Could Batman work as an immortal?

Could Batman work as an immortal?

I've always pictured Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman as golden age heroes that managed to survive to the modern days. I think it works nicely. Superman and Wonder Woman are pretty immortals, and Batman as one part of the trinity is the only one who isn't, but in his own stories that are several ways in which he could achieve immortality..

So how would an immortal Batman work story-wise? What would be the explanation for Bruce Wayne's age, for example?

It'd be pretty terrible, considering that the whole "just a really rich, really dedicated guy" angle is part of what his appeal is

If he become immortal how will they kill him in a "big" event to boost sales and make him come back again to preserve status quo?

Lazarus pits. He's still vulnerable and shit, he just gets young whenever he's approaching that age where things start to stop working, but he doesn't do it always, because the pits have a price. You could explain Batman change of behavior through the 80's and 90's as him losing his mind due to the pits.

Batman is immortal.
Bruce Wayne is not.

Scott Snyder did something similar where Bruce kept cloning himself and copying his memories.

Pretty sure this was done in Superman/Batman: Generations.

Batman: Year 100 played with this.

Came here to post this

>So how would an immortal Batman work story-wise? What would be the explanation for Bruce Wayne's age, for example?
A curse (similar to the Phantom Stranger). Lazarus pits.

In the Legion of Superheroes, R'as al Ghul was the President of Space.

That's about a thousand years in the future.

Grant Morrison sees every iteration of Batman as being a different period of his life (like how 40s Batman is violent and carries a gun etc, explained by Bruce being young and inexperienced) so in that way you're not far off.

If you want a Batman since the Golden age the only way it could work without losing the whole 'regular' guy aspect of the character is to have it be a legacy. But then you lose out on Supes and Wondie being his peers.

Batman is Bruce Wayne
Just like Superman is Clark Kent, Wonder Woman is Diana, Green Lantern is Hal Jordan (only hipsters care about Alan Scott) and Flash is Wally (both Barry and Gay suck).

Keep your legacy meme to yourself.

You're a straight up retard. Batman is Batman. Go read Year 100 and educate yourself.

Shut up, tryhard.
And Year 100 is shit.

>Year 100 is shit
2/10 b8 I replied

Oh wow you must hate the phantom.

Some haphazard adaption "Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?" stretched out between a few issues and tie-ins with other books.

Batman books serve as whole issues dedicated to a individual Batman villain or supporting character where they either talk about how they killed Batman or whatever.

Tie-ins with other books could be just team-up stories where they are either a just a simple retelling of a fond heroic team-up with Bats, or a one-shot at how that character would go about trying to save him or resurrect him for whatever reason. (Have Wonder Woman descending into Hades or some shit, Flash doing Flashbatpoint, Lazarus crap, whatever)

End the event like...
1) Batman does his own eulogy and prep-times his way back to life.
2) Batman is alive, he doesn't know how and has to investigate the biggest mystery yet, "Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?" (cheesy af)

Basically this idea is shit, and there's a reason why I'm not a fucking comic book writer.

Didn't they basically just do it again with the Batman making machine?

Well, he'd have to ditch the alter ego stuff. People would notice after a while that Bruce Wayne stopped aging.

>Bruce disappears after he stops aging, shows up again 10 or so years later as Bruce's illegitimate son....then illegitimate grandson.

So he'd pull a Lex Luthor?