Why didn't America stamp out child pederasty from Afghanistan...

Why didn't America stamp out child pederasty from Afghanistan? You'd think they'd do something right after all this time.

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You assume that Americans care about the welfare of others.

You assume wrong.

Well, they are paying for their public health system.

unironically, because that would interfere with the "taliban is satan" narrative

The very first thing Talibans did when they took power was punish bacha bazi faggotry with the sword. Americans gave pedos fresh air.

That's kind of enraging

>You will never bomb a country literally back to the stoneage because some guy was supposedly hiding there

What are you talking about, they just rescued the LGBT community from evildoers

actual Afghan here I don't think that's how it went lol

as a gay lad I will have to deny that statement

We were told that it was part of their culture, and not to interfere.

that's what the russians would have done. we live in the worst timeline

anyone have the pic of Osama being heralded a hero on the american newspaper

I’ve actually heard a story from a soldier that came home from Afghanistan who talked about it. He was a Marine in an Afghan village. His unit was attached to an Afghan unit. Some of the officers in the Afghan military would go into houses with children. He could hear their screams but could do nothing, they needed to stay on good terms with the Afghan troops. Says that the sound of their screams still keeps him awake 6 years after.

Why do you rape?
>We were told that it was part of their culture, and not to interfere.
I know
>“At night we can hear them screaming, but we’re not allowed to do anything about it,” the Marine’s father, Gregory Buckley Sr., recalled his son telling him before he was shot to death at the base in 2012. He urged his son to tell his superiors. “My son said that his officers told him to look the other way because it’s their culture."

Sometimes unfortunate things happened to the kiddy diddlers, it was so sad, but it was a war zone.

Just saying Taliban did killed pedos but their own leaders did the same shit and broke some of their own rules all the time

His apperance must have been shocking to the poor tykes.


>He thinks joking about the rape of children is alright
Come on man

That muslim is good looking though

Same reason we didn't burn their poppy fields. We aren't allowed to force our morals on foreigners anymore. If it makes you feel any better or a lot of veterans of Afghanistan are horrified by that degeneracy.

Swedes are just like that leave him alone

swedes have no comprehension of propriety because they're not funny anyway

la creatura

>You will never bomb a country literally back to the stoneage because some guy was supposedly hiding there
Hard to be there back when most never left the stone age.

Your political correctness is not gonna help them you lazy cunt

Afghans tend to be good looking in general when given proper nutrition and raised in the west.

>be there
*bomb them back

I mean look at his face.
If we were to bleach him into light brown he would look like a super model.

Suffice to say, Afghanistan is a still a shithole. No marter who rules it.

The ones in my school looked like typical arab manlets. The women can be aight tho.

It's too politically correct to not want kids to be raped for Belgians?

put em in western clothes, they look good, pic related

I think he'll still be too scary looking desu

That's because of his stare on the picture

Im pretty sure the left is a photo shoot. Isn't he from American Sniper btw?

yeah he's the afghan actor in american sniper I think

>People died in Afghanistan for the MIC

You people laugh at the corpse of that poor girl who was raped and killed every single day, but my excellent banter is too much?

If a man has no money to buy a wife or a donkey, then he fucks kids.

What the fuck are you on about?

is that what they do in belaruse?


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You would do the same if you were one of them.

Cry more.

that pic is disturbing

>Merica is why the Islamic world is such a shithole!
>they started dressing like Americans in the 1960s and 70s they were practically first world nooooooooo!

At least you can easily see the guy's a creep. Sometimes you ain't that lucky.