What the fuck is happening to Rick and Morty?

Seriously i feel the show is becoming super feminist and very SJW.
Especially considered this new Ricking Morty shit.


PIc not related

Other urls found in this thread:


>hire feminist SJW writers
>show becomes feminist and SJW

Really Ricks my pickle

>nerdy show about sciences and crude humor
>becomes popular
>turns to shit

where heard i about that before..

>see video is 42 minutes long
>fuck this, I'm not watching all this
>skip ahead to just shy of 5 minutes
>some ape is accusing me of being racist if I don't go watch something
How much would it cost me to be put into a medically induced coma for 20 years?



Aren't you tired of complaining about that? These scary "SJW's" were prevalent in the American pop-culture for the last 50 years.

I'll do it for free

Big bang theory in a nutshell

This. The future is female. Get over it.

>R&M gets called out for sexcist stuf,
>hire women on staff
>turns completly in a sjw show

not that hard to understand;

The only female about the future is being chained to the oven by their muslim owners

It's a joke aspie

when was that show ever good


Why are we even fighting the Muslim hordes? Their ass backwards is slightly more enticing than the lefts. Fuck it, let them take over.

>These scary "SJW's" were prevalent in the American pop-culture for the last 50 years.
You only have to go back 10 years and MOST of the films that were coming out would not be made as they were in today's climate.
SJWs have been a part of academia for decades but now they're teaching thousands of students to bitch about all forms of media and use any platform they have to incite social change.
It's been getting noticeably worse each year recently.

holy shit that video

Yes, because 10 years ago America was more racist and sexist then now.

I was out as soon as that happened

Mighty binary, aren't we?

the seasons before they forced the female companions into the show, and turned it into their show were pretty solid