How did we go from this

How did we go from this

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to THIS?????


Utterly fucking retarded how the weight of the bigger sword doesn't obliterate that little fencing thing the girl has.

>still using the toothpick jon had made for her when she was 8 years old and like 2 feet shorter

Big difference is that choreography clearly went for "two guys trying to hit each other" as opposed to just dancing around and slashing empty air. I love how you can also tell they're very jittery and on edge throughout the entire fight as it should be.

Especially when she's deflecting it with ONE FUCKING HAND like it's nothing

Where can I watch this? And what movie is this?

the worst part is there is sword techniques to deflect larger swords/opponents but they almost exclusively involve sliding the enemy sword, getting it stuck on your hand guard and stabbing the fuck with your side knife. That toothpick would have bent in half after two blows

best fight coming through

How about something a little more real

I don't remember this scene

Lmao who choreographs this shit

The Duellist.

This might be realistic but it looks like shit. Nobody wants to see a duel like this

> parrying your enemies when they would fucking miss you completely giving you an opportunity to end them

this is the main problem with sword fights in movies

That's "Potop" you inbreed

It's not that realistic because they can't thrust. They just clubbing eachother with swords which is retarded. OPs vid is top notch tho
t. hemafag

Who the fuck uses a longsword in a house?

Yea, I don't see any attempt to get through the armor. They just try to beat past each others guard and see who can withstand. I'm no expert but that seems like a bad tactic for a real battle.

The swords don't even connect the first three times and it was heavily stabilized in post.

This is over-edited to hide swords and show face as much as possible, which is a terrible decisions since it's then obvious whenever the girl isn't showing her face, the presence of a stunt double is painfully obvious.

Way more thrilling. mainly because they setup and characterised the fight.

The "swords" are blunt and very light metal so they are basically used as clubs more than a sword.

That said longsword fighting evolved with the development of armour to the point where it was more about knocking your opponent down so you could thrust a sword through a weak point because slashing was useless against full plate.

What the fuck is wrong with those swords they bend just by swinging them.

Source? I'll want to watch this.

Why are they just swinging at the air in front of them and hitting each other's swords rather than trying to hit each other?

That's literally the opposite of what they're doing

Nigga, open your eyes, most of the swings are wasted moves, slashing at the air/the other guy's sword.

swords are light so you can swing them better, retard

They're nylon fencing wasters, the metallic noises are dubbed in

Though real swords are bendier than you'd think

a move that keeps your opponent at bay isnt a wasted move.
plus swinging where you hope your opponent might move is a better strategy than waiting for them to stand still.

They could have just gone with the crazy ninja reflexes angle at least and it would be fine for what it is but they had to do that and parrying a monster woman longsword with a radio antenna.
Faceless men having supernatural speed and reactions seems fine.

Yes, the first fight sequence is far superior.

Swinging at air does nothing but make you tired faster.

It's more than worthless, it actually harms your chances of survival. I only took basic bitch classes in basic bitch Fiori swordfighting and even I know that.

>more real
>guys in plate armor trying to slash eachother to death with falchions

kys retard

>shaky cam
>*closes webm*

>that knowledge of angles