Why Russia doesn't approach Europe?

Why Russia doesn't approach Europe?
they could work together and end the US hegemony

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they did

We can work with euroscum only when our troops are on their territory, watching them behaving like a proper humans and not retarded gay warmongers.

because considering their population numbers their infuence could be immense

>inb4 but france + germany + spain + italy

hmm i don't think so

Both Russians and Europeans cannot be trusted in an alliance.
Russians in particular are kings of manipulation.

Germany is now the biggest nation in the EU parliament. Consider what would happen when you put Russia in there.

Germany would still be more influential, most of the economic and productive power is in Germany

>Russians, in particular, are kings of manipulation.

That would not be the case with voting numbers.

Like that murkan deep state or whatever would let that happen. Basically this is the reason Russia would have too many votes/too much influence because of our population, UN seat, actual military, etc, so anti - Russian parts of EU and US won't have it

>the lies some russians actually believe

Wow, did you learn -all that- from the one and only news source in your country?

having more than 60 mln people doesn't give you any more seats

We aren't Europeans m8

Don't know what he meant by retarded, because there's only secondary evidence, but gay warmongerers parts are sort of factual, if we see general laws covering homosexuality and numbers of troops abroad, or countries invaded during the last few years.

That's basically Wikipedia tier general knowledge

Like Russia having the same influence as Germany would be okay for demented Brussels bureaucrats.

Russia tried joining NATO, they said no. They have a hate boner for Russia. I just want to have good relationship with them and trade things like quality cheese.

it would be fine if you weren't totally brainwashed, corrupt, etc


Because we are Asians

fuck you mehmed

You don't really believe either of that.
We as a nation are not less educated or much more self-important than Poles or more corrupt than Romania or, ahem, Berlusconi era Italy

Fuck you sissy euroboo

when will you reliaze you live in an oligarchy?

post asian russians

from the point of view of russia, europe is a passive homosexual degenerate drug abusing nigger
from the point of view of europe, russia is an episode of paranoid schizophrenia suffered on a collective scale

this is the wedding that is not going to happen

lol. they are trying it all the fucking time.. Merkel wants her own reich thats all.



Because Russia is still hated for communism.

>when will you reliaze you live in an oligarchy?
it is very american kind of post
are you real italian? if so, when will you realize that you're using euro instead of liras?

Already tried in early 90s. Europe don't need us as a friend. It needs "evil empire" for some reason.

>russia is an episode of paranoid schizophrenia suffered on a collective scale
That's a nice way to put it

>Why Russia doesn't approach Europe?

>Leaders of the NATO military bloc agreed to deploy four multinational battalions to Poland as well as to Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia last July, with the declared goal of deterring potential

i dunno.. why do NATO train offensive tactics just 190 km away from S.Petersburg?

>Because Russia is still hated

dunno. i see everyone shit own pants full as soon they see russians..

We are trying pretty hard actually but the butthurt belt and Washington won't let it happen.

>post asian russians

The head of M*scovites is 100% finno-ugric asian


>train offensive tactics
Ah, yes, defending against Russian invasion is an offensive tactic. More news like this on RT.com

both require the other to justify their existance

>Ah, yes

what yes? answer my question my nigglet. why do NATO train "defense" with offensive landing and taking over towns just 190 km away from Russian second capital?

is your tactic just posting the same bullshit until everyone gets tired of replying to you?

Got any proofs of that aside of your own ass?

>defending against Russian invasion by placing military bases around Russian border

How is that tactic in any way unsound?

yeah its russia coups neighbors governments

sht the fuck up you traitorous incest scum. i am not talking to you. you fucks should stay in your fucking american and never come back to russian estonia. we all know you stole Russian Land and it is only matter of time when you will run away again to your american masters to suck their dicks in Pennsylvania.

go fucking goole moron.

Can we at least all agree that Russia being in the EU should be our long term goal?

Ever heard of burden of proof?

No need for coups when little green men do the job better


why not?

here was no any green men when georgia did all dirty job for uncle sam

No. The best thing that could happen is Russia splitting up so the Republics can focus on economic improvement instead of military dickwaving contest.

butthurt diasporoid protecting his amerimutt masters

you mean like Kasachstan, Ukraine or Belarus? Cause those republics are doing so well, right?


+5 rubles

Kazakhstan is doing okay, Belarus is stable if not exactly great. Only Ukraine is doing bad and that's mostly because Russia won't let it do good

Belarus is considered the last dictatorship in Europe. I spoke with immigrants from there, and the country is definitely NOT doing fine

>if not exactly great

where the fuck are the dicks in mouth coming from?

Whiterussia is doing great. Ukraine is fucking shit because it literally rulled by jews and nazi oligarchy. Kazakhstan is under americunt foot right now because they were stupid to trust americunts.

I'd support that when you apply the same principle to America.

Ignore the butthurt Pepiks, their country is full of russophobic ameriboos, people are stupid and nationalistic.

>+5 rubles
i'm not asked how much your mom coasts

>Belarus is considered the last dictatorship in Europe.


>the country is definitely NOT doing fine

i bet the whiterussian McDonalds has way to soft burgers there.

its diaspora
he's faggot or something
strong butthurt

>how much your mom coasts
there are not enough coasts to count your mom

watch sailor moon

I would but only once Russia and China are split. Sadly not true
>implying you can even afford a czech whore with that monopoly money
>everyone who hates Russians is diaspora
Lol, no. I'm just not mentally deficient enough to think your country has changed after USSR fell.

>he still trying to sell his mom
you're diasporoid and you showed it many times
suck dick salty loser

>debilní rusák si myslí, že nenávidět Rusko můžou jenom Rusové

>showed it many times

Nenavidet' Rossiju mogut toljko luzery

why can't you guys be nice to each other?
we are all europeans, after all

because the EU is an American puppet


As much as I hate the notion of some shared European identity, Russians at their best are just aping Europeans and at their worst are no better than Chinks.

That's what Russians are when you have quick glance at the stats.

will new french-german block fix it?

could you elaborate please?
what makes Russians non-European?

The disregard for human life and the propensity for authoritarianism

>could you elaborate please?

he is a moron. ignore him.

you should read some european history

>will new french-german block fix it?
what a joke
Nobody wants that in France

Anaconda, the biggest NATO joint anti-Russian training to date was an offensive amphybious landing excercise bro

even with french domination?

Yes, Europe used to be pretty similar in that regard. But we grew out of it, mostly. Russians always seem to lag behind, they didn't abolish serfdom until 1861.

>offensive landing
How does a defensive landing look?

>How does a defensive landing look?

lol. i smell ukrainian troll in this piece of shit..

nobody believes that will happens, the EU leaders are just some kind of soviet-tier nomenklatura, they are totally disconnected from the european people's lifes, they live in a different world
i'm drunk and it's pretty hard to explain, but the situation of the EU today is pretty similar to the situation of the Eastern bloc back in the 80's

Pls, give more Valio, finlandbro.

I want to, but EU doesn't allow it. It's hurting our economy. Sucks to be hurt because of muh war monger meme. Apparently valio is popular in Russia or something

> How does a defensive landing look?
no such thing
sort of the point

they do sell VIOLA from some factory in Russia
supposed to be same thing, Finnish-owned but not banned because made locally

So how do you know that landing is a practice to land in Russia and not the Baltics or Poland?

I buy Valio milk every day, Viola is just some sort of soft cheese, don't know what that user are talking about.


I'm drunk enough to forget the fucking name
Yes valio not viola fuck

I don't
it's irrelvant

German's posat was about NATO conducting an offensive drill a spit ting distance from Russian border

You disputed that, but that's the simple truth.

Same is this photo of fat people posing in front of a old Ivangorod kremlin just accross the border from another country with a US military base aimed at Russia.

they know they can't really intimidate Russia with a few fatsos, but we are real people here and we do get the message.

>offensive drill
I'm still waiting for the proof of how that drill was offensive

The other user named Viola, not you.

waiting? you must have missed it
amphybious landing is an offensive operation

see here

Not if you are landing on occupied territory like for example the Baltics

No I don't think that's a factor bro
I re-read the wiki
> Amphibious warfare is a type of offensive military operation that...
No, doesn't say anything about Baltics. I should say if they're serious about defense from Russia, they should really practice defense, not attacking the Baltics.

But the what do I know I'm just a guy with a wiki link

Retaking territory is a defensive operation

Well German + France together would still have more?
