So.... Who's more retarded?

So.... Who's more retarded?

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both of them

Egoism is the only anarchoshit that makes sense. Barely.

Eh both are pretty stupid but if I had to choose it would be the ancaps being more stupid

it's a wash

though i find ancaps more annoying


They both make no sense, the micro state ancaps make slightly more sense but their system still wouldnt work



It's like deciding between eating shit and eating vomit.

Well... at least Murray's CONSISTENT. Lol.



All the retarded children of the French revolution. You reap what you sow Rousseau and Voltaire.


A yes reactionary politics. The closest thing you guys have to functioning states are Jordan and that bastion of stability and prosperty, Saudi Arabia

Ancom is literally the usefull idiot of ideologies

>Saudi Arabia
>not prosperous

Not even a Saudi fanboy but pretty sure they're better than any communist country that ever existed.

Both suffer from Autism and should be disregarded entirely but Ancaps are more meme-worthy.

They got the same problem than Venuzela.

That isnt a very high bar, and in the Saudi case I doubt the average guy lives better than the average Russian at the USSR's height

why would a farm "fail" because you put the produce into a collective?

Average Russian? The average Saudi lives better than the Soviet UPPER CLASS during the Cold War.

>inb4 it's because of oil

It indeed is, but then again USSR also had a fuckload of oil and they were still poor.

anyone got the ancom one with adding extra water to someones rations to kill them?

An-com would naturally devolve into an-cap or feudalism anyway

Saudi elite is ridiculously rich to the point of a lot of Saudi princes being able to not work one day in their lives and change cars on a weekly basis and yacht on a yearly basis and still end up rich while tipping waiters 10000 dollars on vacations.

Most of Saudi Arabia is poorfag conservatives and literal slaves. Daily reminder Wahhabis mini-revolted to Saudis because they thought Saudis were westernising.

Ancaps tbqh

Anarcho-Communism, but Anarcho-Capitalism isn't too far behind and I say that as a capitalist

this can't be real

Anarchism naturally attracts autists.

its clearly shopped

It's real

They're equally retarded in the sense that they both claim to be "Anarchists" while demanding you submit to some sort of Authority

AnComs are more retarded in that they also don't understand economics

American Jewish Libertarianism is plutocracy. If the name is Yid, they had better be from Germany or Austria-Hungary for their opinion to not be horrendous.

And his comics are real

They're both authoritarian while pretending to be anarchists, ones are "muh equality" while the other ones are "muh NAP".

In other words they worship spooks.

>rejecting capital ownership means you don't understand economics

They understood economics but didn't want to subscribe to the concurrent notion of it. I do not even support communism of any sort or anarchism and as statist as it gets but this American red scare is retarded.

>This much autism

I don't see how it would, Autists tend to like order to the point that they sperg out when even minor things change.

Odd people, sure. Sperglords, nah.

>an anarchist asking for legalization


This is the dumbest shit I've read today

the collective is a useless middleman between the people and the produce, and is inevitably co-opted by state power.

even when I was a kid I thought anarchists were retarded. I can't believe there are adults who actually believe in this trashy ideaology

Here's an example of a large successful anarchist collectivist community

Here is an example of organic (government just left) anarchic city, complete free market

I doubt that after waking up in the morning, strolling through the trash and looking up at the glimmers of sunlight, the first thing they did was angrily shake their fist at the government provided water pipelines (practically the only government "service" they had)

And why do Ancaps so eager about their idea, other forms of anarchism have actually been formally tried, and they were fairly successful on their own til gov crushed them

here u go

Well I hate ancaps but let's be honest here, Chinks tend to live in physically filthy, criminal environment even when ruled by a strong state. The one exception to this is probably Singapore where the Chinks form only the upper class and not the majority.


Hoppe pls

It's basically just a anarcho-capitalism with a useless monarch

>he's not an anarcho-statist

When AnComm was tried in real life we got CNT-FAI controlled parts of Spain in the 30s (bad).
If AnCap were tried in real life we'd probably end up neocameralism instead

Parents should be forced to feed and care for their children, but after reaching maturity, the children should owe a debt to their parents equal to the esteemed cost of their upbringing.

ancap today is more of the drug trade and other illegal crap


They are actually dumb enough to believe livestock can run the farm.

You just hire a CEO like co-ops, or those big giant publicly owned companies do. The thing is that it's the workers who are the shareholders.

Was it really that bad in Spain? I know they killed lots of nuns and priests but the church was, to be far, cooperating with the falangists supposedly

I'll put in an option C

Anarcho-Monarchism. Yes, it's a thing. No, it doesn't even begin to make sense.

anarchism is the natural state within which every other state exists, its all inclusive thus redundant & the perfect answer to anybody asking

explicitly if they have preconceived popular notions or stereotypes based on mass demogenous stereotypical understaning of language within whatever discourse their academia prescribes from

not the same dude, but Cataluña saw some shit when they were in power. Not that the rest of Spain was exactly flourishing during the civil war, of course. One of the best examples is Orwell's Homage to Catalonia, which basically shows that the "state" was chaos.

Unrelated to the thread but in the same vein of Spanish civil war... I would really like to find a good history of the nine month Basque government from 1936-1937 before they got blitzed. I've only heard what I assume are biased opinions of their operations. If anyone knows of anything like this, pls respond




It's just fucking ketchup and mustard. Who gives a shot

So dickwad companies like United, right?

I hate those faggots. They treat everyone like shit and have abysmal service.

I need more of these please post


what are these called i need more

And in sure you're well read in all the major economists?

I don't think anyone here has the vainest idea of anarchism or it's philosophy and thinks they understand everything there is to understand simply by looking at one the many anarcho names.

While these comics are funny, they're not legitimate criticisms of ancap philosophy, even though there are many.

I don't know but here's a page about it.

They have one job and they always fail at it, fucking canceryourmeme


It's real


Here's your (you)

Because if it's one thing young people don't have enough of these days, it's debt.

Ancoms are by far more retarded. Ancaps expect people to work together because it would be mutually beneficial and people would kill anyone who tried to fuck with them. Obviously this wouldn't work in reality, but it still makes some logical sense.
Ancaps believe that everyone would share everything and there would be no private property. This would be enforced by """the collective""" which is somehow totally not the same thing as government coercion.

There are two types of anarchists, in my mind. Those who "believe" in it because they are boring people and want to seem edgy or interesting, and those who have the mental incapacity to comprehend that it can never be successfully applied in any beneficial manner.

There are two types of statists, in my mind. Those who "believe" in it because they are unimaginative people and want to seem practical or pragmatic, and those who have the mental incapacity to comprehend that it can never be successfully applied in any beneficial manner that doesn't lead to millions dead, imprisoned, or stolen from.

Here, ancaps and ancoms are all equally worthless pieces of shit.

>property lmao
Ancap is like a religion with a spook as their god.

And there are people who understood the reality of the anarchy. That the laws, governments and other means of control are just a spook. That is why you random crazies can just name yourself The United States and bomb people from Middle East, without anybody nobody who can stop them. Because our world is already in anarchy and would be on basic, most important levels. Might is right and nothing is going to change that. Not King, not Party, not All-Mighty Dollar.

Property might be a spook but it's a useful one in certain instances. Having violence be done to you unless you comply certainly isn't a spook.

Property is literally the opposite of a spook

ancap is brutal, assholic2 i do what i want. but ancom is even by its own logic retarded. freedom unless the tribe decides otherwise, come on...

>the anarcho-syndicalist
illegalist reporting in
everyone else is a pussy

Agree with this, ancap at least has some logic to it, but would never work in practice unless human beings were suddenly to believe that freedom of contract and private property rights trump every other ethical consideration. Even then, the society would probably self-destruct in a short matter of time.

Ancom, meanwhile, would necessarily have to have some state-like enforcement mechanism to prevent people from using more than they should out of the collective, which seems to tacitly recognize property rights in that everyone "owns" a share of the collective.

I can't fathom how people think a communistic society cannot function without falling apart considering their are countless communes throughout history and even now that function perfectly fine. Not to mention most ancient hunter-gatherer societies don't have a complex system of property rights or even property rights in general, besides some specific instances, and the resources are held in common.

Not to mention that any system falls apart once people start trying to take advantage of it and screw their fellows, because any society falls apart once the individuals within don't care about each other.

That's why anarcho-primitivism is the most logical anarchist variant. Still far-fetched, but derived from historical models.

>when your ideology is less logical than going back to the stone-age

Well, yes, but those communes (more like tribes) still had a state-like enforcement mechanism for people who violated the norms of the community, so they weren't anarchist in any meaningful sense (and I don't see how kibbutz are anarchist either). I agree with , anarcho-primitivism makes the most sense, but would practically entail destroying everything and living in the woods by ourselves as solitary hunter gatherers.

Anarcho-primitivism is a distinct anarchist philosophy because the problems it's trying to fix are rarely seen as such by other anarchists, particularly left-libertarians. Whereas left-libertarians are especially concerned with property, equality, and the state and so propose a communist society to fix those problems, anarcho-primitivists see the entire modern industrial system as problem and all the other problems stem from it.

You can't say your tribesmen getting pissed off and telling you to stop or they'll exile you is the same as a state. The state is a complex system that requires dedicated members to work for it and can only exist in an agricultural society.

You can't say no system is anarchistic because there's rules in place; anarchy is a lack of rulers and hierarchy, not a lack of order. Nor can you say that because rules are enforced somehow that means it's no longer anarchy.

>being cucked by adjectives
Synthesis anarchism is transcendent tier
Although ideally the focus should be social anarchist values with a bit of social capitalism and minarchism to keep things under control.

I feel like reducing yourself to a political philosophy is sad. Or even using it as a primary descriptor.

I have opinions that are somewhat in line with left anarchists, I guess, eg a skepticism towards entrenched social systems, a disgust for the baseness of a society whose organizing principles are aligned to fit the exchange of capital etc, but I don't hold these as universal salvatory proscriptions, but as wariness. People who erect perfect systems in their head that they wish the world would mirror are close in kin to autistics and LARPers.

Any version of this I can actually fucking read?

The reason why Saudi Barbaria didn't go down in violent civil war is that the elites give big bonuses to everybody every time they see any dissent. It's like with lolbertarians claiming that super low taxes is the way forward and showing Luxembourg or Liechtenstein as examples - sure a fucking tax haven with sub 250k population can operate like that, pretty much, yeah. If significantly bigger amount of countries would become tax havens though those places would turn into shitholes, so their prosperity is dependant on quite artificial bubble.

With Saudis it's another thing - oil prices. If oil would get outcompeted by different fuels(and the price would drop significantly), its use would be limited to being a resource for various polymers and Saudis would have to either reform or wait and see as their old method impoverishes them and their cities return to desert after huge civil war.

>one ludicrously rich fucker per 100 middle class

>"social capitalism"
>compatible with anarchsim

>considering their are countless communes throughout history and even now that function perfectly fine.
And 99% of them collapsed for one reason or another.

Mises was also literally a Jew, descended from feudal nobility, an Austrian fascist, and basically either worked teaching or in government.

Most modern ones don't collapse, the ones that do fail fail because the original members lose interest and go somewhere else or the new generation does. Even then there are plenty of communes out there that have the resources in common.