Does your country have only one left/right wing party and lots of the other one?

Does your country have only one left/right wing party and lots of the other one?

No. Only post-communist Europe is like this.

We have unironic commies, greens, socdems, liberals(not the American kind), christian conservatives and nationalists.

currently in parliament*

Idk. What do you mean by "left/right wing party"?
pic related

We don't need to go into too much splitting hairs. Lets just say "parties that can be broadly placed on one side of the political spectrum, as it is perceived in your country". Or if you wanna go with specific ideologies, things like social democracy, socialism, communism for the left, conservatism, liberalism, nationalism for the right. Not all encompassing, obviously.

yes, you can see in the pic, there's some of these

I wish we had more parties. At least the libertarians seem to have established ballots access in every state for a few presidential elections now. Fuck big tent philosophy and fuck two party war mongering governments.

our country has one big centrist party, one big leftist partie, lots of right wing parties and some obscure parties no one votes for. overall we are leaning to economic liberalism, cultural conservatism (light to strong flavour nationalism depending on season)

Since we don't have much, I've included the non-parliametary ones too.

According to Wiki:
Alternattiva Demokratika: Centre-Left
Imperium Europa: Far-Right
Alleanza Bidla: Centre-Right to Right Wing
Moviment Patrijotti Maltin: Far-right

Not much variation,

Hahahaha. God, I'd forgotten about fucking two party system countries. I suppose those are a given for this topic.

Republican should be divided to conservatives, neo liberals, tea party. Democrats should be be devided to central democrats and socialist democrats.

>Imperium Europa
Good luck with that

I don't like his idea of united Europe. Other than that, it's difficult not to like him.

Same. Unfortunately, that's unlikely to happen.
Our politicians don't have any variety. Their platforms & policy, aside from a select few, are almost identical to their party. Especially on key issues. They almost always vote in party lines and refuse to think outside the box.

This would make me happy. I look at that list and say to myself "I wouldn't mind voting for most candidates who are functional neo-liberals (assuming you're using classical liberal definition)

Alas, it is but a dream.


New Zealand managed to scrap FPTP, why can't America?

>Imperium Europa

Because if you look at the two largest factions are conservatives (pro war, social conservative, "free market") and socialist democrats (Somehow still pro war, social progressive/sjw, and social democrat market theory). They have no reason to cede power to the smaller ideological subsets.

We have one centre right part (Progressive Conservatives)

and three left wing parties
>Liberal (Left of Centre)
>NDP (Socialist)


We have one single corporate party.

>the two largest factions are conservatives (pro war, social conservative, "free market") and socialist democrats
Lol, what world are you living on? One in which leftists are bigger than centrists? plez

Bad logo. Can't have a gradient colour part to a symbol like that. Boooo

We only have centre and left-wing parties tbqh. The ruling party larps as patriotic by beating up separatists but then sells cocaine to the youth (not joking), allows fags to marry and adopt children and passes "gender violence" laws and anti-lgbtqiñot+fobia laws, while funding gender transitions with public money and flooding the country with niggers and south americans.

Based V4

Tell that to IE not me.

That's pretty much the inverse of Portuguese politics. I envy Slovakia

>flooding the country with niggers and south americans.
whoops tautology

"an argument which repeats an assertion using different phrasing. The proposition, as stated, is thus logically irrefutable, while obscuring the lack of evidence or valid reasoning supporting the stated conclusion."

>an argument which repeats an assertion using different phrasing
i was implying that niggers and south americans are the same thing ya bloody autist

Most centrists don't vote because they're apathetic about their lack of representation. ie, independents

Fair enough, but I meant that based on election results america seems pretty centrist-conservative. Or wait, are you saying that the american electorate is EVEN MORE CENTRIST than their representatives in government? I mean that is so centrist I can't even imagine it

ahhh I see, my apologies

Yes, I am saying that. Congress is more polarized than the populace. The population is incredibly centrist in that most of them have no firm reason for voting how they do, and rather just go back and forth. They have no ideology or moral foundation for their beliefs and just randomly reward politicians for arbitrarily being in power while something unrelated to their actions happened.

We have centre-right centre-left, left and right and a whole heap of small issue parties.

Do small issue parties like that have an impact on politics? Do they usually crystallize into legislation of some kind, and that's why there are so many in New Zeeland?

>that disgusting labour-first coalition
why remind me that exists

Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but to be honest there really isn't much "ideology" to start with in Spain.
We have the PP (Corrupt as heck, licks' businesses boots), PSOE (Corrupt as heck, wastes ounces of money on social programs instead of creating economy), podemos (generic intellectual elitists and the closest to the common "american liberal") and Ciudadanos (Kind-of-nationalists, but in general the same as PP). basically they're all... very weak as far as teh issues go, no real "left" or "right" really.

Mostly, the politicians are self serving but there's barely any difference between them. maybe Podemos is the only kind-of different ne, and even them i'm not convinced they're much different.

They can have an impact although it's a bit tough for them.
They gotta rally and make noise to get noticed but if they're getting votes the bigger parties will take notice
maybe steal their policies to keep votes but at the end of the day the small issue parties don't care how their polices get through as long as they do.
But it's an uphill battle for them.
Sorry it's pretty early in the morning and I hope that makes sense.

Not of a fan of it are you?

Must be interesting to have such a selection. I wonder if countries with more options are more prone to political discussion than countries with less like the US or the other way around.

We also have fucking way too many literal who parties that advocate all kinds of specific facets of life such as the Renewable Energy Party, the Voluntary Euthanasia Party and the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party.

>Pauline hanson's One Nation.
>Derryn Hinch's Justice Party

Australia, what the fuck. Also i can barely tell the difference between the different right wing flavors.

Those 4 parties at the top are a federal coalition with Liberal Party being at the head of it.

So it's four of a kind? Still poeple must have voted one of those OR the other right? Are they in differnet parts of the territory or something like that?

i think overall the amount of debate follows "the more, the more" logic. so there's bound to be more topics and more debate with more parties, everyone trying to push their niche agenda
with fewer participants i tend to think the debate can be more focused on the big issues

we actually have too many right-wing parties which should essentially be just one big party (and political hearsay is: there's an additional right-wing party in the making).

Actually, there's a saying in my country, that the left "Has the same intention, but so many minor differences separate them, while the right has minor diffferences taht seaprate them, but they're united because they have a similar intention".

And usually the most united one wins.

No we are diverse.

It varies at state level, but federally they're four of a kind. When in power whoever out of them has the most seats is the Prime Minister and whoever has the second most is the Deputy PM. But it's always been the same two parties in those positions besides one or two exceptions.


And here we thought "We" had too many parties, having just 4.

Welcome to hell

>Feminist Initiative
>0 MPs


Ahem. yikes, no wonder they say our country is backwards. We have half the required political parties to be in the european mean.

>Feminist politics
>Radical Feminism

like he said, a good chunk of the population here is amazingly still centrist somehow
i just wonder if we will ever be able to throw off this 2 party system
would be nice to have a fiscally conservative, socially liberal party
or just a party that isn't majority bible thumper or meme-right
or a party that isn't isn't trying to implement more regulations up the ass, and isn't being silly pandering to the more inane social trends around these parts

i just can't see the current 2 party system leading to anything good, but at the same time people here can be so fucking retarded I don't think it matters what we have

>Feminist Initiative
>20,000 members
>24,000 members


It's kind of absurd that the feminist movement went so far that some countries have entire parties dedicated to getting women everything

Konstigt att vänsterpartiet kan ha färre medlemmar än f! men så många fler riksdagsledamöter.

I believe there's only one right-wing conservative party, the rest is left-wing conservative.
Also no nationalist party because no one's proud of this shithole.

People are too afraid to become members at SD because of a hacking incident years ago exposing them all. Could cost you your job.

>feminist movement
>parties dedicated to getting women everything
American education

>would be nice to have a fiscally conservative, socially liberal party

Just because they don't win doesn't mean the LP doesn't exist.

Vänsterpartister är fattiga socialister som inte har råd att betala för ett medlemskap.

if only finland had a true liberalist party too, although it would never get more than 8% of the vote as finland is a very leftist country

Why no M-SD-C coalition?

Wait, is this the same ass-annihilated Finn who is still mad over the Mongolian meme

Makes sense I guess, but still,
>Liberal Party
>18,000 members
>19 MPs, 2 MEPs

>Feminist Initiative
>20,000 members
>0 MPs, 1 MEP

A wave is coming next election for the feminists in Sweden

Actually, we had pretty much a 2 party system until Podemos and Ciudadanos came in.

And nowadays it's still mostly the same thing, just that noone can get an actual governement going because lack of majority.

Deppigt. Hoppas det går bra för dem i nästa val så de kan förbättra landet för folket.

I Wish it was that easy. C have this one month turned full left and no party want to start a coalition with SD even though they admitt to SD being right. M want to adopt SDs policies but they deny they got them from SD.
Its fucking hell. Politicians are literally kids.

F! Is a joke party and is dying out. They have a niche support.

lmao but still, they're going to get at the minimum 2 or 3 MPs

You need 400k votes to even get into the parliament.

Odd bit with C considering they're about liberalism.

Hopefully one day M either admits SD is correct or they cease to exist and SD just comes to the forefront. I'm cheering for (You)

according to Wikipedia they got 3% of the vote last year and you need 4%, they'll get in. Besides, don't you need more for an MEP?

pfft, no swe party is liberal in any sense of the word.

As I said, F! Has decreased in popularity since all the drama they’ve been involved in and their target voter group is limited.
Its safe to say they won’t have a chance.

labour here is pretty fucky, they change their politics all the time. also senterpartiet is based

We have a center-right party, a center-right party that occasionally tells the lefties what they want to hear, and two insignificant left-wing parties. I'm not sure if the Quebec separatist party is still around, if they are they aren't up to much.

Trudeau campaigned on electoral reforms that would have really helped the two left-wing parties, but soon said fuck that after winning a majority government.

I hope rödt keeps growing. Them getting an MP this election was pretty sweet.

>I lig dat gommunism iz groawing
t. Gengis Chan

Lmao the absolute state of Europoors

They describe themselves as revolutionary socialist, not communist as far as I'm aware.

rodt will never get over the election threshold, so they'll keep being the bitches of the labour party. i just wish senterpartiet would team up with the right wing, it'd be perfect

Dunno how you can be so sure. They're not far off.

their labour overlords are losing tons of votes and their less commie friends, sv, are losing votes too. you have small meme parties who are over the threshold yet can't do shit cause they're getting domianted by the bigger parties. and that's exactly what would happen to rodt if they ever got over the threshold

>would be nice to have a fiscally conservative, socially liberal party
fiscal conservatism is just economic liberalism.
centrist democrats, moderate libertarians and rockefeller republicans would suit your views.

Also a bunch of meme parties that will never, ever get elected.

Send help.

I've noticed any party with its country's name in it is usually retarded

Pic is pretty old, in the 2015 elections the right wing gained about 4%, while center and left both lost 2%. Most issues are ultimatly decided upon by the MPs of the CVP, with the right getting about 45% and the left/centre about 40% of the vote beforehand.

I'm guessing someone already covered Canada, so I'll cover Quebec instead.

Left-wing economics are completely dead here, as you can see in this graph. However, on social issues it's still fairly mixed.

What le fug, that's extremely low even by North American standards

>his country has political parties

and "revolutionary socalist" lmao there is two types of socialists, the watered-down Scandinavian type and the "revolutionary" type. And they perfectly describe the revolutionary type (Communists)


Nope. We don’t limit our selves into two party system. Tho, two major party whose in power right now is refered as The Opposition and The President Party.

Right now, opposition composed of the Liberal Party and Duterte party is the Nacionalista Party.

It's a shitshow.

Three real parties and one meme environmental party.

>Conservatives: Central right to central
>Liberals: Central left
>NDP: Far left
>Green: Far left with an environmental twist

The three major parties are the centre-right Conservatives, the nominally centre-left Liberals, and the left-wing NDP.

I would say that Trudeau definitely pulled the Liberals further left than usual, but I'd also question anyone inferring that they have ever been anything further right than the centre-left since the 50's. If someone tells you that Justin Trudeau's Liberals are either centrist with no qualifier or (laughably) centre-right, they're either a liar, stupid, or a stupid liar.