Why is this shit allowed in US media?


What is this appeal to emotion?

This is straight up propaganda, get your shit together.

This is embarassing I can't believe Americans are stupid enough to buy this kind of shit.

Wait, then again they are Americans so maybe they do.

The Western world died when it let women have political input.

Americans are absolutely trapped in virtue signalling.

That's how people get away with everything here.




That's debatable

Yeah, is triggered because we read about Syria all the days, we know how many civilians die but this people care or talk about that 3 days per year.

I woildnt give a fuck if they at least showed the true facts.

That Assad is a light in the darkness, that the "freedom rebels" are full-on jihad and want to make islam the govt.that the CIA,MI6 and MIT were the ones supplying ISIS with chemical weapons and when they sed them they put the blame on Assad.

Fucking jewish propaganda, and the burgers eat it all up

nice gaming chair, lucky kid

That's why women shouldn't be allowed to vote

these people can't be real

Wtf Im with her now...

A fine example of someone who's personality and political leanings are as malleable as play-dough in the hands of the media, entirely manipulable. It's disgusting to see.

Those eyes look like a bored boy waiting for them to remove his makeup so he can go back to watching his older brothers burn stray dogs.

At the Battle of First Manassas ordinary people came out with their horse & buggies to enjoy the battle like it would be a nice day for a family picnic. The American Civil War wasn't expected to be a fiercely fought, dirty and deadly war like it turned out to be. After the battle everyone, from the Union & Confederate soldiers down to the civilians that shrieked in terror as the battle started and wore on, everyone knew war wasn't pretty. Or nonsensical and a paltry affair.

As Americans, we are in some ways spoiled by the old idea of "Fortress America" because of the oceans that divide us from the other parts of the world where the wars are fought. It causes some to think we are stupid. We aren't. Many of us, like myself, have fought in more than one or two wars and conflicts across the globe. Families have seen their loved ones return home in coffins.

But scenes like the little Syrian boy are not seen by Americans in a typical sense, unless it's from some tragedy like a building collapse, a fire, or weather related events like tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. That's when most Americans that have been insulated their whole lives are exposed to scenes like the little boy in the video, or worse.

The talking head journalist was very unprofessional though, to allow herself to break down on camera like that. Or maybe OP is right and CNN decided to milk the propaganda card. Most Americans wouldn't realize if CNN was milking it because they go along with what they are told, that Assad is an evil dictator, that the Syrian civil war should mean something to us (like what?), et al.

Sure, war is hell, it's sad and innocents are injured and killed. But Assad isn't as evil as he has been made out to be. We could do business with him, and if we want to see this civil war come to an end, we could support Assad instead. But liberals love a tragedy. They want to use this for their own devices.

Some of us aren't stupid though.

she's hot and that's all that matters to me.

The comments are cancer for the most part. A shit ton of Muslim shills calling Assad the devil. People who don't know shit advocating the removal of assad as if at this point that would result in peace. The comments are straight retarded for the most part.

>Those eyes look like a bored boy waiting for them to remove his makeup so he can go back to watching his older brothers burn stray dogs.

user could be right. Wouldn't be the first time "bombings and victims" were manufactured for motives.

Ill just leave this here

You need to get that on a website so people can link to it on the comments in that video.

reddit should be bombarded with this jpg

Spread this far and wide, user


A reminder that a few years ago propaganda was legalized in the USA

If you get some sources to go with that picture I'll spread it like a Canadian wildfire.

British user got it right! Thanks for posting this. I agree with other comments - spread this jpeg all over the interwebs!

No idea about actual sources, some based user posted it yesterday. I know there's the webm of the kid being beheaded and a couple news articles claiming the little kid getting beheaded was actually "18" and not a kid, seemed like bad damage control to me

This reminds me of this kike chick walking through NYC for 10 hours and collecting 2 minutes of "Hello there, how are you doing?" harassment.
Millions of people on the move, and they drag a single picture of a single boy through the media like it was the key to everything.
How many months has it been since that kid on the beach? That's all they got.

Well if I were to spread it and get asked how I know if its all true, I can't say Sup Forums is my source.

As much as I'd love to ram people about this fucking picture, I want to be fully armed when I do so.

When terrorirsts do it, it's ok!
When Americans do it, it's ok!
When Russians do it, omg think of the children!
Yeah, fuck you too, USA.

user, I really really really like this infographic

wtf i hate whites now

there was a time when female exagerated display of emotivity was dismissed.
Now you're a monster if you don't do the same.

I just noticed the stupid nigger is wearing the exact same blue shirt in all the pictures though so that's a start.

It's probably some dumb ass teenager who isn't even old enough to vote. Seriously. You guys never take into consideration that all the liberal retarded shit you see on the Internet is written by dumb fucking teenagers who have no concept of how the world really works.

Thank god the Internet wasn't a big thing when I was a teenager. I did and said tons of embarrassing shit that I'm glad isn't fucking documented.

We've all seen this picture here, a hundred times already.
Doing no good to anyone showing it to us for the hundredth and first time.
Get it to where it must be seen.


Dead boy on beach was used to destroy Europe. Bombed boy in ambulance is being used to affect US attitude. Lets turn the dialog around and shove it up the ass of the people who caused it.

If you don't want kids to die, don't pick up a gun and try to resist your lawful government.

> Why do they use propaganda to appeal . . .

> Uses a half naked broad to get people in his thread.

Auschwitz Jew did there.

Who is this based user?