Sup Forums will defend this

>complains about immigration
>Against feminism
>Against jew
>Against pornography
>Against lose of traditionnal value and sense of family

>Support capitalism

"Capitalism is the redpill "

>0 replies
They stay quiet when the truth shines

How many times are you going to post this picture meme?

We're not replying because we've seen this fucking thread two hundred times.

Well? When will you leave Europe, Abhdul?

National Socialism is the only way to go.

They invaded you. It's slightly different.

I cannot believe that people still use this picture despite how it so conspicuously defeats their own logic. YOU CAN ONLY CHOOSE ONE

1. "Immigration is a good thing"
Cool then the British did nothing wrong. Genocide is a natural consequence of mass immigration, always has been and always will.

2. "The immigration of British was wrong"
Absolutely let's learn from it and not make the same mistake then.

Le cuck



It's not me...

>this thread again
why don't you faggots come up with something original instead of using the same recycled picture everytime?

If the red niggers had a strong immigration policy, they'd be a lot better off wouldn't they?

>>Support capitalism
Capitalism is a term made up by Karl Marx


Category 3 autism and boredom.


>Defending someone that doesn't know what private property is

really made me think. thanks OP

>1 post by this id

Muricans have no right to shit about imigration.


Wasn't it colonization? You honestly thinking that immigration and colonization are the same things?

i support only national socialism


Why do liberals love to exploit native Americans?