In order to succeed at life, you must acquire a Finnish wife

In order to succeed at life, you must acquire a Finnish wife

Other urls found in this thread: wife/country/FI/type/op/

They're all sluts no thanks.

What are finnish wifes good at?

I don't want asian genes on my child.
I can only fuck Atlantid women like this

Would consider if she sings really well

But Atlantid women like that have Negroid genes


t. Finnish mother Swedish father

making you cynical and miserable and fat


Uh, I see. I'll pass than.

That finish women has asian eyes,round asian face,the portuguese girl I posted has a atlantid jaw,atlantid nose and lip structure

Most Portugese women don't look like that though, right? Or have I been kept in the dark about the beauty of Portugse wahmen?

I assume that's the whole point of these threads, my Aryan Portuguese brother. wife/country/FI/type/op/

>he doesn't know

I want her

Something seems fishy about this map...almost as if it had been edited

why is Eastern Italy blonde?

Yeah,You're missing out.

I want a Moortugese gf now

There are quite a few Finn girls here actually

Quite surprising

Literally the worst possible example of "le butifel finnish wimin"



wow very QT

You should emigrate here,and bring your women aswell,we'll protect them from the muslims that will eventually assault them in sweden

>white chick with asian traits
I fail to recognize the problem here

Mmmm seksi seksi slurps slärps

I'm tall and blonde but sadly very autistic so wouldn't do well with Med wahmen probably. Sorry

alright, give me one

And who said you came to procreate?You're going to be a boipussy slave here.

Sorry but I doubt there is a Portugese man bigger than me. plus I'm not gay so..

I am 1.90m tall.Is that enough?

Take them all, they're disloyal and only fuck brown men

>wide jaw

Girls need to have certain level on neoteny, that is, retention of childlike features like pale skin and less pronounced facial features to be considered cute. Otherwise they're just sexy or hot

This woman is very neotenous but at the same time very fertile, so in other words, a perfect specimen for breeding and taking care of

I'm still 4cm taller than you sorry Páco, you can be my friend though

>they're disloyal and only fuck brown men

Shieeet, you can keep them then. I don't want to be cucked by another Muhammed.

How common are people like you in Portuland?

>tfw ethnic Dutch and only 179cm

The girl you posted is overweight

the portuguese girls i know are all chubby. cant blame them, portugal has delicious sweets and coffees and i like chubby girls, but i've never seen a thin one.

Man here born between 1995-2000 have on average around 1.80ms.
Our country was under a severe fascist/authoritarian regime from the 1930s to 1974 and because of that many children grew up nutritionally lacking which demoted their growth.My parents are both around 1.65m and me and my brother are over 1.80m.So my parents could have probably grow up to be over 1.70m if they had grown up eating well.

All this map data at least for Portugal paints a pretty bad picture.

Maybe because you don't actually know portuguese girls

What? This is overweight in Portugal?

Alrighty then

>>tfw ethnic Dutch and only 179cm

Kinda.For a girl inbetween her 23-30 years old it's perfectly fine.


arent there some in your country?

Eurasian = Beauty beyond compare

>Maybe because you don't actually know portuguese girls
lol yeah sure they actually run a portuguese café but you got me there, they are german pretending to be portuguese because thats cooler

I would prefer a m*Doid gf because better food

She's kinda chubby but that's what most of the Finnish women are I guess. They're not petite in the slightest when going by your standards

Asian guy who succeeded in life

Is she virgin



The most petite women can be found in SEA (but those are for losers and pedos lel)

I'm being very picky,any average looking finnish girl would be ok for me.

Arr rook same.

Another Asian guy who succeeded

i wish

>let me tell you about your native women based on my cunt's diaspora

Please Hans, stop trying to be american. Girls usually let themselves go a bit chubby at 28 years old or so.

Succeeded in getting an Asian gf?

>the absolute state of Asian bois

Very good. Asians are good.

>Another Asian guy who succeeded

see vid below

she is finnish. i dont have to lie.

>average height 146.1 - 148.0

I mean, that means at least half of the Indonesian women are below 148cm r-r-right?

Truly a Mecca for pedophiles

So Asian that is. Step up your game, eurasian tiger. I'm sure you can find some WF/AM couples

BASED. He will now succeed in life.

How do you even find this specific shit

Is this the power of OCD?

Are you the same Asian American who told me about how you hate your life and you loathe the fact that you're Asian?

Another successful Asian guy

He's an insecure Chinese American who have spent last 7 years of his life posting AMWF couples on an anime website almost everyday.



Can Polish racemix with Finnish or is it forbidden?

Why do people like this exist? I understand it's a mental illness, but why do I keep seeing so many self hating people on this site. It's starting to get really common.

just tell me if portuguese girls are feminist, cause the ones that live here are nice but really feminist which is a red flag for me.

Race is a very sensitive and emotion provoking topic on 4chins, which is why it's a good subject for baiting people. I'm sure he's not the only one with OCD towards race here

No,they aren't.Feminism for some girls here is a stupid/retarded concept

Its forbidden in Poland. We are not pure enough for you.

Definitely not forbidden. I see a lot of Polish/Lithuanian/Estonian women with Finnish males here.

I, for one, welcome our Slavic brothers to breed our women (but I doubt you will since your women are much better)

Nah, we love to racemix. What about Finnish people, would you racemix with us? Are we worthy enough for you? Do you see us as sl*v trash?


This Asian guy is very successful

>This Asian guy is very successful

Why are Asian men so insecure?...

I would be pretty creeped out if some random autist on Sup Forums posted pictures of me and my girlfriend

BTW : This finnish girl works as a model

Thank you bro. I hope you will find a nice Kasia whom you will marry and breed with you at least 5 children.

You're bro-tier. Cheap manual labor is always needed in this god forsaken socialist shithole where work done by Finns costs so much the companies are literally evacuating

I would racemix with a Polish woman for sure

SHe is also taller than him

>tfw Chvash

Embrace it, brother. Embrace it.

Thanks, there is still a light at the end of the tunnel for me. Finnish approved me for racemixing with their woman, so I can still succeed at life! What a great day, thanks guys I'm off to work now :^)