What goes on here

what goes on here

Jews jewing Jews jewing Jews

Staten Island is the best borough.

All the other boroughs can go fuck themselves.

staten island is garbage and cops

south part of queens is Rockaway beach like the Ramones song.


Overcrowding and degeneracy.
This is also correct
This is patently false, the equivalent of saying Newark is the best part of the tristate.


what goes on here

Spider-Man, Wall Street Jews and a bunch of poor Italians

Spics and jews.

It's where your ass is being bought and sold on a daily basis.

And that map is bullshit.

It's "The Bronx" not "Bronx"



Also: skipping your stop b/c track work, homeless people scattered like land mines and a bunch of people cheering like schoolkids because they saw a hawk

Where does Law and Order take place?

No one cares

huh i always thought the Bronx and Brooklyn were the same thing, like the Bronx was a nickname for Brooklyn or something


literally who?

>huh i always thought the Bronx and Brooklyn were the same thing

Jesus Christ

Exactly, spics and muzzies won't move to Staten Island as much as the other boroughs.

Staten Island is the only borough with a non-Hispanic white majority. That's saying something.

>non-Hispanic white majority.

Sicilians are not white.

Staten Island is the borough that's so irrelevant, Rockstar replaced it with New Jersey when they made GTA IV.

Staten Island voted against Obama twice and is strong Trump territory. It's the only borough that matters as far as I care.

NY and CT are cucked, thank god I live in Jersey.