WTF italy!

WTF italy!

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but New Force isn't Anti-Fascist, its a Fascist Movement.

Wrong screenshot but basically Italy is taking a page out of our politics book.

That's been happening everywhere in Europe long before it started in the US 2 years ago

>yfw Il Duce returns

you're legit retarded


Forza Nuova are a bunch of fools. We don't even have a decent far-right.

Americans Idiocy of the Universe. Which one is more infinite in its scope?


we dont have a single anti immigrant party

Punch fascists


Punch soyboys

Far right is always drooling brainlets, the only real hope is to have a good center right that's anti-immigration.

you actually need some immigration for people to give a shit. ireland has been surprisingly untouched by non western immigration compared to how developed it is

Punch fascists

the automatic translation is unintelligible. what is he saying?

what a manchild


He already said punch fascist.
>Long before it went to war, the Nazi state, for instance, encouraged the plant’s cultivation in southeastern Europe. The regime also fostered scientific research on plant breeding so that soy could be cultivated in the German climate. In urgent need of proteins and oils, the Nazis looked to soy to help solve its supply problems. For its part, the U.S. looked to soy when war in the Pacific cut off access to its main sources of tropical oils. Government regulations encouraged the domestic cultivation of soy.

you'd be surprised man. theres a lot more than the statistics seem to suggest, the immigrant population "dropped" last census but it was because many got citizenship

No party here wants to be anti-immigration other than during speeches because their friends running "no-profits" to aid immigrants receive fat checks from the state.

bit rude lads but I'm guessing it started around 2015. did not care for politics back then

He was a man with a vision :^)

Lived near Wexford for three years. Only immigrants I saw were poles (all nice people) and a Spanish lad. The number of women in burkas/hijab I saw all of the times I went to Dublin was maybe 5-10, at most. I'm from Copenhagen and you guys are nowhere near as overrun as we are.

>antifa getting raped once again
Based Italy

we have no muslims but theres quite a lot of blacks in dublin anyway

I want fascists to take over Italy just so we can throw them into holes while singing "Bella ciao" again.

antifas are getting out of control here, that's the reason why the right wing grows

>can throw them into holes
you want to throw away our tourists?we will go bankrupt you dunce

I thought that Ireland is a conservative country...(;・∀・)

transcript for u:
>Camicie nere, voi avete l'onore, e il privilegio, di ospitare, nel vostro mare, le forze navali dell'Italia Fascista.
>Questo è un privilegio che vi impone dei particolari doveri.
>Noi fummo grandi quando dominammo il mare. Roma non potè arrivare impero prima di aver schiacciato la potenza marittima di Cartagine.
>Perché il Mediterraneo, che non è un oceano, e che ha due sbocchi soli, vigilati da altrui. Perché il Mediterraneo non sia il carcere che umilia il nostro vigore di vita. Bisogna essere forti in mare!
>Odo, che se domani, in questa Europa inquieta e tormentata, che non trova, perché forse non può trovare, la base del suo necessario assestamento, la grande campana suonerà a martello, è certo che tutto il Popolo Italiano, dai picchi nevosi delle Alpi, alle contrade Siciliane e Sarde, tutto il Popolo Italiano risponderà.
>Sarà pronto a compiere i sacrifici necessari. E ricordatevi, o camicie nere, che se questo sarà, io sarò alla vostra testa!

>The number of women in burkas/hijab I saw all of the times I went to Dublin was maybe 5-10

Holy shit is that below average for yurocucks?

Downtown Milan is infested because all the oil-rich sheiks come here with their harem to buy Italian """haute couture"""

Tell them we make it just as good and cheaper, but they have to convert to Christianity.

Oh wait these are the same people that buy silver and gold cars nevermind.

in any major european city there will be tons of muslims

Yeah, they don't look at price tags. If you are smart and friendly, you can make them pay 5x the regular price.