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Can you cunts stop stealing the term hispanic and just go with Mestizo?

No need to fuck over the Iberians

real real thread theme

Build wall, deport illegals, let Canada join, freely accept refugees from the European Caliphate, South Dindustan, and Unannied Kingdom, banish felons at the ends of their prison terms rather than releasing them back into the population, end all welfare programs, step up law enforcement.


Shit was only under mexicuck control for less than 30 years and you left it an unsettled frontier.]

The only people who use the therm "hispanic" for mexicans are americans, we never call ourselves "Hispanos", except when talking about language.

I'm loving the changes. Weird ass white people churches getting replaced by iglesias and mexican grocery stores,

Can someone who actually feels like putting effort into it tell me what the demographics of the US would be if Mexico were to enact Reconquista like in the OP pic?

>Mexicans totally aren't as bad as kebab, guys
Holy fuck my blood is boiling.

America is destined for a shitty future. Luckily, as long as whites stay the plurality for the longest while and own most of the guns as well as the wealth, when the genocide starts we won't be the primary victims.

Your tears are so delicious.

blame murricans for coming up with that term.

>the same spaniard bitching about "muh hispanic term in every single thread"
just get the fuck over it, manolo.

>natural causes

Opening the gates to an invading horde isn't natural, spic.

>Mexicans want American states but not any if the spic countries South of them

Really activates my parsing subroutines

Why do Mexican talking heads in the US use it then every fucking day. Every FUCKING DAY they have that bitch Anna Navarro who uses that term along with that fucking Guac Bowl Prick Jeb Bush and his Goblin wife.

>genocide hur duuurrr
>many white love and fall for the kike progressive propaganda
>race-mixing not just with latinos, but also with other ethnic groups
>delusional burger

whites will still be plurarility, though

Mexico is a failed state. How exactly is it going to expand when it is collapsing?

They're not Mexicans

Blue, the future state of Texas! Right on OP, time to take it to those beaners!

the only white kids are foreigners
This shouldve been made by an american...

I get not wanting to live in a white minority country but I think the apocalyptic type fears are overblown.
Look at Brazil- large mongrel underclass but still dominated by Causasoids. Same in Mexico and most of Latin America. The same thing will happen in the USA. The only problem will be the expansion of the welfare state, at some point voting rights must be restricted to those who actually have to pay taxes.
If the Jews can thrive as a minority shouldn't whites be able to do the same, in a worst case scenario?

like i said, burgers started it, it became popular.. If it's any consolation, i always say we're mexicans or latin americans, i have only used "hispanic" when referring to "somos hispanohablantes".

You're right, Paco, but you've really put things in perspective for me.

In a hypothetical America 1000 years from now I expect the country to be racially comparable to the Italy of today. Universally considered "white" but with very apparent admixture. But niggers still haven't gotten their shit together.

Hey guys. Imagine we were in the year 2100 and America's population became primarily of Mexican origin. Do you think the majority Mexican population, which would logically be in control of the countries politics, move to outright merge Mexico with the USA, seeing as they are the same ethnic group?

This. Why does "Narco Mundo" exist, if Mexico is such a great country?

Cartels are not a small problem, they are your only problem.

when people continue crossig the border by thousands and the elite letting them collect welfare and that sort of thing, lad. it'd be syrian rafugee crisis all over again (and among them centracas and few south americans).

Hispanic has meanings beyond ethnic lines. Blame the Spaniards for Hispanicization.

enjoy trail of tears part 2

>What's so bad about being turned into Jews and having your country turned into Brazil and SOUTH AFRICA?

Why are your people so intent on destroying everything? Whites built a great society out of scratch, where there was nothing but wilderness.

You can't be bothered to actually produce a country with a high standard of living or even at least one where people aren't chopping up bodies on the reg, so you sneak into the white mans land to leech of his achievements until you all fuck that up too.

Seriously, congratulations. You are a net negative for humanity. You produce nothing, innovate nothing, invent nothing, and research nothing.

You have nothing to be proud of, but since you are legally retarded, you praise all of the fucked up shit your people do, things the civilized world is appalled of. Thankfully my state has barely any of you, because you can't survive anywhere that requires self dependence. You always need the government or white people to eat their scraps, once their gone, it will tuen into Mexico 2.0, since you people aren't capable of civilization even when you lice right next to the richest fucking country in the history of man fucking kind. That's how worthless you are.

The major issue is that American identity will become even more fragmented than it is today. It was never monolithic what with all the regional variety but as more and more foreigners pour in, our culture is being fractured. It's not like when the Irish and the Italians and the Poles came over and introduced a bunch of cuisine and loan words- have you ever fucking seen an instruction manual featuring Italian or Polish right beneath the fucking language? That right there is proof enough we're being fucked over by Hispanic identity. Loss of racial identity is truly just the icing on top.

It doesn't matter that America will turn to shit. What matters is that my people will be living there and yours won't. You lost, whitey.

Why is America so pathetic?

*our summative national culture
*right beneath the English language

I'm tired desu

Do you have any idea what a shit hole Brazil is?

I'm in Dallas right now.

Hot Latinas errywhere.

Who knows what the future will hold. Thinking next year will be exactly the same as this year or every trend will continue as it is. We just dont know.

Some sort of collapse is going to happen and everyone is fucked. Is the U.S. going to be able to maintain everything as it is now when the population is 500 million instead of 330?

We shall see, the future is bleak for all under the control of the international jew. We all march to our doom.

we've got our degenerates and wish we could gas them (too bad it's too cruel). Race-mixing is obviously bad in the long run when it's done on massive scale like kikes promote in the media, but when the guy/girl's amerindian admixture isn't considerable, you can actually bleach the shit out of them; niggers, on the other hand, can not be bleached no matter how many white you throw at them, whatever race they mix with you always ends up with a nigger...
white + nigger = nigger
latino + nigger = nigger
asian + nigger (well, this pair is more like an urban legends, i don't think there are asian coalburners) = nigger
>"get their shit together" ...implying niggers will ever do that
dreaming is free after all

> the scenario
if you so mad why don't you just revolt? you talk about muh whiteness and huurrr duurrr burn d KIKES yet you do nothing other than witnessing how shitty things are're all weird, lad.

Remember when Santana and 3k troops got his shit pushed in by 500 mildly upset Texans?

>the globalist elites are bringing back the racial dynamic of Colonial America
>they expect shit not to go down as it had before
In this case history will both repeat itself and rhyme.

>Why do brown people always want to destroy things.

Shitskins are like children, spiteful and jealous.

I dare ya to try

Can we claim to be oppressed once it happens and start chimping out?

Yeah, you shitskins say Latino because you like to imagine you're tanned Italians.

>As it stands, whites make up 62 percent of the American population but account for 78 percent of deaths in the country. Already, whites are the minority among kids under five, a statistic that's never held true in the US before. The census also found that for the first time, Millennials have snagged the largest share of the US population. Sorry, Boomers—about one in four Americans are now lazy, narcissistic brats born between 1982 and 2000.

AmeriKKKa is already dead.


You guys are the decendents of White Spanish. You are the product of raping and genocide of an entire tribe of people. If anything, you are just as invasive as the the Europeans who chose to take the "purity" route of not mixing with the locals. I don't understand your hatred of White people. It honestly sounds like Marxist influenced garbage. You guys are good people, so let's focus on who the real enemy is.

Look at Canada.
This is what happens with French influence.

You're wasting your time trying to appeal to the better instincts of taco shitposters. They don't have any.

>nation collapses into a 3rd world shit hole
>That wasn't TRUE diversity

>jews moves on and begins the process again
>Such is his nature.
>Where ever he goes, he must destroy.

>non-racist whites race-mix
>racist whites don't
>by basic evolution all whites become rabid racists with a rightful chip on their shoulder about genocide

Why can't people think more than a few years ahead?
You're sealing your own doom.

I am neither white nor amerindian. I am a Mexican mestizo. I don't hate white people, I just want to see a historical wrong be righted.

Yes, it happens all the time.

Exactly. You are cancer that is bad for humanity. But you don't care because you are incapable of thinking forward, among many other things. It's why your country is shit. It's why wherever your people go turns to shit. It's why you don't care they're shit. It's why your people will never amount to anything.

Whites will survive, they will just move some place else. White flight is necessary. We can rebuild elsewhere, we have the ability to. It's in our nature to succeed. It's in your nature to fail. There is plenty of evidence to prove this. So have fun relying on the white man, it won't last long.

Seriously who cares? America hardly represents the white civilization. People who prefer anti-intellectualism over facts and science, people who thinks being obese is "freedom", people who think education - the basis of Western civilization - is "free stuff". Reject that with conspiracy theories and brainless entertainment, what do you jhave left? It's nigger tier country now it will just look brown too.

Real thread theme


Then why didnt you kill the Comanche that destroyed half your nation? How are you so ignorant of your peoples history.

You're free to move somewhere else, no one gives a shit. I just want you out of historically Mexican land. Is that so hard to understand?

>I think the apocalyptic type fears are overblown.
>Look at Brazil. The same thing will happen in the USA.

>I just want to see a historical wrong be righted.

If historical wrongs were righted you'd be sacrificed to Quetzlcoatl by some chanting savage ripping your heart out with an obsidian blade.

Some of us are.

What fucking wrong you goddamn moron?

Don't Hispanics and whites marry at high rates?

Can't wait for the race wars.

Here are the top civilizations that represent good things about whiteness: personal responsibility, hard work, care for one another, appreciation for education. And yes Finns aren't even European. It's a cultural thing.

>Country is shit
>Have to go and turn other countries to shit
You "people" are nothing but parasites and I'll take solace in the fact that you'll have no more hosts to destroy and will die off yourselves.

>historically Mexican
Don't you mean historically SPANISH land Paco?

We really need to build projects near gated communities.

Don't worry, no one likes the Yanks.

You went to war with Mexico for that land, not with Spain. You signed a treaty with a Mexican for that land, not with a Spaniard.

He doesnt know, mexican intellectuals didnt teach the small brown men that half their country was uninhabitable due to the Comanche destroying them for years. They couldnt live in that land until the evil White man came and civilized it.

>a mestizo

That means you are technically both. So you're ancestors are also responsible for a historical wrong doing. If you punish white America then you have to punish mestizo Mexico, too. But the question is why? We should not hold grudges towards people because of the actions of their fathers, their grandparents, their ancient ancestors. We need to accept the past for what it was, horrible, and move on from it and not try to find revenge and repeat the horrors.

Demographic displacement and changing borders are not the way. I think future political and economic partnership can see the US and Mexico both thrive and help eachother while people can live happy among their own kind.

I can't see our spics wanting to rejoin. They left Mexico because it was a shit hole. They wouldn't want to bring the Mexican government here

This is happening, don't worry.
I have mixed feelings about it.

As a white guy this is the best possible thing that could ever happen. As white people get rarer our value goes through the roof. "Shit, things are going to hell. Better hire a white guy." "Can we afford it?" "Can we not?"

Pat Buchanan warned us!

It's no different from the Muslims fleeing their dystopian homelands and trying to recreate the same misery here.

>Mexican mestizo

Are you fucking retarded?

>I just want to see a historical wrong be righted.

>your own people revolt along side the Americans
>you lose because you're not the spanish anymore you're just beaners
>even get paid for the land

Fucking nigger behavior.

Are you dumbasses really becoming the Palestinians of North America? Fucking hell.

I doubt any Mexicans even made it that far north. Let alone even claim it as their land in any discernible way.

Europe, the bastion of socialism and free shit dude.

>just look at sweden

If you want to know the future of the whole west.

I just love how triggered the alt-right cucks become at this. Build the wall, do whatever you want but the demographic shift is irreversible at this point and it will only accelerate.







actually, i was just memeing (it is Sup Forums after all), it may sound weird but not all people down here want to invade and destroy you because "muh stolen land n shiiieeettt, ese". Many people here think of chicanos and illegals bitching about it as retards because "DUDE!!!, that happened a long time ago, there are more important things to be worried about".

>You can't be bothered to actually produce a country with a high standard of living

It is true we've got plenty of idiots that believe socialism/communism is something good (which freaks the shit out of me when you think about all the chinks that dided of starvation, how shitty north korea is, how bad things were when USSR still existed and the fucking fact that Venezuela is falling apart little by little even as we speak), brainless morons that do not think ahead (they are more prone to become gibsmedat), but there are people who actually try to do something to fix this place but it's quite difficult because of what i mentioned above and the fact that our government is corrupt as fuck and the fact that the drug issue has practically deliver the final blow (you can argue: then why don't you just stop producing that shit REEEEE, but as long as there are degenerates consuming them it will never stop and let' be honest your society promotes the culture of: LET'S PARTY AND RAVE ON ALL NIGHT LONG GIBS ME DRUGSSS WANT TO TAKE THIS SHIT TO A WHOLE DIFFERENT LEVEL!!!!! and that's a fact. Also, the so called war on drugs was nothing more than to give a justification so the gun manufacturers could sell more guns to psychopaths we've got to deal with daily). We've got flaws and there are people trying to make people drop the WE VICTIMS DIE WHITEYS, but you have to recognize you have failed too, your own "leaders" have betrayed you many times (kikes are their masters, but yur leaders are white, they should be more loyal to you and yet they have turned their back on you and say: fuck off jackasses we RULE.

Ignoring the fact it was the french who used the term latino in first place.
Typical burguer education.
It's an uphill battle but this isn't the first time the West has faced extinction... it's our duty gentlemen to preserve our people and fight onwards for glory!

Not really. The "Mexican intellectual" will become real. Plus there's a ton of other non-whites you can hire, Chinks, Jews, Indians.

What makes your claim to that land more valid than Spain's?
Why are YOU allowed to claim land through war but we aren't?

Oh how fucking naive and retarded you are.

The fucking beans in border states hate their state and love mexico and show as much. The only mexicans who would resist would be the few remaining descendants of the early rebels.

Reminder that as bad as you think spics are Mexicans act worse here than the Salvadoreans that post here

So next time you see a mexican saying he's better than the other latin nations tell him to shut up

>Build the wall, do whatever you want but the demographic shift is irreversible at this point

You hope and pray.

you have fought and died in other countries just because they said so and like good sheeps you followed orders and destabilized entire countries, something that now europeans have to pay the price for, those greedy bitches came up with shit like NAFTA and you said nothing, some complain (those that got rekt by it) but the majority of you did nothing, with that thing we got screwed because it ruined the farmers' livelihoods as well as your manufacture sector but HURRR DURR IT' THEIR FAULT..we dindu nuffin (something that both sides use very often while the greedy bitches literally lmao)

>most of us

Means nothing because see the point in this post

It means nothing if you don't.

I don't have to, look at the numbers. The generation born this year is already a plurality and the white percentage will only go down. To put things in perspective, could you have imagined the ethnic makeup of the US being like this 30 years ago?

Praying means that you want something that isn't expected happening. He is hoping for something that is expected, so you better pray.

You mean the Mexican land that Mexico was never able to actually control because the Apache and Comanche stomped the shit out of Mexican border defenses and would raid into what is currently Mexico?

I love this. Hire to clean toilets- sure. Hire to actually run things correctly? No.

just fyi Northmex will be Independent instead. Mexico (everything south of Durango and east of Sinaola) is total shit and their military relies on bribing cartels so they don't have to fight them

and, if it came down to a race war, most chicanos in the US would rather fight for medicare than for DF because Pena&amigos are manlets with small dicks

Ahah top Kek post.
Their future awaits them.

I don't think you grasped the implied threat when I said you hope and pray.

The only irreversible demographic shift is extinction. The more arrogant and dismissive Mexicans act about American concerns about their culture, the more likely it is your kind will wind up in camps in the next fifty years.

>t-that would never happen...
To put things in perspective, could the Jews being transported in cattle-cars in 1944 have imagined that their fate would be like this 30 years prior?

So by all means keep talking about how your culture and people will replace ours.

>trying to reason with a "aztlan is coming n shiiieeett"... that or he's just memeing as usual

no japanese man, they can't be reason with... those with that mind set are determined to do so even though they're at wrong