How is the life when you know you will never eat a pizza with real french cheese inside ?

How is the life when you know you will never eat a pizza with real french cheese inside ?

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i don't understand what you wrote

What part ?

kys retard


please respond

Bitch please


Real means authentic and inside means the ingredients on the pizza

never seen fake french cheese desu

In the pic it's reblochon

now that's interesting, btw, do you use any kind of herbs on your pizzas? the one in the op doesn't seem to have any

what the fuck I didn't know I was miserable

I just in the article that this cheese is prohibited in USA, lol.
I use oregano or basil; Sometimes they mix herbs in the tomato sauce

In the US they won't allow people to sell cheese made with unpasteurized milk, so they can't eat artisanal cheeses unless they make them themselves. I use oregano aswell but if you are using goats cheese or something similar, like an earthy cheese, I recommend you to get fresh thyme, uma delicia

I once ate a pizza in a swedish town with less than 5k people made by a pakistani man, and it was one of the best pizzas I ever had and that's good enough for me

what does that cheese taste like though

With goat cheese, I often see honey in pizzas. Pic is goat cheese, honey and raw ham

Creamy with a bit strong taste, very good hot like in tartiflette recipe

I've eaten this, not a fan of honey on pizzas tho, for the sweet and sour combo I unironically go with the pineapple ham pizza. But, I love goat or ricotta cheese with honey as a desert

cheese that's best hot is the best kind of cheese

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