
...why won't Trump...
...release his taxes?

he's just waiting on hillary's medical records.

Oh no

OP is retarded

wow i hate trump now

because he doesn't pay anything despite earning millions

>wanting taxes from publicly traded companies when they are legally required to release their financial information on a quarterly basis

because it doesn't mean shit.

i don't give a flipping shit what taxes he pays, and there's no way i could know anyway because if a politician releases tax returns then they are fake anyway.

in short OP is a tremendous asshole


no they want his personal tax record

wtf, why does that doge have four eyes.


So you want the personal tax records of a man whose assets are almost exclusively placed in businesses and real estate? That's pretty fucking stupid Britbong.

What the fuck are you talking about? Trump doesn't own a publicly traded company you fucking moron. Also they're talking about his personal tax returns anyways. Why are you so stupid?

Its patriotic at this point not to pay them, they all go towards spying on the public, arming terrorists, nigger welfare, and wars nobody supports. Need i say what the first American revolution started because of? TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION.


What right do you have to Trumps personal info?

In fairness, I think last time he paid nothing was largely from deductible charitable donations.

Looks like somebody doesn't know what a holding company is. Holy fuck you people are ignorant.

Step away from the keyboard Ahmed. Kebab is ready.

...why won't corrupt Hillary...
...release her medical records and give herself to the police?

Better get back to mowing the lawn Jose, you promised it's be done by the end of the day

Who honestly fucking cares?

The media will scrutinize any little thing from his taxes.

And if his taxes are clean?

So fucking what - onto the next thing to criticize/bash Trump over.

Who gives a fuck.

Every major presidential nominee before him has done it. Is there something Trump's hiding?

I know exactly what a holding company is retard. The Trump Organization isn't publicly traded. Someone as stupid as you shouldn't be asserting that other people are ignorant of anything.

Also you never answered me as to why you're so stupid. I demand an answer. It shouldn't be possible to be this dumb.

Googling "holding company" and reading the first paragraph of the wikipedia article doesn't mean you know what it is kid.

You are the new 'birthers'. Remember Obama's birth certificate? Just, you are so unimportant nobody -bothers- to make a word up for you the way they did for 'birthers'.

Because if he does he is out of the race. A dusty cheeto like him can't possibly be 100% clean with his money.

god fucking damn it

Birthers were racially motivated, so that's not a fair comparison.

Ok so you've lost the argument. Good to know.

Because he's already being audited.

Because his tax info will be massively taken out of context. (good businessmen reinvest their profits)

You know who really needs to get audited? Any democrat.

Obama released his birth certificate though to appease you racist dipshits.

There has been no argument, just you being incapable of comprehending what a holding company is, what it does, or what it owns.

It's what Britbongs do best.

Because it's private, and none of your fucking business.

why is there a little green box in the upper-left corner of your post

Whether or not I know what a holding company is (I do) is irrelevant to the argument and a logical fallacy. In your post you addressed that Trump would be required to reveal his finances because publicly traded companies share earnings reports on a quarterly basis.

This is completely fallacious because Trump doesn't own any publicly traded companies, and nobody is asking him to disclose his corporate finances but his PERSONAL tax returns. His businesses aren't running for President, HE is.

So after pointing this out, you fallaciously continue to crusade about holding companies because you can't address the points I've made and how you're wrong, and also how you're dumb.

You lost the argument.

What happened to this place? I haven't browsed here in a couple months, I come back and it's full of Anti-Trump threads.

The fuck is going on

Find me a law or regulation that says you have a right to see any of Trumps personal tax info and stop bullshitting.

>muh alt right hugbox
>muh pro trump agenda board

JDIF and Hillshills trying to salvage their dying campaign

Tax returns are numbers without much context. The underlying financial information that would actually tell us anything isn't in them.

Politicians want other politicians tax returns so they can create phony context that isn't really in the numbers and a bullshit narrative to hurt their opponent.

The only kind of return that could possibly have any kind of smoking gun is a nonprofit like the foundation. Other than that, looking at tax returns trying to find something illegal or fraudulent is a waste of time.

>commits logic fallacies

>claims someone else lost for using a logic fallacy

Liberals everybody.


-Trump 2016



Dubs decides what he is hiding
I will go first
Donations to NAMBLA

This is conclusive proof that trump is jewish

Money to Israeli and Saudi Businesses.


he is actually worth far less than he has led the public to believe