Why Indian culture so much superior to Western civilization?

Shitting while squatting is the natural and most effective way to pass a stool.

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I hated it when I went out for a walk with my dog and he could never get enough of eating poopies lying on the fields.

It's how I've been shitting for the past few years. I've caused minor damage to several toilet seats (not all of which belonged to me) but I continue doing it because it allows for rather tranquil and easy shits.
More people should shit like this, I hearily recommend it.

>t. Pajeet Ghandi

Have you just gotten used to the smell of shit? If I took a shit in the room you where sleeping in would you wake up from the smell?

Haha you wouldnt even stay in that room long enough to shit


Fortunately, I have never lived in poor class neighbourhoods.

No excuse not to use a loo.

Oh so that's why they don't take the poo to the loo, they much prefer squatting in the streets because of it's the natural way of pooing. Thanks capt.

I actually just bought a couple of plastic bins at walmart to set my feet on

At least you use the Queens English and not ours.

Which one of your fourfathers invented english?


wtf i hate pooping women now

Wtf i love taking shits now

Did you shit in the aisle while doing that?

Was it intentional?

From which caste are you?

Nah. It was a typo. He mus have minimum eight of em

We stopped using the Queens English around the time of the Revolutionary War.

Nobody actually cares about caste here. Infact dalits get preferential treatment. All govt. institutions are anti-upper caste biased so it's actually worse for us
t. Saraswat brahmin

So one of your eightfathers did invent english.

>takes out the dog for a walk
>fields full of human shit
>Fortunately, I have never lived in poor class neighbourhoods.

Holy shit, what are poor neighbourhoods like then?


Is this just your regular american iq, or you a special case of too much fat in brain?


What religion are you Sri?

Really? I thought Brahmins had it better. How are they biased?


there are stools for this

I feel like a king when I shit. I don't squat that far down, yet my ass never touches the toilet seat. Poop is out of me 5 seconds flat after my trousers hit the floor and my asscheeks are nearly squeeky clean afterwards. A nice firm poop. Feels good.

I am guessing he is a bignosed khazar (they have all the money in most areas from the dope traderoutes, protection rackets and religious zealot emotional manipulation cons they run globally in all countries they infiltrate) a masterkike class pisshead...looks like a brown version of a ratfaced vichy or bolshevik.

They have reserved seats for joining state sponsored education institutes, they have reservation in public sector jobs. This has been since forever. Like a general category student may probably need 90% to get into a college, while a lower caste individual can get in with 50%. It's because of shit like that that fuels discrimination

Squatshitters (shitsquatters?) ITT, please enlighten me on something. How is squatting different from just bending forward while sitting on the throne normally? I mean shit-tract-wise and anatomy and shit.


>saved that juicy meme

kahan se

Uska pata nahi, mai gwalior se

My paternal grandpa was from Mangalore. Dad's family from Goa. Living in Goa

I cannot squatshit properly anymore after using western style commode for most of my life.

>Poop is out of me


what are you? a fucking 5-year-old?

Wow man. Been there thrice. Feels good

I lost Hard. In America dogs sometimes eat dog shit. I have only seen humans shitting outside in Birmingham Alabama.

Dont stress, average american adulta has an iq of a 5 year old

I will message Gook to ask for Banning Indian IP

Please fuck off Sup Forums, you rat worshipping niggers

This is how I usually poop.

Atleast we are safe when we take a shit.

>a toilet accessory gets more love from a woman than me.

Why buy this? To shit like a third worlder? Just lean forward to you knees, same anatomical position, and free.

Yeah of course. You just dont kill yourself yet out of rage


>so many white servants


not in Canada

on reserves they have "dog hunting days" where they go out and kill the strays they have neglected that went onto procreate

Cmon Pierre, that's not how you treat your greatest allies

>designated shiting beach

Is shitting in a Walmart aisle healthy too?

whats a beach toilet

I will cut off your head and shit down your neck

>Has erection whilst pooping

this can break a toilet and make you tear your ass on the shards
it happens in china a lot

Those poor penguins

>greatest allies
You niggers barely afforded some Rafales

And I'm sorry to say this, but India doesn't have an ally

She died while taking a shit at the beach at night.

Erection after defecation is the best erection.

>Indian Shimmy
>Bombay Bungle

Now i know why australians shitpost.
They're the literal post for our shit!!

Why can't they shit in their holes though? They have them, they prefer public places.

Also yes, toliets are meant for relaxation not optimal emptying of the colon. That's why it takes a little longer.

You'd get shit all over your ankles if you have diarrhea.

Horrible joke, Pajeet

Go drink some piss

>tfw it rains poo

If they know this condition is a frequent problem than why don't they just invent athletic diapers?

Slavic loo

>people around the world-most recently India
Nice try Scholomo

Dont offer your drinks to me you Parisian hooker

>toliets are meant for relaxation not optimal emptying of the colon
That is my thinking, but I am not used to squatshitting. Those, who do squatshit, say that it is just as relaxing.

You should reclaim your rights as the ruling class.

I'd assume they wouldn't want to wear anything bulky, that and the diapers may chafe them.

These people get bloody nipples from chafing.

Anyone remember the thread with 2 Indian anons who got "POO" and "PEE" IDs? I didn't believe in Kek before that, but his meme magic could no longer be denied.

Birds must be shitting burgers in murica!!!

oh is that why russians sit like that


is..is that a steering wheel?



It amazes me how many people in this country cannot achieve a full, flat-footed squat.

I've met one other person who can besides myself. The only reason I can is cause I used to do field work for a big farm and that was the best way to not ruin all your clothes immediately. I can squat for like an hour straight before I have to stand back up.

It's just fucking incredible how such a useful ability has just been completely forgotten.

Hey, are you able to shitpost in PT-PT?

You are no longer my best friend

This user now is -

Stahp it lard that tiny fatty brain's gonna overheat.

America is only slightly better than India, because at least u catch the poos in your pants

I wonder what super power will win the great loo race

That pic might not be Indian

We are teh Super Pooer

Same here
Squatting on toes is hard for me tho

They're porki mudslimes.





My non existent gf is going to be a toilet witch this Halloween in my mind


Sometimes I see a hot girl and start hitting on her but then I remember she has poop inside. I walk away feeling disgusted.

Is there still some space left in your mind? That's remarkable given the tiny size of your brain and amounts of fat in it.

This doesn't work. If you squat and you take a big shit water will splash all over the place.