Why did they choose to abandon their own culture and subjugate themselves to the Anglo-Saxon culture ?

Why did they choose to abandon their own culture and subjugate themselves to the Anglo-Saxon culture ?

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En français, ça donne quoi ?


Because we are retards.

Because they are naturally inferior.

You are retard



hope some of them actually transform into super skilled craftsman weebs. i believe theyd be able to.

Because it's better than our latin catholic culture.

also this



*speaks a Franco-Latin language on your path*

television in every house, not knowing they were the modern trojan horse
also government will for globalisation, populations are cattle, nothing more.

because they are weak

wtf i love japan now

He's a Pole living in Japan. I thought you hated Poles.

Preuves ?

>french culture
no such thing

We actually adopted the Belgian culture

French and Brits have been fucking each other nonstop for thousands of years but still pretend they hate each other. Really not that believable.

You mean subjugate ourselves to the African culture

Says the Finn

You have south-east and southern France that follows Spanish and med culture.
Then you have south-west France that adopted northern Italian culture.
Eastern France that adopted German culture.
And Northern France which was influenced by British and northern European culture.

And finally Paris and Ile-de-France which is a mix of everything listed above.

French culture doesn't exist, it never has. Its existence is an invention and ridiculous.

I think our mutual haitred of the oldest memes in existence
as a fin and therefore meme master, what do you think about it ?

fixd south-east is italian and south-west spanish

Ancient french were BLACK, we're just coming back to our roots

brits still unironically hate us though

That's a vast simplification. For starters, from an ethnolinguistic and cultural standpoint, France didn't become a homogeneous country until the French Revolution, when the Jacobins decided the linguistic unification of the former kingdom of France was needed to attain their republican ideal; a French civic nationalist identity. Every province, or terroir as we call it, had its own customs and language, and it's true that they were influenced by their direct borders. For example, Roussillon was largely Catalan in culture, Provence was the most Roman and Italian influenced province, Alsace and Lorraine were former German territories... THowever, those foreign influences were just a matter of geography, and Occitan culture was still largely different from Italian and Catalan cultures, so you can consider it a sister, or a part, of French culture.
]The French crown was largely tolerant of that diversity, so outside of the Bassin parisien, French was just the language of law and scholars.
However, that doesn't mean French culture is a myth. France was an ethnocultural melting pot, but it always had one singular cultural focal point: Paris and its surroundings. "True" French culture descends from the marriage between the Frank Germanic tribe and the Gallo-Roman culture. That's how the French language was born, and Paris was pretty much the only province that used as its main language, so you can consider it the true heir, at least at the time, of French culture. Paris was the stage of most of the French Enlightenment and other innovations, so you can consider it the center of French culture. That culture spread all over France, unifying it.

Hope my post was informative, I'm trying to type it while simultaneously typing what my International law professor is saying, so it might read a little confusing

>3 French replies

Vermine angloïde

what no
i'm 110% ouiaboo

only g*rmans

it's a love hate relationship

They love to meme about France with their silly humour but that's not hate

France and Britain are like brothers.
Britain is the successful brother who always won and France is the far less successful self hating masochist.
Like Thor and Loki in the new movie.

>who always won

Frenchies are cruel despicable creatures that will steal your identify and language away while righteous and moral Englaish will generously allow you to keep a hold of your national identify.

France truly was a mistake

Because it is simply way better than what we have rn

It's a tragedy going back at least to the Albigensian crusades. The Catholics destroyed Catharism. Then in the Revolution, Freemasonry destroyed Catholicism. Now Freemasonry is being replaced by all-out Satanism.

Maybe you could say something about Celts and Romans and Christianity, but the general idea is clear.

Pretty sure you're joking, but I'll reply seriously anyway because I have nothing else to do.
France was never really big on assimilation. While it was a proponent of territorial expansion, it never really felt the need to spread all of its culture, only its language, because according to Revolutionary philosophy, the French language isn't only the French nation's language. It's also France's gift to the world. In that regard, it was radically different from colonialist Britain, whose scholars genuinely believed themselves to be superior and as such had no qualms starting processes of ethnic cleansing in their colonies. The British Empire is a unusual example of an empire that was never accepting of the cultures of the peoples it conquered. Rome did persecute the Jews, but that was after several attempts to create friendly relations with them. Hating foreign cultures and peoples is quintessentially British, as shown by what England did to the Irish, the Welsh and the Scots.
Both France and England practiced linguistic replacement, but French provinces were partners of this process, because they realized the necessity of an united nation, whereas it was pure and simple assimilation in the UK's case.
Not to mention the atrocities you commited in Ireland.

>In that regard, it was radically different from colonialist Britain, whose scholars genuinely believed themselves to be superior and as such had no qualms starting processes of ethnic cleansing in their colonies

Secularism isn't necessarily anti-Catholic. The French example is definitely antireligious, but consider that the US became a secular state because they don't want the government to interfere in their faith. Sure, the US is mostly protestant, but the principle is the same.
Besides, secularism in France was clearly needed because of outdated concepts like divine law and collusion between the church and the state.

>whose scholars genuinely believed themselves to be superior
which is true btw

t. Louis Spencer

>French language
>Gift to the world

How'd that work out?

since when ?
also Anglo-Saxons don't exist any more

Are you dumb?

We really don't use "Anglo-Saxon" the way you do in Latin countries.

No, unfortunately I'm of pure French stock.

It was a pretty lame attempt.
Turns out people don't really enjoy speaking homosexual.

Very biased information, probably due to your upbringing.
What part of France are you from?

Well, the French language was spoken by the Russian aristocracy at one point and was the language of diplomacy until America assumed its role as the "fair arbiter" of the world. I'd say it did pretty well. That's not the case anymore, but just as empires fall, so do languages. French is still an official language in 29 countries and spoken in 53. Statistics even show that a demographic explosion in Africa could cause it to have more speakers than English by 2050, but I doubt it'll happen, mainly because other languages like Arabic and English are spreading to these regions. I don't care, I'm not a nationalist.

> Anglo-Saxon culture ?
> ?

This is a proxyfagging Frenchman trying to bait his compatriots. Space before question market is a feature of French orthography.

I learned a lot today.Thank you

I can't be biased since I'm speaking from an ideological standpoint rather than a practical one. France isn't innocent of atrocities either and it also took part in extreme colonialism.

kill yourself razza di merda

>And Northern France which was influenced by British
Other way round.

(your conclusion is stupid af, denying the french culture is ridiculous)



he saw what we didn't

>who always won

oh, fuck off, you self-loathing bitch

Pourquoi les français sont de tels cocus?

>speaking homosexual again

Forgot to turn on your proxy? Lol


oh, come on, you could at least respect your own language

Go lose a battle somewhere else, please

Anglo Saxons mixed with the natives, the Normans added to the gene pool after the conquest and some people from Northern England are identical to the Scots. Anglo-Saxons don't exist any more.

there were like 2000 normans in total who permanently settled here m8, mostly nobles. They barely added to the gene pool

You're that retarded French hater American in Okinawa, you keep making French bashing threads every single day. I really wonder what we did to your sorry ass.

D'après les japonais de Sup Forums, ce type serait soit un zainichi, soit un polonais. Personne ne sait.
Quoiqu'il en soit, il n'a aucune opinion véritable en géopolitique et pond juste des fils insipides pour pousser une ou plusieurs nations à se foutre sur la gueule pour son divertissement personnel, histoire de se sentir en vie entre deux sessions de nettoyage des toilettes.


>tfw live in the north but never been to bongland

Oui c'est peut-être ce Polonais. Mais je suis sûr qu'il y avait un Américain à Okinawa qui passait sa vie à chier sur la France à un moment.
En tout cas comme l'Allemand l'a fait remarquer, OP a mis un espace devant le point d'interrogation et ça c'est bien typiquepent Français.