Hi, I don't know if I'm really high or not

Hi, I don't know if I'm really high or not.
So basically, China is closer to the west so why Americans says China is in the east?
This means that Italy is at the centre of the world!

And also, do Chinese refer to themselves as Orient?

Other urls found in this thread:


The pacific is not as small as it seems. UK is in the "center of the world" according to us.

Are you the stoner italianon who posts in vocaroo threads?

> (OP) (You)
>Are you the stoner italianon who posts in vocaroo threads?
N-no.. but.. Cann you tell me what your country is called and where it got its name?

>This means that Italy is at the centre of the world!
this is eurocentrism, in case you never realized

>Cann you tell me what your country is called
The United States of America
>and where it got its name?
An Italian cartographer
French for "Green Mountain"

I keep seeing this pic and reverse image search shows nothing. Anyone have the source.

yes i do

You're a lazy liar; use saucenao to crop what you want.

>And also, do Chinese refer to themselves as Orient?

>The Orient is the East, traditionally comprising anything that belongs to the Eastern world, in relation to Europe. In English, it is largely a metonym for, and coterminous with, the continent of Asia, divided into the Far East, Middle East, and Near East.
>The term Oriental is sometimes used to describe people or objects from the Orient.
>The term "Orient" derives from the Latin word oriens meaning "east" (lit. "rising" < orior " rise"). The use of the word for "rising" to refer to the east (where the sun rises) has analogs from many languages: compare the terms "Levant" (< French levant "rising"), "Vostok" Russian: Bocтoк (< Russian voskhod Russian: вocхoд "sunrise"), "Anatolia" (< Greek anatole), "mizrahi" in Hebrew ("zriha" meaning sunrise), "sharq" Arabic: شرق (< Arabic yashriq يشرق "rise", shurūq Arabic: شروق "rising"), "shygys" Kazakh: шығыc (< Kazakh shygu Kazakh: шығy "come out"), Turkish: doğu (< Turkish doğmak to be born; to rise), Chinese: 東 (pinyin: dōng, a pictograph of the sun rising behind a tree[1]) and "The Land of the Rising Sun" to refer to Japan.

There you go.

Gravy: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orient

But it's like that, isn't it? It's accepted. No one says otherwise.

And considering this, where is Australia? WESTERN OR EASTERN?

>No one says otherwise
welp, both USA and Japan/China/Australia have maps centered in their countries. pic related
Australia is eastern geoGRAPHICALLY. culturally it's western matecunt

ah btw, China in their own language is literally "Middle Kingdom"
Italy in chinese is Yi-Da-Li

Wow, I've never see a foregin map! Thanks!
But the thing is still "being WESTERN CULTURALLY"
And still looking at your map, it seems that America is connected to the West to Asia, so, why Americans refer to some countries as "middle east" even tho for them should be "middle west"?

>why Americans refer to some countries as "middle east"?
they're ignorants
the correct term is NEAR East, in contrast with the Far East

Oh. So the world is actually Eurocentric. Cause, atleast from my point of view it seems that referring to something "far" as in "east" would make you do the whole round around the world.

To be more clear, if you don't know where a country is, you probably visualise the countries around it, so "travelling that far" seems menial, when it's closer to the west.

Suppose I don't know where Taiwan is, I should't think China, cause it's the other way around but rather Tibet( I think Taiwan is at the bottom of China)

The first cartogrpahers that mapped out the new world were europeans, so it makes sense for them to put Europe in the center of the map, now we are so used to it that changin it would be pointless
A globe would be the perfect map, but good ones are to clunky to carry anywhere

>changing it would be pointless
it's what unitedstatians try doing it all the time though

btw Taiwan is east of China and at the north of Philippines, in case you were seriously wondering
also about references, England is the reference and more specifically the Greenwich Royal Observatory (which Greenwich Meridian was set on)
because we're on a globe the convention is arbitrary but as the argie said, classical already
the middle of the world (meridian 0° crossing the equador) is in the middle of the Atlantic south of Accra and east of Sao Tome and Principe

Well, ok. But if you consider it, didn't the first cartographer started in Italy? Like Rome?

.... to me it looks centered in Persia but yeah it makes sense to put Roma as the center of the world back then because everyone was Catholic (OR ELSE)
what i saw on Mercator's first map is dividing the world in 2 (new and old), so there's no actual central point generally speaking

My dude, you got this all wrong the center of the world is Namjimnadia, Antartica in the Phase II type F sector.

Second the China peoples like to be referred to Oriental Expressers. Try to have some class.

Third if you smoke to much Marajuwanna man, you could find yourself in a Red China prison for being Italian on the interenets.

Ok fellow "Western Italian"(named after Amerigo)
Many thanks. I still wonder about other points of view like Australian ones.
And to make things even better:
If you are reading this you think Italy is a great country.

>you think Italy is a great country
i just like how they draw very good

The first cartographers(on a major level, not just some caveman sketching a map) were in Greece I think. But the prime meridian was chosen at a time when the British were the world's biggest power and had their huge navy, so everyone just accepted it as being in London.