South american engineering

>South american engineering

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>South American wheater


How is this even allowed?


My guess is there isn't much government regulation in those parts

you did this portugal

what do you mean, its a lot more practical and easier to identify a problem
lazy way the best way

Imagine if Brasil was 100% genetically portuguese, they would be a super power. That native pussy was too strong, horniness ruined everything...

>third world places
>having non corrupt inspectors or having inspectors at all

>they would be a super power
just like you?

How is that even possible?

>100% genetically portuguese
I blame the jews who were sent here and their slave trade.

superior engineering right there

Energy theft,everyone. Obviously only happens in favelas and other forgotten places

Portugal is one of the most resource poor countries in Europe and yet we punched above our weight all thorughout our history. You on the other hand are one of the richest lands on earth and still manage to be a shithole.
And the only reason you are as resource rich as you are is because of us, we were the ones that fought the Spanish to expand Brasil and make it the huge country that it is today, we also had the foresight to give Brasil independence while keeping a "portuguese" on the throne, otherwise Brasil would today be 15 republics as prosperous as Bolivia.

>and the only reason you are as resource rich as you are is because of us
by stealing as many of our resources as possible and fighting against our independece through the violent repression of every nationalist revolt we had?

we never fought you for any nationalist revolt, because you never had one.

>By stealing as many of our resources as possible

You need to read some history that wasnt written by a commie hue. You probably think that we stole your gold, when in fact gold extraction had a 1/5th tax, only 20% went to the much tax do you pay today? Also gold extraction led to big migrations of europeans, if it wasnt for the gold rush you would be even blacker.

Conjuraçao/Inconfidencia mineira (1789), Conjuraçao Baiana/Revolta dos Alfaiates (1798), Revolução Pernambucana (1817)

you realize that you were not the only ones to fight for this land right? and your cunt turned out to be the niggerest of them all

Shitty "revolutions" that were rightfully hammered.

Yeah because Brazil was left entirely devoid of ressources when Portugal gave independance.
Even right now, that's the sole reason why you guys are poor.
Fucking hell

Actually, I have no idea, this picture still puzzles me. I've never seen that in real life

the reason of why we are still poor is the corruption within the republic system, especially by commie parties that use our resources so that they may grow larger, e.g: PT, PCdoB, PSDB

And do you think it would be better? Let me guess, you thinks the French and the Netherlands would have turned this shithole in an extension of Europe, right?

>Conjuraçao/Inconfidencia mineira (1789)
Wanted independece only for Minas Gerais, not a nation, if Brazil wants to make them independent now they can do it, but they won't.

>Conjuraçao Baiana/Revolta dos Alfaiates (1798)
Planed a quasi Hatian revolution. Go read on the Haitian revolution to see if that's desirable for anyone.

>Revolução Pernambucana (1817)
Same as minas gerais.

You really must be a commie because only commies bring up these regional revolutions as some kind of historical precedent for independent Brazil.

The Independence of Brazil was only triggered because of Liberals from Porto, not because of those shitty revolts. No one over here wanted independency.

so any revolution to you is the same as a communist revolution?

and you think it would be worse?

No, I said only Brazilian commie retards think movements for the independence of minas gerais and pernambuco means independence for the entirety of Brazil.

>apply Kirchhoff's law

I do. It would be A LOT worse acually.

The main problem of the Portuguese and Sudacas haters with Brazil is the fact that, even with serious and serious problems, we are more relevant and something more successful than them. Brazil have more potential than them all together and even the slightest chance of success irritates them.

We have favelas, crime, disorganization, but we also have big companies, research capacity and other good things.

And haters gonna hate!

Dude, I'm live in Rio, near a favela and I never seen that kind of monstrosity.

the country was heavily separated at that time, due to capitanias hereditarias, so the easiest way to achieve total independence was to every region achieve its own independence, that until D.Pedro I decided to go against Portugal decisions in 1822

Only because you are bigger, you have no international companies, you export agricultural products and oil...all big countries are relevant because they are big and have more population.
You think i hate Brasil and that it irritates me that Brasil has potential? I wish you were the best country in the world. You are part of our legacy and i wish nothing but the best, unfortunately some brasilians like yourself are very hateful and misinformed about Portugal and sometimes make it hard to like you.

>we also had the foresight to give Brasil independence
remember me, what were the intentions of the Liberal Revolution of 1820?
and what did D.Pedro I do at the Ipiranga river in São Paulo?

>the easiest way to achieve total independence was to every region achieve its own independence
Complete retard.
That's why the 13 colonies decided to just do their own thing and not join together to fight the Brits, right? "Break apart together or die", that's how it goes, right? Fucking 80 IQ statements that come out of your mouth.

Thank God João VI actually made the effort to consolidate the entire country, or else we would have a dozen more shit independent countries like the rest of Spanish america.

You know the history of the scream at the Ipiranga didnt happen right? It was made up since the original story is not that appealing. Look into it.

>it was made up
>everything that goes against my country is made up
la educaçao portuguesa

He is right tho.
But I agree that the Liberals of Porto were shit as fuck and they helped ruined the Portuguese Empire.

Alguns Brasileiros têm uma ideia que eu não sei de onde vem que a independência deles foi ao estilo americana... é absolutamente retardado e eu juro que não sei se é a falta de educação, se é mesmo o governo brasileiro que passa esta narrativa nas aulas de história.

A tua ignorância não tem salvação, a culpa não é tua, essa história é ensinada como se fosse verdade nas escolas. Da mesma maneira que aqui é ensinado que na batalha de Ourique em 1139, o Dom Afonso Henriques foi visitado por Jesus Cristo assegurando-o que iria vencer os mouros. Como é obvio isto era propaganda cristã para legitimar o reino e hoje só se aprende pela perspectiva histórica.

Where do you live?

do you have a definitive proof or you are just a conspirationist?

in Rio near a favela

and how do you know definitively that something is made up or not?

Originalmente até tinha sido Santiago, a narrativa só mudou para Cristo depois.

Eu sei que é dificil aceitar a verdade. Algo em que acreditaste toda a tua vida de repente dizem ser falso. Procura historiadores brasileiros a falar do assunto, certamente eles terão melhores fontes que eu.

you know that for every history theres someone "debunking" it, everyone can lie

Porque é que estás a resistir tanto? A mim pouco me importa no que acreditas, mas se queres a verdade procura as fontes e confirma se realmente aconteceu ou não. Os historiadores brasileiros não iriam dizer que não aconteceu sem terem provas.

>mas se queres a verdade procura as fontes
e como eu saberia com certeza que a fonte que você leu é que é a verdade e que a que eu li é a falsa? todos podem mentir rapaz, você me acusar de resistir à verdade não significa que você está certo, somente que você é arrogante o suficiente pra desconsiderar que você possa estar errado


És um brainlet, não vale a pena. Uma fonte não é uma hipotese, uma fonte seria por exemplo um documento oficial que teria informações que poderiam confirmar ou desmentir uma teoria. Se queres continuar a ser um macaco continua, pouco me importa.

e não há nenhuma possibilidade de uma fonte ser forjada, não é?

>forjar um documento com centenas de anos

A história hoje em dia tem bases cientificas, forjar documentos é praticamente impossivel.

A lolbertarian dream

você já ouviu falar que "a história é escrita pelos vitoriosos"?



postando foto da mãe no 4ch?
que feio garoto

>you'll never FAVELADO some white blonde brazilian qt's

I haven't been in a circuits class in years and I still started screaming internally.