Race mixing is generally considered degenerate, but I have an idea. To create a true master race...

Race mixing is generally considered degenerate, but I have an idea. To create a true master race, what we need to do is mix all the races. And not just having everyone bone, no, what we do is take the absolute best specimen from every race, and breed out all the negative aspects of those races, so only the positive remain. And then we mix them, to have the best of the human species.

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What is evolution?

This is selective breeding, like creating a new breed of dog. We didn't get German Shepherds just from natural chance.

White people are already the best humans.


Give me a reason that isn't "shill" "Cuck" or "Jew"

I support race mixing if the white girl is really ugly and the black man has some really good facial bone structure, because otherwise the ugly woman would've found an ugly white man with bad facial bone structure and the child would've been uglier than both of them. Take the cuckple in OPs pic as an example. The woman has awful facial bone structure but the children look sort of okay


Local user can't make a real argument so he just insults people he disagrees with

Calling him local.. That's a stretch. Americans no sense of 'local'

Wait, you were serious? Fucking kek.

It's a joke, parodying a news article headline

Neat rehash of this thread shill.

Rootless cattle whom they will force (with massive inherentence tax) to "re-set" every generation

An ethnic group (either real, such as native Germans, or partially constructed, such as 'Aryans') has a very strong ability to resist subversion.

Think of it like someone who has lost their memory, you can mould and abuse them to your will. With no ethnic identity all forms of identification become purely memetic; you see proto stages of that now, in my country in the past 5 years we have seen this in the form of "British Values", essentially the British state, its taxpaying citizens and its values could exist without a single Briton in it. And that's the point. It can be entirely controlled; one day our values are war with Oceania, the next with Eurasia.

Population demographically speaking will be almost wholly African. And yes with some mixed remnants. Very low IQ, very easy to manipulate and critically; no other identity other than WHAT JOB THEY DO. (for the Jew). Mixed race have an advantage to the Jew as they have no other identity than "is human".

Two classes of people. Gods chosen and the goyim. London is a great example of this emerging (note victim card and yet aggressor, from this 'right wing' Jewish rag), Jews have marked out thier territory;dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3619324/Plan-six-mile-Jewish-home-area-north-London-let-faithful-avoid-Sabbath-restrictions-raises-fears-creating-new-ghetto.htmlnative Brits are now just one part of a mix of people, an "international zone", this is the other side of the coin Jews are pushing to create a world of worker cities where the bee-goyim work, and the Jew forms a neo feudal ruling class, and they reap, occasionally they let it slip;youtube.com/watch?v=awCOSRg-gks[Open] (3:50).

The Jew is playing 5D chess; Israel is a sacrificial nation, ever wondered why alt right etc shills against " Zionism"? They don't want a nation, they want the world.

White men should breed with all other races, but white women should be preserved for the white men only.

Take the strongest specimen of each dog breed and bred them together into...a pile of shit.

-Mental Health Problems (genetic)
-No real identity resulting in more mental health problems
-Sicker than not racemixed (genetic)
-By beauty standards ugly

Wow, this really made me think.

Not happening if you don't race mix

>Western Europe keeps sending aid to Africa to help decrease mortality

Wrong evolution can even happen on a sub racial level

>Survival of the fit
Pick one.

>negative aspects of those races
Whites have no negatives aspects they r pretty much well balanced

>OP came up with eugenics

A groundbreaking idea from 2 millenia ago.

This. Thought this was satire at first, but OP might be legit full retard.

>To create a true master race, what we need to do is mix all the races.
Yeah. On a giant battlefield.

I can see your nose

What is eugenics?

>but I have an idea
Stopped reading there

>Race mixing is generally considered degenerate

On Sup Forums yes, not in real life

What do white people stand to gain from this? We already have the tallest people(Netherlands), the strongest people(pretty much every powerlifting champion) the biggest cocks(Jonah Falcon), the highest IQs(Marilyn Vos Savant, Christopher Langan) and the hottest women