Mfw an america swam near me

>mfw an america swam near me

Americans like to go to other countries and shit up their toilets, truly a despicable culture.

Paddle safely oinker

Don't pigs eat shit?

That's fucking awesome. I want a tropical pig friend in the water

A foot deeper and he might have drowned

You call a hole in the ground a toilet. How do the elderly shit in those things?

>mfw India poos on everything

>dirt everywhere
>worships cows
>most obnoxious and beta accent
>entire country reeks of curry smell 24/7
>15% of the population is born with 4 arms, face tumors, and other weird shit.


is he stealing ur camera while u took the picture ?

fun fact.
India resturants have toilets that lead to pig pins so the pigs can eat your shit, then they eventually kill the pig and serve it to customers, who intern shit the pig out into the other pigs mouth.


I'e been where that pic was taken. Pig Island in the exumas. POO in LOOs are expressly forbidden there.

haha good one pajeet burgers btfo


sick joke pajeet well done


This is true.


Next time don't give him your camera to take a picture either, he will steal it

How can a pig type so well?
I'm glad I don't eat your smart little dirty ass

Also good job on not getting robbed/raped

Are you the pig, or the nigger?


is this where we recycle our nuclear waste?

Looks comfy.

>Water has clear viability and wildlife willingly go through it
I going to guess neither

Cant wait for Americucks to get nuked

>in water
Are they evolving?

Don't worry about it, he was just getting used to the water.

By the way, how are you able to stay alive knowing you could be slaughtered for bacon?

Ops grandma taking a nice swim!





>Indians are actually eaten by pigs
Indians are actually eaten by pigs
>Indians are actually eaten by pigs
Indians are actually eaten by pigs
>Indians are actually eaten by pigs
Indians are actually eaten by pigs

And Bill Clinton would still hit it.

(come to think of it, it looks a lot like him)

Slaanesh has blessed this one.


It's a great spot. Go there to feed the pigs after getting hammered at the beach. Sometimes we give them beers. Good times.