How did he build "1000 ships" in just 1 season?


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because he's a fucking madcunt

a finger in the bum gets things done

Because hes the drowned god

Timeskip... Some episodes take place months apart, while others are minutes/hours.

shh don't question just release more reaction videos

He's really good at ship building?

damn so epic

How did they turn around his character from the boring shit he was in six?


>how about we make him jack sparrow so the mental midgets can clap their hands and drool whenever he comes onscreen

seems like it worked

I'd rather have that then the empty trenchcoat he was in six

All he did was walk around the iron islands for a whole season


Time no longer has meaning. Everyone can go and do anything near instantly now.

With his big cock.

He didn't you dip

Lads that work for him did

Totally ignoring the fact that Euron has scenes with other characters in which the time jumps don't match up. Like everyone else in this failing show.

Well, Jon has traveled thousands of miles in a single ep so there you go.

you blow
i'll do the fingering

>making stuff up

The big question is why they hadn't used all those thousands and thousands of massive oaks on the Iron Islands to build ships before? At least make up some shitty "we siezed this huge forest from the Glovers" exuse or something.

no point because not enough men?

Euron raised sunken ships from the seafloor. They just had to patch up the holes and outfit them with sails.

that long shot where he walks along the bridge is gnarly