The Fed is now on Facebook. People aren't holding back

Feel free to spread the love.

I can't post FB link b/c spam filter.

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It is tres bien.

some shit with a raid going on at the moment, you thread is possibly being slid down.


what could possibly go wrong posting on NSAbook about the federal reserve under your real name?

Someone should post "audit your account" to them

I doubt the care about the gnats. We are nothing.

This seems like a trap, I wouldn't trust it. Inb4 FEMA camps fill up from people calling them out on their kikescam FIAT slavery machine.

I honestly don't understand why so many people don't like the fed, most are just edgy Austrians who have heard Ron Paul say end the fed without any background knowledge

like 75% of millenials have seen zeitgeist or other youtube conspiracy theory videos bud

its really not an uncommon position that 9/11 was an inside job, the Fed is fucking us, JFK was assassinated by the CIA etc

>the American people have to borrow money from a private bank to use their notes
>they can inflate or deflate "our" own currency as they see fit
>nothing to see here goyim

fuck off



shit niggas woke AF


because it's a giant kike scam and attempt to enslave none jews, tax the shit out of their hard work, print fiat money and start wars to keep them in place.

if you dont consider yourself a slave, you do not answer to the US kike mob of a government

simple as that

Why didn't we listen?

>revealing your power level on facebook

I left facebook for exactly this reason.

I no longer give a fuck. Worlds going to shit, people spew leftist nonsense all over. I'll spew my shit as well. Fuck it.

C'est très bien!


>falling for the honeypot

>9/11 was an inside job
>the Fed is fucking us
>JFK was assassinated by the CIA etc

the only piece of the puzzle people don't get yet, is that the US leadership is outright the devil incarnate

when people of the West start thinking "what if USA is the real aggressor", things will change real quick

Is Ron Paul doing anything?

exactly. if they cared, they wouldn't be doing what they do

a private corporation creates ALL OF america's money, then charges them 6% on it.

yet there is only 100% money available, not 106% as required to pay it back, so the gov must ask the fed to create more money, and so on

watch mike malone hidden secrets of money

Well I watched this whole thing for no raisin
Hell I even checked for a grape, didn't even get one of those
I was fully ready to dry it myself