Please don't tax our inheritance, peasants

Please don't tax our inheritance, peasants.

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Barron Trump will be Emperor

Part of the motivaton to do good in life and work hard is to leave behind a legacy

Tell me, if you know that 50% of everything you leave to your children is gonna be taxed, wont that hurt that incentive and hurt the work morale in the country overall?

"The idle rich are not a problem, because if they continue to be idle, in a few generations they will no longer be rich." --Attributed to Winston Churchill, early 1900s.

Prove him wrong, OP.

Please dont flip-flop on every major issue

What is a diversified investment porfolio?

Inheritance is literally the only justification for taxation. To justify taxing it the statist must overstep his own boundaries.

>Whatsoever therefore is consequent to a time of Warre, where every man is Enemy to every man; the same is consequent to the time, wherein men live without other security, than what their own strength, and their own invention shall furnish them withall. In such condition, there is no place for Industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain; and consequently no Culture of the Earth; no Navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by Sea; no commodious Building; no Instruments of moving, and removing such things as require much force; no Knowledge of the face of the Earth; no account of Time; no Arts; no Letters; no Society; and which is worst of all, continuall feare, and danger of violent death; And the life of man, solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short.

Just more incentive to make sure it's put into a alternative means, like a fake charity foundation.

>And the effects of it also be the same. For as amongst masterlesse men, there is perpetuall war, of every man against his neighbour; no inheritance, to transmit to the Son, nor to expect from the Father; no propriety of Goods, or Lands; no security; but a full and absolute Libertie in every Particular man: So in States, and Common-wealths not dependent on one another, every Common-wealth, (not every man) has an absolute Libertie, to doe what it shall judge (that is to say, what that Man, or Assemblie that representeth it, shall judge) most conducing to their benefit.

>the economy is a zero sum game
t. Cuxist

the guy on the right is such a mong

See you make the classic leftist mistake of confusing morals and reality

>implying they actually pay taxes on anything

I will chip in. Tried to replicate this sitution in real life but it's not very easy

>it's okay to steal from rich people oh and fuck poor people too lol, equality

Why should it cost money to die in a % of your wealth at the time of death?

The male genetics are pretty poor in Trumps family

Taxation is extortion. Call me a leftist again.

Please don't mention we all married Jews

These niggas look fuckin clapped, good thing plastic surgery was there to fix ivankas busted up inbred lookin face

But you realize the rich live off of real estate and shares revenue? Money works for them regardless of the direction in which they're going to move their ass


gets funnier every time i read it

>Trump supporters

Where the fuck is your leaf?

>tax inheritance
>means I will end up taxing myself

Something that doesn't matter. You need to generate wealth from something, sitting on a huge pile of cash isn't going to change the fact you need to use it. Rich people need to invest the cash they have into new ventures, otherwise they eventually run out of money.

Agreed. It's more like extortion since the money is extracted through threat of force as opposed to actual force.

>Invest in a bunch of companies
>Help the market grow, indirectly creating millions of jobs

a gamble if big gov doesn't step in and save the day with taxes

>government profiting off of the death of its citizens
I though you leftists accused businesses of doing that. So where would the incentive of a government health program to keep someone alive be?

please keep going, i could use a good laugh today

Okay patricians.
>Also entered characters in options.

The death tax transfers productive money to the unproductive and wasteful government.

It is a poverty generator.


They are businesses not hard cash you know nothing of taxation, one of the many reasons you are poor.


I feel bad for trump jr, he's such a beta

Eric looks like a school bully

How exactly is he wrong? The government is using the threat of taking you and throwing you in jail to extort money from you.

>My ancestry is mostly Germanic and Irish

The thing that cracks me up the most about the Trump supporters on Twitter is you can tell the Sup Forumstards by their cringeworthy names and profile pictures, and the way they tweet like they're still on Sup Forums. It's hilariously bad, like a slow motion bus crash

Man, the girl got all the looks. That dude on the right looks like some alien blood sucker - akin to that movie slither.


What? If you have a billion dollars and are getting even 2%yearly you're set forever and ever. You don't have to do shit. The money - which your forefathers earned - does all the work. user is so right

I dont understand inheritance tax, at all. The wages were earned and taxed already, how can you justify robbing more for any reason?

gotta pay for Tyrone's food

The only difference is that, when the sovereign is doing it, it's not a crime.

>Fourthly, because every Subject is by this Institution Author of all the Actions, and Judgements of the Soveraigne Instituted; it followes, that whatsoever he doth, it can be no injury to any of his Subjects; nor ought he to be by any of them accused of Injustice. For he that doth any thing by authority from another, doth therein no injury to him by whose authority he acteth: But by this Institution of a Common-wealth, every particular man is Author of all the Soveraigne doth; and consequently he that complaineth of injury from his Soveraigne, complaineth of that whereof he himselfe is Author; and therefore ought not to accuse any man but himselfe; no nor himselfe of injury; because to do injury to ones selfe, is impossible. It is true that they that have Soveraigne power, may commit Iniquity; but not Injustice, or Injury in the proper signification.

The state requires no reason or justification to rob. The state needs more money (fo' 'dem programs); the state takes more money.

If you want to live in a society stable enough where you're allowed to horde billions, you have to be expected to pay a little bit back into it. Think of it as rent.

The biggest victims of the inheritance tax are farmers.
>Have large family farm
>give it to your kids
>government taxes you because of how many acres you own
>tax is really high
>cant pay out of pocket
>government takes most of your kid's land instead
Yeah but fuck trump though, right? He just doesn't want to pay his FAIR SHARE of taxes.

But we do charge rent, it's called property tax.


Inb4 baleeted.

>wont pay inheritance tax

>expects the public to allow them to get away with heinous crimes

Flat tax, flat prison sentences =)

What are
>capital gains tax
>property tax
>sales tax

I get that the state needs revenue, but theyve already collected on that inherited wealth when it was earned. Plus, the state misuses every penny that flows through their coffers as it is, why should they be allowed even more to misuse?

Dubs of truth. Seen a fuck ton of this in the south. Big ag gets bigger because the can pick up the family farm for pennies when the inheritors cant afford the taxes

>TFW you can incorporate/LLC/LLP your farm and the shareholders change when dad dies but not subject to estate taxes....

Maybe you faggots should post facts instead of just jerking yourselves off.

"Only roughly 20 small business and small farm estates nationwide owed any estate tax in 2013, according to TPC.[10] TPC’s analysis defined a small-business or small farm estate as one with more than half its value in a farm or business and with the farm or business assets valued at less than $5 million. Furthermore, TPC estimates those roughly 20 estates owed just 4.9 percent of their value in tax, on average.[11] "

"If an asset is left to a spouse or a federally recognized charity, the tax usually does not apply. In addition, up to a certain amount varying year by year can be given by an individual, before and/or upon their death, without incurring federal gift or estate taxes:[2] $5,340,000 for estates of persons dying in 2014,[3] $5,430,000 for estates of persons dying in 2015,[4] and $5,450,000 (effectively $10.90 million per married couple) for estates of persons dying in 2016.[5] Because of these exemptions, only the largest 0.2% of estates in the US will have to pay any estate tax."

Where are you getting the 2% from though. You need to give that money to an investment fund or a bank which in turn invests it in businesses. But I'll give you anothe example: there's a workshop 100m from my house. There are three employees and the owner, and the shop has four cnc machines worth a lot of money. Technically, the owner is very rich, because he has paid the loans back. However, when he dies, one of the machines will have to be sold to pay the inheritance taxes. Does that make sense to you?

All you faggots living in trailer homes worrying bout the gubment taking your toothbrush when the estate tax literally only effects the super-duper-super-duper-super-duper-rich.

Property tax is utter bullshite. You don't "own" land, you just rent it from the government, and if they decide you aren't "using it properly", they take it from you and throw you in prison if you don't sell it to someone richer than yourself.

Property tax = communism.

Income tax is the only just tax desu.

It's almost like the post-Enlightenment state wants to entirely dispossess the masses and leave them dependent on the state and/or the big companies.


I don't know your burgerfat system, but I'm pretty sure much of people's taxes over there are federal and local taxes. Are you including them in your considerations?

what's fucking wrong with their faces?
At least Ivanka had (a lot) of plastic surgery

Camelot 2.0

I have a wacky idea, what if America was made great again and they got to keep their wealth while the "peasants" get opportunities to get rich as well.

Why does Eric look like such a fucking cunt?
He has such a punchable face.

Meanwhile Ivanka and Jr. look like model young adults.

so giving money to other industries and new businesses helping the economy grow and providing more jobs
ow wow what a terrible thing to do