Really stimulates the cerebral cortex
Other urls found in this thread:
>Cops shooting detained nig in the head
>Guy shooting cops is white
>everyone doing everything bad in the picture is white
>even the islamic terrorist
There's some pretty light sand people out there. If you look past the race and trump stuff I think it's a pretty decent message. Now it would be perfect if there was also some sjw's bashing a white male and the sniper was black, but at least the point it's making is valid.
Pretty (((Jewish))) picure.
No blacks wew lad
What a perfect world.
Really makes you think
>all the bad guys are white
>all the victims are brown (except for the truck people)
how dare people distract themselves from things they have no control over
I didn't know niggers bled red blood.
The guy sniping the cop should be black
>no black people
Reported for racism.
What is the message? Don't play Pokémon because niggers are committing crime and we're about to have the best president to date?
Ben Garrison edit when?
just remove the pokeball and it still accurately represents the past decade at least
No I think it's pretty damn obvious, too much retreat into false realities while the world is on fire
Everyone but me gotta learn
No there is a white trump supporter
That's why the country is in the mess its in now.
Obvious trollinh its bread and circus
wtf I hate pikachu now
>while the world is on fire
Only if your version of the world is what you see on pol and the news.
>they made the cop killing sniper white
200% mad
Sorry I didn't realize I had to spell out that that was an exaggeration for you fellows. No shit the world isn't complete shit, but the fact remains that there is tons of things in this world that are wrong and that a lot of people generally tune out.
>the guy sniping the cop isn't black
someone stomp the faggot who drew this in the nuts
>Pokemon go players obey the law and don't harm anyone
>Everyone else is going Mad Max
Great promotion for Pokemon Go creating more peaceful communities.
>the sniper is white
At least the one on the left as some artistic talent. Just need to not be so tryhard and stupid.
Eh, why the fuck are they shaped all retarded though?
I like the pied piper meme, but the way he executed it seems pompous and overdone.
why do comic artists hate pokemon go so much, /pole/?
What is it with libs drawing pumped up men all the time?
more cops are killed by blacks annually than cops kill blacks
Symbiote spiderman is my favorite...
>Cop is fit.
>Cop is white, while many cops in poor neighborhoods who shoot black criminals are themselves black.
>Guy shot is black, while more unarmed whites are shot than unarmed blacks, despite blacks committing half of all violent crime despite being only 15% of the population.
It's the hot new thing and if they can't make it controversial for cash, it will kill them.
It's attention fagging + riding on coattails for profit.
Wtf I hate (((all that shit in the picture))) now
>If bad things are happening in the world, individuals shouldn't be allowed to have enjoyments.
Who thinks like this
Threads dead, but figured I'd post this.
Hatred of masculinity.