If you could, what would you do to improve the american political system

If you could, what would you do to improve the american political system

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decriminalization of drugs

Wrest power back to state and local governments

Graduate degrees are mandatory for anyone who wants to run for public office.

Smash Dems and GOP, Let new parties rise.

You guys having controlled opposition doesn't allow political alliances to be created between parties and that's a shame.

Minority government is best government. Because then it is true Democracy.

Remind everyone not to vote if they don't know what they are voting for.

>have bad politicians
>install "mandatorydegree.exe"
>Patriarchy inspectors up by 200%

Preferential voting to give third parties a fighting chance in this shitty system

Ban career politicians

Pluri partitical system.

Put in voting tests like what they had in the south pre-civil rights

Gas all jews?

Give them a electoral system like the UK where each district is an electoral vote for said party

Rather than states having electoral votes as a whole, getting rid of "winning states" autism

Result? Republicans win forever and is utterly fair


Lol fag

Only anglos can vote

Remove all politicians, judges, layers and other government workers with Israel-USA dual citizenship..
Deport them back to Israel and ban them from ever coming back.

>205 KB
>Anonymous (ID: FAUcZi9e) 08/20/16(Sat)22:26:39 No.860

12 Years House
12 Years Senate

Would fix damn near everything, even a good deal of the money/corruption problems.

Glass it and try again.

End women's suffrage.

To expand a little, imagine Congress without the Ted Kennedy's and Strom Thurmond's spreading their disease for 60 year terms.

It wouldn't cure the corruption, but by making it more expensive to 'invest' in a politician, special interests will have less of a stranglehold.

>free unbiased press
>more than two parties
>state pays equal amount of money to campaign, no donations.

One term limit for President, six year term


Require a civics test every election cycle to vote. Better scores are weighed more than lower ones.

Create a selection of industries then have them elect experienced representatives from whatever field they're from. These industries should be closely representative of the American people but the idea is to encourage knowledgeable and intelligent people in their select field to make decisions on their field but the vote would be cast to all representatives as to not make one industry get preferential treatment.

These people would replace congress.

Try and encourage people to care less about the figurehead of the country and more about the actual policymakers/congress.

Maybe Category:
>Ban lobbyists. If another method of dealing with lobbyism is thunk up then go with that.
>Voting age is 25

i get to vote!

This, I would also drastically reduce the time in which campaigns can be announced, too many people are picking based on irrelevant character traits and not policies.

Lol fag


Increase accountability for both state and federal governments. Decrease the number of powers given to the federal government. Expunge privately owned and operated prisons. Sever federal funding to schools over a period of several years (this will hopefully result in colleges focusing less on government handouts and more on actually educating students, cutting worthless courses out and more rigorously vetting existing courses, and increasing the value of the degree). Expunge current political parties, create a new law mandating that there can be no fewer than five major political parties at any one time, these five parties will receive the same amount of funding by the government and will be barred from accepting donations from superpacs, corporations, or individuals and thus they will be forced to win based on the merits of their ideas as opposed to the size of their media budget. Candidates for public office must have rigorous education relevant to said office, said education will be provided in the form of a set of programs tailored specifically for this purpose. Mandatory five year term for all political offices, presidents can still win a second term but only if fifty percent of the country actually wants them.
Any political party which advocates for passing any laws justified only by their belief in a particular religion will be disbarred from any and all participation in the political process. The rights guaranteed in the constitution are made unamendable and any infringement of these rights will be punished severely, all current restrictions on firearms will be immediately rescinded. Any state attempting to make laws which infringe upon its citizens guaranteed rights will be declared legal to overthrow after a warning, and a warning with a hefty reduction in government monetary support. Con't in next post.

Make it a fascist system of government.


Should the federal government infringe upon the rights of its citizens, a council made up of the leaders of each state must immediately be convened and a vote must be taken to determine the severity of the infringement and the necessary reaction. A more robust and readily available form of voting should be instated, and during votes of nationwide importance all unnecessary work will be postponed for a period of time, employees who cannot vote during this postponement will be supplied with a pamphlet containing a summary of the subject of the vote and a Y/N check and a place for the individual to sign. Individuals found guilty of tampering with votes in any way will be subject to a substantial fine, a term of community service without pay, and will have their own ability to vote permanently removed. Also blanket prohibitions on drugs will be rescinded, governments should not be given the power to decide what adults do for recreation in their free time.

instate minimum IQ requirements for anyone wishing to breed

Legalize pot. Use the revenue generated from taxing it to fix the goddamn potholes near my house.

Just remove America from the globe. It isn't worth the effort trying to fix it. They're directly to blame for all the degeneracy that has spread to the rest of the world, like a big tumour. Specifically a ((small group of people)), but America has enabled them.

this desu, the american electoral system is one of the most convoluted and corrupt systems on earth. even the united states government knows this, which is why when they nation build, they make sure to never create a republic with the same system.

It's a miracle that we've lasted this long.

>free unbiased press

how would you accomplish this?

No special interest donations, no lobbying. Possibly no other add-on's to bills since it lets certain things that couldn't pass on their own a chance to pass on a popular bill. Decriminalize drugs.
I believe they technically can do that but it is up to the state if they want to do it. They generally just go all in.

Holy fuck this image is dark, someone send this to Tay I wanna know what she thinks about it.