I just finished watching this for the first time. It was pretty good but the quality seemed to jump all over the place...

I just finished watching this for the first time. It was pretty good but the quality seemed to jump all over the place. Some episodes were really good and others were just alright. Gus and Wally were great characters.

Enjoyed it wish for more found a torrent a while ago that had a few unmade episode scipts but lost them a while ago

yeah those are heartbreaking, knowing there was more show started that didnt get to happen... and it was just as good as the bits we did get. and it'll never, ever come back
i just got done rewatching Undergrads and getting that sweet turn of the millennium feel again. I guess I should go watch this again

The synopsis for the season finale I read on wikipedia seemed interesting. Having Kevin get in trouble and have to deal with living with his parents would've been a really interesting scenario.

Unemployment Pt. 2 is fucking jarring with how realistically depressing it is. I absolutely love the show and I love that episode in particular but it's probably the only time a cartoon has ever seriously sobered me.

i always thought I'd be like Jim, inexplicably making massive cash without even trying because of my artistic abilities, being a professional without being professional
this show lied to me in an episode about how different shows lied to it about a slacker paradise

This was a personal favorite show of mine, totally feel you on the quality fluctuations but overall I loved this show.

>tfw everyone but you abandoned the sinking ship of slackerdom

It took me a few months to find a job after I graduated but I still live in a shitty apartment with my friends after I got a job a month ago. It's pretty nice because rent's so cheap and I get to live with my friends. I come home from work and change out of work clothes and play video games and stuff. It's pretty nice.

I might have been able to put up with working for longer if i'd had someone to come home to instead of just loneliness. i tried it for 7 years, alone as fuck, then 3 more years telecommuting on severely reduced income and the punitive contractor tax rate, but at least feeling less shitty. but still pretty shitty. and now i'm mildly depressed and living in mom's basement like a proper wizard! hooray

Yeah I'm hoping I don't get burnt out. Right now I get up at 6 and don't get back home until around 5:30. I drive 40 minutes each way every day.

hipster garbage

Too relatable to watch presently.

So many good shows killed instantly by the 90s Simpsons Ratings juggernaut. The Critic, Mission Hill, Undergrads.


they were killed by executive idiots who think everything has to be exactly the same as the simpsons to be 'the new simpsons' even though the reason the simpsons was the simpsons is that it wasnt concerned with copying what was already popular

It's funny, when I was younger Andy French was my role model, he was who I wanted to be: an artistic slacker who had big dreams of being a cartoonist. It wasn't until I got older and in the same position Andy was in that I realized just how shitty Andy's life was, even to the point of understanding the brave face one needs to put on to deal with a life going nowhere.

Worse still, nowadays there's no reason to be onboard the ship of slackerdom in the first place because nobody's getting rich while you're asleep. If the Mission Hill ship of slackerdom meant big riches in the water, then our ship of slackerdom is being on a ship that's on fire in a shallow part of a stream and you just hope to hit water when you abandon ship.

It wasn't really inexplicable though. Jim was the young guy who knows about computers, but demonstrated to Andy that he had a lot of technical knowledge on it (it's not he got paid a fortune to teach them how to do email.) His skills were overly valuable to the old heads, but they were still skills.

And as for Andy, remember he actually did get a job that he really wasn't qualified for, above someone with loads more experience, just because he was Jim's friend. If anything, that episode taught the importance of networking.

If the show had gone on longer, they would've shown Andy at a variety of jobs, until finally realizing his potential as a cartoonist.

oh yeah that's right. but for him it was easy.. just simple skills he had. for a while i had some skills I thought would be useful to somebody, but no!
and anyway i don't recall the computer stuff being part of his job.. but it's been a while
yeah. nobody ever told us that growing up.. i'd have quit life right then and there

>And as for Andy, remember he actually did get a job that he really wasn't qualified for, above someone with loads more experience, just because he was Jim's friend. If anything, that episode taught the importance of networking.

Man, that unfinished episode that showed Andy being treated worse than he was when he worked for Ron was fucking depressing as shit.

Andy and Jim were Gen X

Kevin, being born in the early 80s, was on on the edge of the two gens. Mostly a millennial, due to being happier than his mid-20s slacker friends, being portrayed as out of touch with them, as well as his obsession with "da bling bling"

>as well as his obsession with "da bling bling"

When did Kevin ever show any kind of obsession with "the bling bling"?

Bling blong, user.

Probably referring to the episode where he tried to be "hip"?

Or user messed up BLING BLONG.

Gus and Wally are the best part of Mission Hill