This is an ad they play all the time in the trams in the city where i live

This is an ad they play all the time in the trams in the city where i live.
It's supposed to make you aware that you should let the people come out of the trolley first, before you go in.

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> of course white woman and black man
> it's the current year

Embrace it, goy.

stop posting this picture or ill gut you

disgusting, i can't believe you. no way this is playing in trams

What's the point of adding that little scene of her looking all flirty towards him? There is literally no reason why they needed to add that.

well, it's true. The channel that features the video is "Holding Graz". The company that runs the trams in the city. And of course they just play the ad to convey the idea of common courtesy, that you should wait for everyone to get out first. There's no other motive behind the video

Yeah. Stop posting it. Freak.

Has Lithuania only just now got shitty animation?

all according to plan

low test

> "It's ok to stop and stand in a doorway." - This Video.

Should have had someone shoulder check one of them at the end.

you mean they show the nigger learning new things? Like how to behave as human being?

Meanwhile in Poland.

What a turbo slut

first she didn't even look at him, because he behaved like a subhuman with no manners, but once he acted accordingly to societies standards, she looked at him and immediately wanted to pay his behaviour with sex.
The message they want to send us is, that even minorities can get a hot aryan gf if they just follow our rules..
Or they just didn't think much more then "sex sells" and "multiculti sells"

>not shouldering your way through horde of brown manlets blocking your way
Where's the fun in that

yes. see

But white people also behave like subhumans in that video.

yes. We also have a lot of white subhumans in this city (and anywhere in the country really; but Graz and Wien are the worst)

Wait, are there actually Austrian women who look like that?

I thought turkey was the country of manlets?

I cant imagine how retarded austrian officials are, german too...

Isn't that common sense?

It's only common sense for certain cultures.

link doesn't work for me

a few do, but she actually looks more like a german student. We have lots of them here

>austrian man pay taxes for ads that encourage their woman to fuck other man

kek, KEKED.

oh fuck, the word filter is back

cuck (c.uck)

about 5 in the entire country

Why? What's that picture supposed to be?



wut is dat


The cuck is real

That white girl is going to get raped.

All people involved in the making of the video/funding/approving it should be deported and if they refuse, executed.

>it's not rape if she likes it
>even if she didn't it's only rape when a white dude does it

what I don't get is how you Europeans aren't flipping your shit over this

at least for America we kept niggers as slaves and many of them have been here for hundreds of years, longer than many white Americans who immigrated during the past hundred years.

But you never had slaves in Germany and Austria, these people immigrated their recently. I don't get how the fuck you just sit there and take this shit? They have no reason to be there.

Would this air in former liberal democracy block?

>I don't get how the fuck you just sit there and take this shit?

they (you) like it. Being a cuck is hardwired into the white man's dna.

yeah so why arent americans flipping their shit over all of hillary's lies, frauds, etc.

oh right because the media is telling you she is the best ever happened to the US and the alternative is evil and means war.

same propaganda in europe.

>tfw based fatherland is keeping the dream alive

I really want to move back there, my dumbass father never taught me the language though.

>the city where i live
Which city?
I was in Innsbruck in May and Austria seemed like a pretty red pilled cuntry.

thats rich, considering how easy it is for a white man to go to Thailand and fuck any woman he wants

although I agree with you. Western whites have had their intelligence afford them a lot of comfort from things like disease, starvation, and physical confrontation. This has made them weak. On the other hand, people like Slavs have never had their intelligence afford them comfort, they have been mass murdered, killed in many wars, died of many diseases, and endured much alcohol poisoning. This has made them hardy people immune to bullshit.

Klingt logisch. Und ist es so!

fuck off gook

Not sure what disgusts me more, the blatant race-mixing propaganda or the fact that you even need such ads. Do you really have to be told that people have to exist the trolley first?

The words actually say "GET OFF BEFORE GET IN"

Basically this advert is trying to teach the refugees how to behave in a civilised society.

Austrians still number one in my book.

of course, you could consider "get off" before "get in"(her pants) could apply but at least its still civilising these rabble

Austria yes!

I assume the New Germans do.

Vy Česi vždy máte nejlepší bantz...

Ale fakt prosim uz prestante zdechovat na more...

Každý měsíc sami v spravah...

ALSO FUCK YOUR LATIN. I can't write like this fucking háčky.

>Transalpine immigrants pipeline
Please tell me this is not based on some real sort of trans alpine shit

is this enough test for you?

Graz. 2nd biggest city.
Innsbruck is ok mostly, but it's still a city full of students, which means lot of liberal momentum

The capitalized version, it never got removed

I'm surprised no one in this thread is talking about all those evil whiteys pushing to get on the trolley first, he clearly just learned it from them, but then he learned better because he a gud boi unlike ebil stupid whitey


>fuck any woman
you could fuck any woman just as easy in other countries. Women aren't the reason why degenerates fly to thailand

One would think they'd focus on more pressing issues with the New Germans, such as "Blowing yourself up is a no-no" and "It isn't customary here to stone a woman for showing her ankle."

Tak chápej, jsme irelevantní země, chcem se něčím proslavit, ale nechceme do toho zas investovat moc úsilí. Tohle je celkem spolehlivá metoda.

And háčky are gr8, m8, what are you on? Better than the clusterfuck that is sz or cz.

Funny how western european countries replicate USA media tropes, when we aren't like that melting pot irl.
Well, no, it's not funny at all.
>And now let's go hunt some niggers for the pire

I know a blonde Austrian girl who got pregnant by a Mexican, now she collects money from the government and the dad was a deadbeat. She is a single mother now kek. I think he is still in Austria fucking women.

No I agree that it's better then CZ anc Sz

But look here.

Ovo je normalna rečenica na hrvatskom.
Tohle je normální věta v češtině.


Well at least we have a good laugh every once in a while. Like that guy that went to climb the mountain in his žabky...

Funny it doesn't even demonstrate that at all. Basically just tells white girls it's acceptable to be coalburners.

Why is it so important to encourage this?



the cucks that make this shit should be rounded up and shot

>Like that guy that went to climb the mountain in his žabky...
they do this all the time in Tatras
Czech tourists have no regard for their own lives

also wtf is háčky, it is dĺžeň and mäkčeň

Ah, so that's the issue. I wasn't aware you guys had háčky as well.

And I laughed about that as well until I found out he was my friend's uncle. Felt bad, man.


Hugh Mongous what?

I'd rather not break my mouth trying to say that.

But no seriously how do you say that

Use vocaroo if you have a microphone.

Kennst du Florian Schützer

This makes me so fucking

Everyday with this bullshit. I don't think its reasonable to sit around anymore doing nothing like a bunch of cucks. This goes for all Europeans and people in North America/Australia etc of European origin. You are literally being told to die and be genocided either by not having kids or by mixing your race. Stop shitposting and fucking do something about it for fucks sake.

And can you confirm if that works?

Nö. Wer ist das?

so, what's your plan? What should we do?
Literally kill minorities on our own?

>dĺžeň and mäkčeň
A fucking heresy. Everyone knows it's háčky and čárky. I won't listen to anyone whose language doesn't even have a proper vocative.

Dem feschen Bua helfen seine IB großartig zu machen

keep typing ''DEUS VULT'' and sucking your bf's cock

Protest, join anti-immigrant parties and help them, spread information online, talk to people in your town or city center. Anything is better than posting this to Sup Forums. What have you done by doing that, how have you helped?

And what do you suggest? Sit around and hope it all goes away?

my voice sounds like it's not even me wtf

jak myslíš vole

>that image
Christ, Ben went all out for that one.

well, everyone is actually pretty well behaved in terms of tram etiquette.
I don't know how well the ad works in therms of race mixing promotion

what's IB?

how can i red pill people as subtle as possible? Got any tips? I really can't out myself publicly as right wing..

No, my plan is to literally become the new Goebbels, starting with joining the Identitarion Movementn.

Jesus that sound so foreign and I speak Czech and Croatian...

Europeans are fucking weird man. It's like you guys fetishize niggers and try to hamfist them into everything, even your shitposting.

Wow, he is gorgeous!

>what's IB?
>er kennt den feschen Bua nicht

lol fucking AMERICA talking about putting niggers in everything and fetishising them. just lmao.

this shit is 100% copied from you.

Why not? You don't have to go around yelling "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW!" Just talk about the effects we're seeing today, welfare recipients, violence, how no multicultural society has ever worked, hell even white genocide has worked with a lot of people I know - more immigrants, have more kids, mix races less whites etc.

They had to put that interracial love at first sight scene why? How does that even fit in.


probably because you've never head those words before
do you work in tourism by the way since you speak czech?

I'll try to write something in Slovak to see how well you can understand

V Chorvátsku som bol dvakrát na dovolenke, je to veľmi pekná krajina, ľudia sú zvyčajne prieteľskí na rozdiel od zápádných Európanov. More bolo čisté s kamienkovou plážou. Našťastie tam nebolo veľmi veľa ľudí takže som bol spokojný.

in reply to
No idea what the fuck happened there