estonia was conquered by German crusaders in 1200s and the last Germans left in 1940s. Although Estonian and German culture were separated most of the time, Germans actually developed Estonian written language and contributed much to our culture. We've been conquered by Swedish, Polish and Russians but the nobility here were always Baltic Germans.

People who go to Latvia now are fking traitors

>German German German German German German German German
Seek mental help you retard

supporting our neighbor isn't that bad

What was it like for Finland when it’s little brother was being molested by the communists? Honest question.

Don't need to. I just face the the truth. Estonia is a Baltic German country with a Finno-Ugric language.

But why go? It's you country's birthday. Why fuck it up?

Being German is genetic. Turkish or Estonian people can't suddenly become German because they feel like it.

just pointing facts,
in my point of view it is dumb, and i have do agree with you.

>one chance at life
>not born in eesti or suomi

Its only a cultural thing. Our culture since 1200s was developed mostly by Baltic Germans. That's a fact.

We forgot it existed until the ferry lines for cheap booze came to be.

Happy birthday Estonia, enjoy our cheap alcohol

kallis kaasmaalane

ma õnnitlen sind selle saja aasta sünnipäeval

How mutually intelligible are Estonian and Finnish?

so finns don't feel any actual kinship with estonia?


do you miss baltic germans?



suomi bros were the biggest supporters of independent eesti

Finns hate even other Finns how could we like them?

During Cold War we had our hands full in trying to not give the Soviets more influence over us than necessary to keep them calm.


maybe because the sentiment is exactly the same here


Love you all!


No. They were a part of our history but they are mostly gone now.

tglt ei ole ju

Mis mõttes?

just some friendly banter, however

>raamat =kirja
kiri = letter or writing

>koni = tupakantumppi
kronu = old useless horse

>veski = mylly
vets = WC

>taks = mäyräkoira
taks = also can mean tax

>hakkaja = reipas, napakka
hakkaja = reibas = self starter/ motivated
napakas = full retard

>kama = talkkuna
kama = can also mean drugs here

More lies. Lies and slander by a Russian SPY!!
We did secretly help them.

Happy birthday Eesti, you're one of our best allies unlike f*nland.

Another 100 years to come


>pulmapaev = hääpäivä
>("day of troubles" in Finnish, marriage day in Estonian)

>pussata = pieraista
>(kissing in Finnish, farting in Estonian)

>ämm = anoppi
>(mother in law in Estonian, a bothersome woman in Finnish)

All jokes aside, happy birthday Eesti. Thanks for being one of the few countries that's actually younger than us.

It takes more than mere mutts to break our bonds with our brothers.
5 points for trying though.

Estonia 100
>dubs - check 'em

check these

Estonia should listen to us instead of sucking Americans dick desu

Checked, please check mine

ryssä pls

it's too obvious

Happy bday estonia, best flag ever


Eesti flag looks like candy


I've always liked Estonia, it seems peaceful.
Idk might be wrong

91 wasnt 100 years ago you fucking imbecile

Nice get, check these

I love you, Eesti

Love you too finland!

Such a little cutie :3

Tunnel when?

haoppy birthday Brothers!


Thank you brothers!

Very good.
Is there an official celebration today? Fireworks? A concert?


I'll take a drink for the next 100 years.



Congratulations! I'm Russian citizen with Estonian descent and sadly doesn't know a word in beautiful Estonian. Hopefully i'll visit Kärdla some day.

your mom


>source: New Finland Magazine

>"Talsinki will be built in our lifetime". Helsinki and Tallinn will be combined into one urban megacity.

We will dominate baltic sea with our empire with our estonian brothers.

literally who

Funny how the only decent city in Finland was built by Swedes and the only decent city in Estonia was built by Danes.

Every city in Finland was built when we were a part of Swedish kingdom. Though Helsinki was a small trade town until Russia annexed us and made Helsinki our capital to distance us from Sweden. Until that point the Western coastal city of Turku was our capital.


Bravo Estonia! Finnic people are Superior.
