Why does Sup Forums pretend the DCEU isn't horrible?

why does Sup Forums pretend the DCEU isn't horrible?

Jesus christ on the cross, that looks really bad.

That looks so visceral and brutal, amazing scene!

Whatever you say, sport.

I downloaded this movie months ago to watch it since I haven't yet, but this is really making me think about just deleting it. Does he seriously use guns like this in the movie?


it's like a massacre

This was great.

>>Does he seriously use guns like this in the movie?
>World is basically broken and destroyed.
>Fire Pits are siphoning energy from the planet's core as Apokolips itself is engulfing the world.
>Parademons are freely roaming the surface of the world.
>OMG! Why is Batman using guns?!

Sup Forums invasion and a bit of dc fans suffering from beaten wife syndrome.

>TDKR levels of faceless goons waiting their turn and getting invisible-punched

Hollywood can't fucking get guns right

>goons point their guns at Batman with ample time to shoot their weapon

>they don't shoot him and instead either wait long enough to get shot, batarangs, or just charge him and get their shit wrecked

>repeat ten times over

low standards

Thanks for that, OP.
I knew there was a reason I didn't want to see this, now I know exactly why.
It may make sense to YOU to default to spraying for headshots when the shit hits the fan, but that's why you aren't Batman.

The MCU is much much much much worse and Sup Forums pretends its good so why not


Sup Forums doesn't pretend at all. It's Sup Forums with their contrarianism.

Wow it took 9 posts this time before someone decided to turn it into consolewars. You're doing better, Sup Forums.

Marvel films are competent. DC films aren't even that.

I'd assumed that's a clue to let you know it's a dream but yeah it is pretty dumb.

Never really participated in any of the threads related to this. Haven't watched it too.

First half of the clip looks like everything is in slow-mo, and the goons purposely looking down or at the other direction before dealing with Batman one at a time.

I still can't believe the dislike it's getting, but I can understand the criticisms a bit after seeing that clip.


That entire sequence is confusing. Either it's a dream, in which case how is Batman seeing all the Darkseid army shit? Or it isn't and it's Barry Allen somehow sharing future vision with Bruce, in which why are all these Goons so shit, and why is Bruce sleeping?

Amazing kinography, bravo Snyder!!!!!!!!

DC films are sale bin level of incompetent. Marvel films will at least deserve their blu-ray releases

>literally posting a Sup Forums image
Opinion discarded.

I get that Batfleck's Batman is probably the most realistic interpretation of a Batman would, whether he likes it or not, cause deaths, but again, why is he straight up shooting guys here?

You're confusing Sup Forums posters with Sup Forums again

Because it's literally a dream, the scene is titled Knightmare.

Because according to Snyder, the "no kill" rule was something created for the 89 Burton movie. Nevermind that he kills in that too.

Sup Forums ruined their own board, they might as well bring down everyone else with them.

Okay, I hate the DCEU...but that scene is actually ncredibly well shot. That was one take. All of it. And that was Ben Affleck, not a stunt double. That takes skill.

However, as cool as it is, and as badass as it looks...the fuck thinks of this when making BATMAN and SUPERMAN? It looks fucking great, but why did they have to go this route? I mean, c'mon!

Snyder is good at generic action, and this scene shows it, but Synder also sucks at keeping it to the core of the characters. This doesn't look like Batman, this is Batman if he were in a war movie!

Truth be told, though, I actually really do like the nightmare scene. It's weird, it's cool, and it just is fuckin' nuts...but unless this were a fanfilm, I'm sorry, but it just doesn't fit in.

>However, as cool as it is, and as badass as it looks...the fuck thinks of this when making BATMAN and SUPERMAN? It looks fucking great, but why did they have to go this route? I mean, c'mon!

It's like, who the fuck thinks of this kind of shit for the very first cinematic Batman/Superman team up movie ever? Who thought this shit was appropriate? This is our first and maybe only chance at a live-action DC cinematic universe and THIS is what you give us?

This is one of my biggest pet peeves. No country for old men is one of the only movies I've seen that gets guns and gun-fighting right. Here you have goons running up to batman, kneeling, handing them their guns and getting whipped in the face with their own buttstock. It's horrible.

You mean you're from Sup Forums, OP

>This doesn't look like Batman, this is Batman if he were in a war movie!
What is fucking wrong with that?

Just going to remind you guys that in the sequence the goons have express orders to take Batman alive, not shoot him to death.

>Sup Forums ruined their own board
That's not fair, Sup Forums and reddit helped.
And really shitty mods.

This is a bad dream he's having. He doesn't use guns like this. Unless you count the Batmobile chase, but then the Batmobile is often covered in guns.

>he's wearing a trenchcoat and cargo pants over his batsuit
I find it funny.

>Sup Forums and reddit helped.
Reddit did fuck all, actually. Sup Forums just has a unhealthy obsession with reddit, more so than Sup Forums does for tumblr.

A bizarre sense of loyalty. A lot of people here see DC as the underdog company, so they want to be in their corner no matter how bad the product.

Same user you replied to, but I know what you mean.

The thing is if I want Batman in a war movie, I'm not going to see it in a film called Batman versus Superman.

Batman in a war movi would be awesome, I'll admit, but I don't want that to be the MAIN BATMAN in theaters. I want Batman to be done right on cinema. If I want to see Batman in a War Movie, then have it be in a Batman war movie!

Every board on this site has an unhealthy obsession with reddit.

Batman movies seem plagued by neat fight scenes that fall apart once you watch them on the small screen.

I've never been sure why.

Then they should either be armed with tranq rounds or shoot to wound.

But its a apocalyptic future that could come out of the main universe Batman which was done right in the main story of the film.


idk what you're talking about, user. This looks pretty good for a fan film.

The costume design

It's not a dream, it's a vision of a possible future caused by Flash's time boom.