Choose the best one co

choose the best one co

The ant bully.

As a child, I leaned towards Antz. It seemed more mature in its plot.

Hmm a Pixar film with Kevin Spacey or some bullshit. I wonder.

The only correct answer.

That exterminator really didn't deserve the punishment he got, he was only doing his fucking job.

Woody Allen for kids

Antz is a fine-tuned committee product tailored to be thought as fresh and edgy. Not even using the buzzword randomly: "edgy" was basically Katzenberg's one-word producing strategy, and he explicitly pushed for every element of the film to mimic and at the same time counter A Bug's Life, which went into production earlier. It's the textbook example of a spite project.

That said, ignoring the almost anti-creative motivations behind it, I believe I always thought it to be more interesting as a movie, though the design, character animation and general craft involved is brutally inferior to ABL. That is, Antz is almost unwatchable for today standards, while A Bug's Life still holds up technically (in a quaint-ish Toy Story 1 kind of way) and most of the dialogue, jokes and approach have a more sincere, atemporal feel to them.


I always found it funny how the themes were total I know why.

I liked the scary Jewish one.

"Spite project" is a good way to put it.

I've always likened the first Shrek as a "tantrum", since it's so brutally anti-Disney solely because Katzenberg was assmad that Eisner got the CEO promotion and he didn't, which is why the villain is a caricature of Eisner.

I rewatched both movies by chance this year. Bugs life holds up like shit while antz was still entertaining.


>Doing his job
>Disfigured for life

That movie will never sit well with me.

I like Antz better and everyone I know gives me shit for it. I thought Antz was a lot darker and that darkness made for a film that was easier to have emotional investment in. How could I feel anything towards the characrers in Bug's Life when there's a big caterpillar that wants to eat everything prancing around like an idiot.

Antz was dreary and depressing and it stuck with me.

The earlier 3D movies Dreamworks put out were very much made out of hate.

Shrek is funny but many people often wonder why the movie pushed a "don't judge a book by its cover" when it was doing so many jabs at Lord Farquaad just for being short and not because of his personality. It all makes more sense when you see him as the caricature he is.

I watched A Bugs Life so much when I was a kid to the point of memorizing every line in the damn movie. I don't know what it was about that movie that I found so appealing.

As a kid, I liked Antz better. I pretty much hated A Bug's Life.
Haven't seen either in years though, so I couldn't really say.

Is Eisner even that short? Never really paid close attention to his height.

Either way, after reading up on Katzenberg I really can't look at Shrek the same way anymore. Dude is a goddamn manchild for doing stuff like that.

Antz. It was a lot darker and more mature.