Why is the suicide rate for men much higher than women?

Why is the suicide rate for men much higher than women?

cause we're better at it

Life on easy mode.

(((they))) suck the life out of you

Women have feelings while men just do it.

Because women get better benefits than men.

men have to confront reality; women have to worry about what color their toenails should be today

this. for the most part men don't fuck around when deciding to kill themselves. rarely "attempt it" for attention


because women literally have life easier

its why the disparity of men turning into women as opposed to women into men exists

trannies 'aka' failed men are just lowering the difficulty to easy mode

luckily us hardfags get to enjoy the special 'pride' mechanic

men have balls to carry out

women just have to suck cock and they get everything

Women will nearly always have someone to pick them up if the fall and fail

When men fall they are expected to pick themselves back up

because cocks want most pussies, but most pussies do not want most cocks

because women can't do anything right


Women do it for attention, men do it to actually end it.

>white men

What is long and hard on a man?

Because women get help.

Because men are better at everything including killing themselves.

Because we have to put up with women

Confucius say: man with hand in pocket feeling cocky.

Because there's no mechanisms to help men when they become overburdend by sociey, there's no shelters or beds for them, they're expected to face and tackle pretty much every problem on their own.

All the while the government burden men and take their assets and children in order to give those things to women.

You want to look at which times of life that men commit suicide and the relative rates to women, post divorce mens suicide rate is up to 11x higher than womens.

It's why MGTOW is growing.

Because the mental stress and strain put unto them, is higher than that of women. They are also conditioned to not let any of it slip, as to not appear weak - and if they would do so, they only would get degraded further.

Because of the wage gap.

We live in a society where we are told everywhere how evil white men are and how they are the cause all everyone else's problems. White males are the one group that has the least sympathy extended to them. Not everyone can deal with living in a world that hates you.

Because being a man is hard

It is basic psychology. Women are born with innate worth, there is no reason they should even logically commit suicide before old age. Men must earn their place, and if they do not are supposed to kill themselves.

The Patriarchy demands we do. And being evil stormtroopers we do it.

Women have no shame

from a purely physical standpoint, men choose more fatal methods. gunshot wound, walk off building, step in front of train, etc. women choose methods that won't mutilate their body, i.e. pill overdoses. protip: that pretty much never works

from this we can infer that either:women are stupid and fail at most things, even when its literally a matter of life and death...OR, women don't actually want to die, and their 'attempt' is nothing more than a cry for attention.

It would be really interesting to take all suicide attemptees (both those who succeeds, and those who didnt), and have people of the opposite gender 'rate' the attractiveness of the victim.

I have a feeling that women rated 6/10 or higher would be remarkably worse at suicide when compared to any other group. because they're strong independent wymminz, thats why.

This. Because men are shit at expressing emotion or reaching out for help when they need it. Men are brought up to think that they need to be autonomous and heroic. This is a mistake. A simple solution is to bring men up so they know that they're not perfect, that they can fail sometimes, that they can express feelings without shame, and that we all need to be empathetic toward each other. When this happens properly, male suicide rates will go down considerably. Unfortunately, many in this thread are actively contributing to the conditions that make suicide rates high among men. All this talk about "hard mode" is simply embracing a dangerous and extreme form of masculine identity. No one should be forced to live their life in "hard mode."

We kill ourselves because we sad.

just to add on: guys don't have as much room to fuck up and bounce back from it, as botching an attempt to off yourself will probably leave you in a much worse state than before you tried.

Fuck up AND people find out about it?
Well, you're gonna get institutionalized with some pretty pricey medical bills, probly lose your job/hurt your chances of getting a new one, and be treated like a social pariah by anyone who doesn't care for you intimately, i.e. fucking everyone you know and work with who aren't your close family or the rare closer friend.

You just labeled yourself as damaged goods, you expendable prick. You won't get no sympathy from others, unless you count the mandatory psych visits after you cough up the money you better hope you have

When your country listens to fat, ugly trigglypuffs for sex tips you know you've fucked up



What about the ugly women though? They definitely know that no one wants to fuck them, right? It's just male psychology

Men are risk takers by nature. Taking risks doesn't always pan out.

Women are too pussy to go through with it so they just slit their wrists which hardly ever works. Men blow their heads off with a shotgun or hang themselves which works most of the time.

Because men try to like women. Women know they're supposed to hate other women, and often themselves as well. Men go out of their way to find reasons to like women, and the frustration caused by complete dedication to such an illogical goal is enough to drive even the most iron willed man to suicide.

>No one should be forced to live their life in "hard mode."

Life is hard, the reason easy mode can exist is because someone on hard mode has their back.

Except women shit far more on emotional men than males themselves do. It's actually pretty easy to find respectful bros but dare talk to an old female friend about your issues and she will become disgusted and just stop talk to you a few days later. And I'm not even talking about being a whiny beta just having to talk about deep issues. "Patriarchy" as an excuse for that is baseless.

Heres a thought.

>Alphas don't give a fuck about trivialities. ONE PROBLEM AT A TIME.

It's national sport over here

Men don't have an easy Plan B of spreading their legs and falling ass first into a big pile of someone else's money.

That's pretty stressful.

when men want to kill themselves they eat a shotgun

when women "want to kill themselves" they eat a handful of Flintstone vitamins and cry about it on Twitter


Life is on hard mode if you're isolated, don't have good social supports, and are raging at others all the time. Easy mode is when you have strong community bonds, good quality nutrition, plentiful exercise in social settings, meaningful friendships, and rewarding sexual and romantic life. It means basically being the opposite of Sup Forums. You don't get those conditions automatically -- you have to work at cultivating them.

>women shit far more on emotional men than males themselves do
Disagree completely with this. You need better female friends. Real friends will listen and be supportive, whatever is going on. Maybe your female friends are brought up with regressive gender norms and are trying to turn you into a tough man living in hard mode. These people aren't really your friends -- they're just helping you to an early heart attack or suicide.

because bitches drive men crazy

keked hard

Lithuania you should look at it from the positive side! At least you are good at something!

The world is set up to benefit women. Imagine you're at your worst: jobless, homeless, sick, hungry.

In Canada:
>There are approximately 15,467 permanent shelter beds
>9,961 beds for women and children

Men are 20 time more likely than men to be homeless, but have only 1/2 the shelter beds allocated for women.

Cock shaming is encouraged



This pham

Cause the women get all the money and the assets after the divorce?


When a man commits suicide, it's usually in the fastest way possible, regardless of how much of a mess is left

When a woman does it, it's generally through a way that is commonly lived through, like trying to OD on pills or the slit wrist (and cutting the wrong way) and hardly ever by blowing their head off. Vain even in attempted death.

>real friend
cmon dude

Bitches are shallow and think moment to moment.

If only they knew how bad things really are.

Men are much more likely to be gun owners. When they attempt suicide, it works.

Women try to overdose on painkillers or cut their wrists or something, and that just isn't very likely to be fatal.

>slit wrist
Why would anyone ever try to do that? It's a terrifying long lasting death with intense pain even when done correctly while OD'ing on pills is an equally terrifying painful death that involves internal organ damage and internal bleeding. If I didn't have access to a firearm, my first choice would be hanging, my second would be carbon monoxide with sedatives to fall asleep faster. Fucking hell, even drowning yourself is a better option than OD'ing on pills.

Because men are expendable. Women are treated like snowflakes and if a man struggles to carry his weight theyre generally fucked.

I'm curious about statistics on suicide and gender before women were in the workplace and also before women's suffrage.

Except that similar ratio of male to female suicides exists all over the world, even in places where guns are unavailable. Apparently poland has one of the lowest numbers of guns per citizens in europe and one of the highest disparities between female and male suicides in the whole world.

the hard truth

how did this thread extend past this post

It's not so much that men are shit at it by choice, displaying emotion shows weakness which is a turn off to women and that is less likely to lead to pairbonding and offspring, it's just part of how we evolved. For this to change, we'd need to genuinely change how women select men.

The bigger problem is how the state treats men, doing things like punishing the bread winners by taking their money and giving it to their partners, taking away children and generally treating the woman with every care in the world, but the man like shit and like a failure.

Most of the problems are ones of institutions via the state.

I don't know the exact statistic, but men are way more likely to use a gun or jump off a building. In other words, men are just more dedicated to suicide when the thought pops up. Women are more likely to swallow pills and often leads to a trip to the hospital and eventually not dying. Women generally have a better support system and more people are willing to help women out of a bad situation. When men are alone, there's usually nothing left but more loneliness.

Statistics don't go back nearly that far.

Women are just shit at it

>While males are 4 times more likely than females to die by suicide, females attempt suicide 3 times as often as males.

>the city of women
>can't even kill themselves

For the same reason there are more male CEOs. The distribution is wider for men.

Women tend to attempt in ways they can pull out of if they regret it. Shit like pills or wrist cutting where you have a chance to call 911.

Men tend to shoot ourselves. Which once you pull the trigger is hard to back out of.


>Men tend to shoot ourselves. Which once you pull the trigger is hard to back out of.
Says you

What the fuck is happening in that picture?

They can't handle all that priviledge.

It just occurred to me that I haven't talked to anyone IRL in about a month. Fuck.

>This. Because men are shit at expressing emotion or reaching out for help when they need it.

Go fuck yourself. It's because of all the quantifiable legal and institutional ways that men are openly discriminated against. It's not that men don't ask for help, it's that there is nearly no one they CAN ask for help, and the fact that they get fucked much harder when anything bad happens ever, especially when it involves a woman, even if it's not his fault at all.


Women, mainly.

because society has real expectations for men.

cosmoline cooker, ask /k/

What kind of job do you have?
I want it

Because they give a fuck.

You lucky fuck.

Now if only I could buy vodka by mail.

Because of the ongoing leftist war on boys and men. There's nothing more to it. The entire western world is laying it down on men. Everything is the fault of men, according to feminized society, and men are always the first to bear the brunt of anything, be it legislation or leftist propaganda.

A friend recently committed suicide. He was already unbalanced, of course, but there was a thing that pushed him over the edge: A false sexual assault accusation. Is the woman who did it brought to justice? Nope. Her friends who threatened to beat him up? Nope. All just fine and dandy.

You hear about this shit, but you never expect it to happen in your environment. I wouldn't say there's an out-and-out conspiracy to fuck men over, but fucking men over is definitely part of modern Western Marxist ideology. Because they believe two things: That society can be moulded according to their desires, and that their desires are a factual guide for building a better world.

Marxism is at fault, in whatever form you have it.

Because women.

Holy fuck is that Capitalist?

Q: Why do married men die so much sooner than their wives?

The problem isn't even the fact that there's a war against men, but the fact that you're supposed to suck it up and still contribute to said society.

Men and women both have worries, but society is much more realistic for men.
Plus we need to provide for the family, and keep the household on top.
I only started uni, so i never experienced this, but i will when i get older.

>The problem isn't even the fact that there's a war against men

Yes there is, it's the root of the problem. The blatant institutional and legal discrimination against men. There's nothing wrong with expecting people to be emotionally competent, and we should hold women to these standards as well. The problem is that boys and men are actively treated worse by schools, workplaces, and the government.

Yes, I know that feel. We're supposed to be happy with far, far less than out parents while still working harder for it. And on top of that we're the #1 target of anyone with an axe to grind, while also being artificially limited in what we can even SAY about that.

Today is perhaps the shittiest time to be a man in the Western world, barring maybe World War I. But the risk of dying in the mud for the oldfashioned landgrab war of armchair generals and kings is a different beast entirely from dealing with the combination of disdain and expectation of today's world, and the limited oppertunities it offers.

It's insidious. It poisons the mind, and blurs the lines to the point where it's impossible to say whether you could have crawled out of the muck or were destined for it. I think modern society teaches men some very shitty thought habits. We had the misfortune of growing up in a time where we've been told the world is our oyster, and we can do anything we want, but in reality we're the most restricted generation to ever walk this goddamn planet. We live in a society that discourages, or even punishes initiative, but then blames men for their lack of initiative!
