Jesus fucking Christ

Jesus fucking Christ.

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that one line looks like a peice of spaghetti lmao xD

I don't see the problem here. Let's add FREE HEALTHCARE and then FREE COLLEGE EDUCATION into the mix! They work in countries with massively smaller populations that aren't trillions in debt already, why can't they work here?!

Now u work in MY factory hehehe how u rike dat?! MMAAADDDAAFFAAAKKKKAAAA

nigga rlly thinks the petrodollar isnt real

you mean the one china and russia don't use in trades?
And soon Russia-Turkey?

stop making threads about things you don't understand

I'm a economist you retard. You're country is fucked.

no you aren't

doesnt it have just as much to do with spending too much? the years in green were when clinton cut 1/3 of the military... which was only possible because the ussr collapsed and were no real threat. somethings got to give, military or gibsmedat.

agree. governments are ruled by one with power (dictatorship)->few with power->many with power->all->one-few-many-all-one-few-many-all-repeat-repeat-repeat

it doesnt care if gulf states use it. They still need dollar to trade with gulf states.

pls the us abandoned the gold standard in the 30s
you know to get out of the depression

it's all propped up by the chinese currency tricks to devalue the yuan. a paper tiger.

russia cannot win either way... either bow to western pressures to model their gov't after the cucked west or refuse foreign investment dollars and swallow the sanctions suicide pills.

God you're fucking stupid

You know whats the funniest thing of it all?
>No State shall (...)
> grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal;
> coin Money; emit Bills of Credit;
>make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts;

And then Americans say "muh 2nd amendment is for toppling corrupt governments!"

>time for an audit
time for an audit
>time for an audit
time for an audit
>time for an audit
time for an audit

who is responsible for this

Richard "Not a crook" Nixon

>implying economists actually know what hey're talking about

You're missing the additional step after the abandonment of the Gold Standard, which would have done nothing to the debt and deficit, because it still wouldn't be affordable.

The step which preceded the massive increased in debt was that OPEC in 1971 and 1973, signed two agreements which began the EXCLUSIVE use of the dollar for oil futures contracts.

The pricing of oil, a world important commodity, makes government debt and bonds incredibly affordable, because now everyone needs a liquid supply of dollar reserves

This reaches the point where the US could literally inflate away all of its debt and no one in the world would be able to do a single thing about it.

Today we could cut 100% of the military and still be in the red

The spending has increased so much primarily due to ballooning healthcare costs associated with medicare and medicaid programs (a guarantee that the government will pay for it is an incentive to massively increase prices)

Thanks Obama!

in every aspect it is corrupt and will collapse in our lifetimes. i witnessed a medical procedure if you would call it that. the sealed sterilized tool tray (like a scapel or two and a tray and a few pokers) was like $700 and didnt get used. a catheter (just a plastic tube, no moving parts) was $900, didnt get used. then the room and rent. the bill was 2 years pay (almost a house) it's just ridiculous, and to know that most of these bill simply dont get paid.. or if they do it's paid with monopoly money at these high rates.

Dumb leaf

thx rondald, thx jews ;DDDDD
t. pol

stfu nigger

looking good

Nuthin wrong here, folks. Look at that big beautiful debt. Let's have LESS taxes for EVERYONE! Vote for me for free money!