Sup Forums deep philosophical discussion thread

cont. from

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Plastic... faggot.

The moon perfectly eclipses
sun, huge improbable thing. 1/400 size of Sol and 1/400 distance away from Earth n Sol.
Earth diameter km
Moon diameter km

R = 1
Asquare = 4
Acircle = 3.1416
4-3.1416 = 0.8584
0.8584/3.1416 = 0.273
3474/12742 = 0.273
The moon takes 27.3 days to get around Earth too.
It's observable and verifiable information. It's the type of information "wizards" had to help build civilization. Thomas Jefferson found all this back out when studying where the units came from...Lookup megalithic yard. All ancient megaliths used same units world wide. How? The standard was created by using a pendulum and watching venus.

ok, when we start a new one i just gonna start with posting my previously posted philosophy. see what people think of it

what is the universe? the universe is everything we can observe right? and what we observe is the reality. now everyone observes different stuff. maybe because he just lives in a different part of the world. maybe because he has different informations. maybe different conclusion based on the same informations the others have. that means everyone lives in his own universe/reality. spinning this thought further everything you believe in is real because you observed it in some way or another. when there is some noise in the bushes at night one might think its a cat and just walks on. the next guy heres that sound an believes it is surely a monster and runs away. now there is one reality with a cat, and one with a monster. is one more right than the other if you havent actually looked what is in the bushes?
also how can it be that there are different perceptions of reality be real if they contradict each other? multiverse theory. there are allegedly hundreds and thousands of universes all similar to ours, but with tiny difference (like in one universe there is a cat in the bush, in another there is a monster).
what im trying to get at is: in some way each and everyone is in his own universe and reality. and each of the universes are connected, they can exchange data by talking, watching/showing or feeling/touching with each other. sometimes your reality will alter itself for example when you get new information, and suddenly the all good government turns into the corrupt piece of shit. some see this as a destruction of their reality instead of an alteration or addition and thus do their best to preserve the original state by ignoring and supressing the information.

So, are you saying the moon is an artificial satellite?

ITT: people talk like Jayden Smith

when it's revealed that Tillman's Crest and the Little Dipster are on in the same clusters, so too will end the deep grip that our universe has on our imagination.

the more and more i see about this, the more i believe there were ancient civilizations far before the first ones we now (the sumerians). there are a lot of things that dont really add up like the mummy with the apparent addidas sneakers

also the homo sapiens sapiens allegedly emerged about 200.000 years ago, but didnt form any civilization until about 6 thousand years ago? 194 thousand years just caveman and spears and hunting, chilling at bonfire, then BOOM civilization. doesnt seem really likely.

>cant think for himself, thus mocks everyone trying to think himself

dude are you taking the piss they are obviously canvas shoes

im only in a simulation that harvests my knowledge. i should have used it before i went into the coma. fuck you.

Do you think there is another school of political thought that goes beyond the spectrum of "left" or "right?"

assuming you are in a simulation, since you experience it yourself, isnt that also your reality. maybe not the reality you want to be in, but still it is real. but if experiencing something makes it real, then what about dreams? you experience those as well. are they a reality as well in some way? if not? what makes something real? being able to touch it?

im not disclosing anymore information. im also not allowed to have sex if that is the case.

You should check out Gobekli Tepe.

It's a huge 10k year old megalithic structure that was deliberately infilled by humans for some reason.

prolly not

Just because people perceive what's going on differently doesn't mean whats going on is actually different to everyone. There is an objective truth in every situation. Only one thing actually happened. If a ball bounces on the floor, and one guy is sitting and the other standing, then the ball will look different from both point of views. Some guy in an airplane may even say it didn't bounce at all. But that doesn't mean it didn't bounce.

Alternate realities are definitely a thing, ASSUMING the universe is infinite (which it might be dawg) and matter is infinite (which it is in a sense, but entropy dawg). If those two things are true, then the possibilities that could happen within the universe are infinite. But realities aren't created by differing perceptions. That's a really stupid thing to think, you should be ashamed of yourself.

morall/emotional and rational maybe. meaning one side is for the rational best way. only letting the smartest breed, giving only the fittest food and means to live etc and getting rid of everyone wasting ressources, the moral side would be trying to help everyone as best as possible. probably on the costs of the fit guys who can sustain themselves, for the gain of those who cant.
and of course every thing between those two extremes

Yep. Impact theory is complete bullshit. Also such a low density for its size. I believe Earth was a moon taken from either Jupiter or Saturn. Then they formed our moon from Earth material when put in current orbit. All of the numbers encoded into the moon and Earth are signals to us. Speaking in math. Encoded in physical bodies. Better message than some SETI radio signals. Fucking obvious.

Who built the moon?
By Christopher Knight

The book will blow your mind. Don't want to spoil it but the end gets really, really fucking weird.

Basically sacred geometry puts together this message. Used to be known to ancients. Now hidden.

PS the spots on the moon are not craters from meteor impacts. It's electrical like lightning strikes.

Are you functionally retarded?

i actually visited it when i was visiting relatives near there (im half kebab) and yes its pretty cool on top of a mountain

but how would you know what the objective truth is? the one who is the most reliable decides? or the version the most people believe in? in the later case the earth would have aged a few billion years in the few hundred years christianity lost importance

Well the moon is weird as hell. It's too large and alligns so perfectly for eclipses.

These you want to watch.

i get the whole artificial think, but the electrical strikes seem odd. where would they origin from? what do they needed the electricity for?

also isnt it probable that there were some big rocks in the last few thousands if not million years that crashed on the moon leaving craters

dude, i will look into that stuff, but here it is 2:33 am. not doing that now xD


Is the universe infinite, or does it have borders? If it does have borders, then what is outside those borders? What is outside that?

If the universe is supposedly expanding, then what is it expanding into?

Civilizations can't come to be if there isn't a food surplus. If everybody has to farm or hunt for their own food, then there can't be any tax collectors, merchants, voodoo doll manufacturers, engineers, or soldiers.

Farming tech wasn't up to snuff to feed a lot of people, and it's not like any progress made with it was ever cataloged by (non existent) books.

Have this one guy I work with that believes technology was insane in the membrane back in the day. 200k years ago people tried building a satellite to communicate with heaven and that's when God smited us and made us speak different languages so we couldn't work together as well anymore. Wow, thanks God, that's real nice. We have a utopia where we create amazing things and try to honor you and you just fucking zap us into the stone age where we kill each other and can't coordinate because we don't know wtf everybody is saying.

Group consensus isn't necessarily the truth of course.

How do you know if something is true, or real? Logic, being able to go back and prove through logical means that it did indeed happen. I see what you're saying, how can anyone ever know to a certainty that the ball bounced, even if they witnessed it? Aren't our wits susceptible to being tricked? Maybe it was a hologram bouncing ball.

It is expanding into your mothers rectum

Nobody knows. o00o0o 2skooky. Doppler effect implies the universe is expanding, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's infinite, and doesn't explain what it's expanding into.

>Is the universe infinite, or does it have borders?

No, and no (not in the way we normally think about borders).

Basically if you went in one direction forever, don't be surprised if you return to your starting point.

Can anyone explain to someone with no knowledge of philosophy what the point of the pursuit of finding "true" morals is when the fact that the universe and everything in it (including life) came into existence purely by coincidence/chance has pretty much been proven?

What is the point of morality when were literally just accidental arrangements of atoms?

100% serious

vid related - we are literally nothing in the grand scope of things

well, i imagine it that way as it is in snake 2 (the mobilephone game) where when you run against the edge you just get out at the other and. that would be accomplished if the whole space is curved that way (and we know already that space and even time is bendable). that way you would accomplish that the universe has no end, but still is defineable. about the expanding im not really sure, but as far as i know its not that the universe gets bigger and bigger, but that the space itself, inside the universe, expands. that way you get the redshifting when watching far away galaxies (when you watch them the light seems to be more red. that is because on the long way the lights wavelenghts gets expended through the expansion of the room itself it passes through. like make a waveline on a ballon and blow it. when the ballon expands the wavelenght will as well and thus the light gets turned more into the red)

that, or we are just hallucinating/crazy imagining things. but when i see something it becomes real for me, and thus its (one) reality

So the universe is a sphere?

How has it been proven? Define proof.

thats also how you can see it. why is anything meaningfull at all when it just happened randomly. if nothing matters nothing is good or bad. that again means its ok to hurt/kill/exploit/manipulate others since there is no higher meaning.

however i believe you have to give yourself a reason. my reason currently is to gather knowledge and do my best to use it to make live for everyone a better experience. if there is no higher meaning why not enjoy it? and the best way i can enjoy something is when i share it with others. there is no logical reason to go into a themepark except to have fun. maybe the same goes for life itself

what do you mean by true morals? We're born with the ability to morally reason, but morals themselves are taught, not innate. Morals only serve the function to keep societies intact, there is nothing that's actually right and wrong.

404: Arguement not found

all the answers to your question so far are retarded, the universe is space and time or simply existance, outside the universe there is no space or time its not 'empty' or black it just doesn't exist

>How has it been proven?
There is a general scientific consensus on the path of events leading from the big bang to the universe today, including life on Earth.

Don't know the truth here, but what's more reasonable: The moon is a satellite created by advanced former civilizations on earth/aliens, or we simply don't know enough about math and science here to properly explain the phenomenon?

So where did the universe come from if it spawned out of non-existence, smart guy?

aagain, i will watch it another time, almost 3 am here. saved the link though =)


current theory is basically like this

on a microscopic scale particles appear and dissapear into and out of existance all the time. now there was already a medium where this regularly happened, and it only took the tiny chance of it happening on a big scale ones so it doesnt pop out of existence instantly again. it happened on a really big scale creating space, time, matter and energy

I don't see why it has to be one or the other. I see what you're saying but it doesn't really suit the context of the question. We have a spectrum of left or right politics but, beyond that, there things which transverse ideals of spectrum politics.

Question: Anyone from the last thread here?

I read all of the last thread (but only watched 3 videos because was on my phone) and it is all terrifying stuff to say the least. I am 18 and open to pretty much anything at this point.
All the time I've spent on here the past few months, and all the thinking I've done on my own the past couple years (philosophy, spirituality, psychology, the nature of everything) has caused me to draw some conclusions, things that I 100% believe in right now.
I believe in NWO. Who is in it exactly? I do not know. I believe that yes, the culture of the decades last century was enforced and introduced, not made by the people. I believe America has been the staging ground for all this (world superpower, involvement in the middle east, the countless technologies made last century). And that yes, most of it is done by bad people, mostly Jews, and some of their followers who practice in the occult (politicians, I don't know exactly who, U.S. presidents, Merkel).
I believe that the population is distracted with things like smartphones, computers, movies, to dumb us down. Also control of the economy, trying to downsize religion, death of the nuclear family, even stuff like chemicals in our food and water. And of course white genocide. OP's video from the last thread was absolutely terrifying, WHAT was that crap? I don't know what to think of astrology and celestial bodies right now, but I see that to some that stuff is quite important.
Basically I know I could go about for some time living a bluepill life, make some money, pursue a career, live in a decent place, have all my panem et circenses.
Anyone who has any answers of their own I would like to hear them, I can't relax anymore. I'm not being eaten alive by stress but I can't live a "normie" lifestyle and be ok with it. I fear for my life and the world almost every second of the day. I don't know what the world will look like when I'm old and I have a feeling it won't be very nice.(limit)

"The wise know how to use time and space perfectly; they lead free and harmonious lives. Fools are enslaved by time and space; they are busy running around all day. Wise or foolish, the difference is obvious"

Moon formed after Thea collided with Earth.

It gave us 1 and 1/2 planet's worth of core giving us a very strong magnetic field. Helped life to form by protecting us from solar radiation.

We can also tell that the earth and the moon are from the same source by studying the rocks and chemical levels in our moon compared to earth rocks, then comparing them to asteroids and the likes to see how different it can be.

The moon only aligns for eclipses for now, it's by chance, in the not to distant future there will be no more perfect eclipses.

particles only pop in and out of existence where existence already exists. if we're in a plane of non-existence, then how can something just come to exist? it doesn't make sense.

Just because impact theory is bullshit, which it is, doesn't mean the moon is artificial in nature.

What is even being talked about here?

psychology and rationalization.
some language include a difference between the word "life" and the word "exist".
some live their worthless blissful lifes.
other need to exist and fill their life with something, thruth, concept, purpose of life, whatevz.
it's about making sense and the need to make sense that exist since the dawn of time.

well, i dont like all the classification of stuff. some thing isnt left or right, good or bad, it just is. classifying everything just leads to generalization (all liberals are idiots. al conservatives are ignorant fucks jews are all conspiring greedy assholes etc.) so instead of trying to catogorize an idea or a person politically, try to just see how valuable it is. some leftwing ideas are good, some bad. same for right wing. but we wont make progress by just condemning the other

i am from the last thread (e7WhWEZ) and all i can give you on your way is to not take everything people say here for real. always meassure it against your own knowledge and own values or else you will assimilate and there is one more white supremacist here. talk with people about your opinions and views when it fits (dont go rannting about the all controlling jew and white genocide stuff when someone mentions how beautifull the weather is). dont force your opinnion onto others and dont let their opinnion be forced onto you. eventually you will find people with the same wavelength, and even if they have different oppinions it doenst mean you two arent compatible with each other.

also in case you want to be even more terrified look up on the bohemian grove (pic related, but its easier to understand when you know about the grove beforehand) and what they are doing there

philosophies, ideologies, theories

I find it pretty scary that normal people I meet sometimes believe this type of nonsense

dude just because some book blew your mind on what is most likely a coincidence doesn't mean it's actually true

you can literally make up an infinite number of crazy mind blow explanations for anything and our human mind is tempted to believe it cause it would be so crazy and cool if it were true

I've tried to become Christian again recently and believing in God and Jesus. I just don't know anymore. Either way I think that Christianity is a good thing and I feel disgusted when young people my age so openly denounce the name of God and Christ, insane people in their insane world.
Last night in a thread about "the death of France" the OP posted videos of old churches being demolished, which I found absolutely abhorrent. Demolishing a church, especially one built over a century ago seems like a terrible act.
Then someone (possibly jokingly) said something along the lines of:
>France destroys its churches and its people's faith is weakened
>overrun with violent muslims and shitskins who are ruining their country
>Small Eastern European countries still very loyal to God
>no migrant issues
They were probably joking but hey, that sounds realistic. Like the French people and other Western Europeans are suffering for that.
I don't know. People are here have been saying "based Poland" and stuff like that, and I hear religion is still very strong in Poland, and they don't accept the terrible migrants who ravage nations.

Deontology, Christianity, Divine Command Theory then.

Nothing about the bible makes sense. God endows us with intelligence and then expects us to not use it, by threat of ETERNAL SUFFERING?

Yeah, sure is an omni benevolent god. also, fuck jesus

>we are literally nothing in the grand scope of things
pic source:

>What's the point
To decide what to do next.

Our great-grandparents would despise the modern world. It is the very opposite of what they believed in.

Race mixing
Massive murder of babies (abortion)
Homosexuality, pedophilia, zoophilia and other deviant behavior
Flag burning
Spitting on tradition
Spitting on religion

Imagine a modern soldier from WWI being shown the modern world. He would go mad.
All our forefathers would despise us.

We (and specially baby boomers before us) have destroyed their legacy and pissed on the ashes.

since the dawn of time, philosopher consider that before universe existence, only nothingless existed.
philosophic traditions also hint that existence of universe implies the existence of his opposite.
it's important at this point to conceive that universe pre-exist in the nothingless.

this works accordingly to actuals theories.
there is a disparity between matter and antimatter.
one may imagine while big bang, universe existed already, antimatter counterbalanced matter.

Except you can see cows, own cows, eat cows.

We will likely never see or know the vast majority of what is in the universe.

Just because you were taught something in (((school))) doesn't mean it's true.

Just because the general scientific community and (((experts))) tell you something is true doesn't make it so.

Just because something is crazy and cool doesn't mean it's inherently untrue.

Nice reddit video btw.

I agree. I've been saying for awhile now that if we went back in time and told people 50, 100, 200, 500 years ago what the world would be like they would panic and frantically try to prevent it from happening.
I don't fucking like industrialization, globalization, all the technology we have, the internet, we're killing the earth and ourselves at the same time AND FOR WHAT? Dystopian sci-fi seems pretty damn realistic now, like the movie Elysium.
I despise the modern world. I know there is good and lots of good people but that does not outweigh the bad. Science and technology are going too far, I don't know why people would want to do shit like CERN and NASA when thousands of people die every day and the greatest technology they know is a 1980's television set.
I really wish I was born 150 years ago. Even if I would be more prone to disease, and not have "modern luxury" I don't care. Anything would be better than seeing the nightmare we put ourselves into.
Wake me up, Argentina-user. I don't know what to do. How we can live under a government free of tyranny, how we can be traditionalist and respectful of things.

A huge problem in the way people think about this concept is that they interpret the space contained in the universe as the space inside of a balloon. In reality, it's more like 3D space is superimposed on the 2D surface of the balloon (which is expanding). Also explains why you would end up at your starting point if you traveled in one direction looking for a border.

Is this what passes for self reflection among you mouth breathers? Kill yourselves. Those last moments before death are as close as any of you will get to enlightenment.

The space is contained in the surface of the sphere, rather than filling the sphere.

I don't know who to trust either. I don't know HOW deep the rabbit hole goes. All I know right now is Trump seems like a better candidate than Clinton. Clinton we know is corrupt. Maybe Trump is controlled opposition, I don't think so at this point but again, I don't know how deep the hole goes.

>Do you think there is another school of political thought that goes beyond the spectrum of "left" or "right?"
underage detected

of course I agree with everything you said

still doesn't mean the moon was fucking made. that is literally one of the dumbest things I've read and I've read some seriously stupid shit before

Anyone have a health obsession with this game, I have always found it to be rather prophetic.
meme magic?

Looks like all of you have: FRACTALFEVER™

i'm a believer, i believe in gaïa, mother nature or the fuck you want to name it.
i live accordingly to my beliefs and try as much as possible to remain respectful with mother nature and her gifts. in a perfect world, i would be allowed to be buried under a tree in a bag cuz i'm part of something greater and life blooms anew.
we can destroy ourselves, earth survives us and sprout life again, such is her miracle !
dino know what's up.
so, i'm fine with ourselves going happily in our own destruction, that would resolve pauli paradox.

I agree with you Frenchbro, but I have a lot of respect for some societies and cultures as well. They were beautiful and sacred to many people.
It is very troublesome to watch them kill themselves. To see the damage we have done to ourselves and the earth.
It is nice knowing that the earth has a lifespan, and that we could nuke the living shit out of this planet and life will come back, but right now it is very hard to just sit idly by. I want to marry a woman and have children. It is a sacred thing that I feel I deserve. It's what everyone should have, really. But we live in a fucked up world.
Sorry, I've rambled. I don't know what the point of this post is anymore.

You can see that. Also name, model predict and explain that. Do you want own or eat or whatever that is in that video to be considered not nothing in the scope of things?

>We will likely never see or know the vast majority of what is in the universe.
That's up to us (humanity or A.I. or ayyliens).

Have you ever watch "Inexplicable Universe" by Neil deGrasse Tyson? Or David Deutsch's stuff, like "Chemical Scum that Dream of Distant Quasars" or "On Optimism", etc.

It'll blow your mind, even in repeated viewing,, get comfy first, though.

Is your PC okay to run Space Engine?

space is expanding. one day (10s of billions of years from now), all galaxies not gravitationally bound to the milky way will be outside our light cone. so you look out 80 billion light years and see nothing, only empty space, whereas today you see hundreds of billions of galaxies. all that empty space is inside our galaxy now, but will expand to the size of the visible universe.

the universe might be spatially finite or infinite, it's not known.
if eternal inflation is real, then it's infinite, and expanding exponentially (from the size of an atom to the size of the solar system every second) except in random tiny regions where inflation suddenly stops (big bangs occur)

* not light cone.. i meant cosmological horizon

Nothing is reeeeeeal

Everything that is done can be retroactively undone. Everything that isn't true can be made to have been truth, in the future.

Assuming the future's real, even conceptually.

All chains of justification end, save those attatched to that without physical substance, that which is immeasurable.


that isn't and couldn't be proven. proof is something that only exists in mathematics and pure logic. outside that, the last word in philosophy is uncertainty. even our reasoning with pure logic is uncertain because we reason imperfectly. not even 1+1=2 can be known with absolute certainty.

abiogenesis was probably a chance event with odds the human mind cannot grasp, though the process of evolution might inevitably produce humans

how there is something and not nothing is not conceivable, but is proof that the transcendental is real and that reality is not limited to what is conceivable by the human mind.

surely not all changes are good, but neither are all of them bad. i see nothing bad with homosexuallity. i mean yes, it is disgusting for me what 2 men do with each other, i dont even like anal with women, but as long as they dont try to fuck me by force why should i fuck with them by any means? absolutely nothing bad with lesbians though...
abortion, when it isnt done exceedingly is ok as well.
racemixing on a natural base, when people just travel the world, find a place to sattle with and behave (or else he would BTFOd like everyone else who doesnt behave) and found a family is ok as well, but not that forced mass of refugees created by a meaningless war without any backgroundchecks whatsoever and giving them first class tickets to us openen gates for criminals and terrorist created in sayed war.

im not saying we are on a good way though
oh man, i really saw myself somewhere in the post. i mean i seem to be more liberal than you are, but i see as well how its going down hill from day to day faster. i dont even know sometimes what to believe because so much stuff i took for ultimately true is just a lie. im not saying all politicians either got a lobotomie, are badly made clones, or even shapeshifting reptillian overlords, but it certainly wouldnt suprise me any more.

"Ah, well, sir, I feel like a, like a slice of butter... melting on top of a big-ol' pile of flapjacks... yeah."
- Professor Dalai Lama

both candidates are shit. its most probably a theatreplay with the establishment acting like they are against trump so the self proclaimed redpilled people support him for finally caring for the own country first while discrediting clinton for being a devils worshipper which does "dummy"-child sacrifices (which she apparently really does) and killing everyone in her way (which also seems to be the cas) or her being physically and mentally ill (at least physically is right, mentally she at least seems to zone out quite a bit when too much is going on like a small epileptic seizure without the twitching. cant say how sane she still is as all politicians seem to be drawn towards insanity). while the hillary supporters claim to be the voice of reason and being all for equality and shit while trumpsupporters and trump are racists idiots shouting around stuff which sounds good (at least the idiot that shout around stuff is right).
trump only has going for him that there is the tiny off chance of him actually not being part of it all, but i doubt it really
something like that is what i believe as well. call it the nature, the universe itself, or just the greater cause. but i try to do my best to preserve what it gives to me meaning i wont harm anyone or anything that doesnt threatens to harm me or someone close to me, or for other reasons to survive (needing meat for food or the leather for coat because its cold and that kind of stuff), so that the life of the animal had a purpose at least, even if you have fun doing that its ok as long as you dont let the death be a waste.

The stuff about him being buttbuddies with Putin seems like a good thing, Russia is not an enemy you want to have.

ignorance is a blessing.
we tell more than what we say IRL.
it seems to me you're conflicted or some shit.

i get your point about pursuit of hapiness and reproduce. your 'sadness' about actual situation can both be the shit holding you to achieve your destiny/objective/purpose or just a required step.
>we live in a fucked up world
imagine that world don't accept you in return.
something like acceptance or mourning, the ability to overcome is part of life.
accepting the world as he is, tainted, you're a bastion, you see the world differently, this part of world you represent is already saved.
at this part, i had to accept my absence of control, to release my grip over this idea i could make the world great again.
i put myself into goddess hands, every disaster as a reminder.

next thing i want to add. death is a strange concept, i believe that as long someone is remembered, he's not truly dead. that goes likely for my vision -or may i say for your case "your will to remember History of civilization"- of the world, some share it, as long as there is someone to remember/tell, the idea is not truly dead.

finally, if you're up to a journey don't fall for those new age spirituality or some shit, the thruth lies in your heart, family.

this thread has 0 to do with philosophy
which goes on anyway
it's like you fags don't know there's more than 1 board on here

Do you have anymore of these? Lost it.

I haven't seen much philosophy here either.
Nothing interesting in the least.

yeah, i agree russia is not the bad guy the media make him out to be, and would be a valuable allie. hell if i would think trump would be truthfull i would say he should be over hillary where its prooven that she isnt fit in any way, mentally, physically, professionallity and what else there is. maybe trump is honest, and isnt working for the establishment. thats why i would vote for him IN THIS case. because there is this tiny chance im wrong about him

>big bang
>expanding universe
>not unambiguously falsified

I love how they keep teaching this shit to kids, and kids become adults who repeat the fucking cycle.

It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

Ah, that's categorized as Tegmark's Lvl.2 Universe, right?

The point of math is not about certainty, it even steps outside of physical reality almost all the time, like philosophy.

Btw, uncertainty is something that we should be happy about. Because only then we can improve thru creativity, which is essential to our survival anyway.

For you being accused of Luddites and for your antagonist being accused of Technophile which I believe you are both are not; Watch this:
or this podcast:

its about our worldviews, ideas, knowledge and all of that influences our political views and decisions. just because its not bound to one certain theme doesnt mean it hasnt to do with politics in general. we could argue about the weather and meteorology and it would be about politics because the weather actually influences the politics. wether its global warming or just that you dont build a lot of farms in an area where the sun never shines.
this thread is so you are able to tell about what you think of stuff you dont get to talk about in the average Sup Forums thread since there are usually no widespread discussions.

>tfw you share a board with literal retards.

> that video

Sorry for interrupting the constant stream of TRUMPFAGS BTFO and Would you fuck a Hispanic girl? And really makes u think...
I don't quite know about this. Thank you for your feedback. Another step in my search for truth.
Enjoy your kool aid