


Roughly 100% of the people in this picture were accepted into Harvard through affirmative action and roughly 0% was accepted through merit.

>be given everything from hand to mouth by WYPIPO
>fuck yeah nigga, we showed them wez kangz
Why are they so fucking pathetic? Seriously how?

Because the bad side won the Civil War.

No they didn't. The bad side were the Democrats who wanted to flood this country with even more of these retards. The good side won and stopped it.

150ish years later the democrats regained political power and once again began flooding this country with more of these fucking retarded.

Why do Democrats love the BBC so much?

Yes, Harvard has been scouring the country for the brightest black minds but came up with nothing and had to settle for C students to satisfy racial quotas.

look at all that virtue signalling

Wtf I fucking hate when people bring in race to education just to further their agenda

Lead posting at its finest--fucking retard.

Also Harvard doesn't scour this country for the brightest of anyone's mind. If you had actually gone to college you would know this, dipshit.

that guy's father donated a shitton of money to harvard, he could have literally given them a single plum, floating in perfume, served in a mans hat and he would have gotten in

Do you have proof of that lol?
You know Harvard also did charity admissions as well and people still bitched about those.

>virtue signalling

That's not what virtue signalling is

>google "harvard medical school graduates"
>mostly pictures of black people

Good job, America!

If lincoln survived, then alot more blacks would have been shipped back to africa. He was a member of the colonization society for God's sake.

This. Fuck off with trying to bring your race into everything. No one gives a fuck.

>be American
>want to go to college
>you either have to be filthy rich or a minority to be accepted
Literally third world country tier

desu we truly are a 3rd world country right now, it just hasn't been realized by the world yet.

Trust me, it has

>"we're millionaires but have indentity issues since 95% of our friends are rich whites"

Niggers ought to be genocided

Only on Sup Forums.


Do most Black-Americans non-ironically believe that Wypipo are keeping them down?


Do blacks seriously believe they have the same capabilities that whites have?

Do they really think it's possible that one day they'll have the same, if not better, academic success as whites?

I don't know, do you?

the vast majority do without a doubt

That plan never was seriously considered. Retards always say that same "Lincoln would have shipped day black to Liberia" despite most blacks not wanting to go AND the sheer effort in moving such a large population being a logistical nightmare.

>graduated medics
>dress like ghetto riff-raff
Explain this to me.

I grew up under the idea that you were supposed to be humble about your achievements, and yet all I see today are my peers talking about their "struggle" and how no one else could have succeeded under their circumstances.

Me too

nigs gonna nog

>uc berkeley is full of libcucks! stanford is much better!
this is why we hate standfurd.

Roughly 100% of this post is pure conjecture and roughly 0% was evidence based.

>conforming to every single societal norm there is
>basically sacrificing your life to match them (Harvard medical school)

>still acting like you are a true rebel

not to sound like an edgy teen but this level of cognitive dissonance keeps baffling me

also what’s up with anglo lab coats getting shorter and shorter. I like my long coat

and acting like they beat the system by embracing it even more than anyone else

Harvard take in many more underskilled white students because their parents are donors than they take in minorities through affirmative action.

Yet Sup Forumstards never whine about that.

Until a few decades ago white Americans did do very nasty and systematic things to keep black people down.

meritocracy is a lie, and if someone makes it through Harvard Medical School yet is too dumb to realize this then that says something

>hem a single plum, floating in perfume, served in a mans hat
Where have I heard this before?

